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7 October 2024 Effect of S-metolachlor and flumioxazin herbicides on sweetpotato treated with and without activated charcoal applied through transplant water
Colton D. Blankenship, Katherine M. Jennings, David W. Monks, Stephen L. Meyers, David L. Jordan, Jonathan R. Schultheis, David H. Suchoff, Levi D. Moore, Stephen J. Ippolito
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Flumioxazin and S-metolachlor are widely used in conventional sweetpotato production in North Carolina and other states; however, some growers have recently expressed concerns about potential effects of these herbicides on sweetpotato yield and quality. Previous research indicates that activated charcoal has the potential to reduce herbicide injury. Field studies were conducted in 2021 and 2022 to determine whether flumioxazin applied preplant and Smetolachlor applied before and after transplanting negatively affect sweetpotato yield and quality when activated charcoal is applied with transplant water. The studies evaluated five herbicide treatments and two activated charcoal treatments. Herbicide treatments included two flumioxazin rates, one S-metolachlor rate applied immediately before and immediately after transplanting, and no herbicide. Charcoal treatments consisted of activated charcoal applied at 9 kg ha–1, and no charcoal. No visual injury from herbicides or charcoal was observed. Likewise, no effect of herbicide or charcoal treatment on no. 1, marketable (sum of no. 1 and jumbo grades), or total yield (sum of canner, no. 1, and jumbo grades) was observed. Additionally, shape analysis conducted on calculated length-to-width ratio (LWR) for no. 1 sweetpotato roots found no effect from flumioxazin at either rate on sweetpotato root shape. However, both Smetolachlor treatments resulted in lower LWR of no. 1 sweetpotato roots in 2021. Results are consistent with prior research and indicate that flumioxazin and S-metolachlor are safe for continued use on sweetpotato at registered rates.

Nomenclature: Flumioxazin; S-metolachlor; sweetpotato; Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.

Colton D. Blankenship, Katherine M. Jennings, David W. Monks, Stephen L. Meyers, David L. Jordan, Jonathan R. Schultheis, David H. Suchoff, Levi D. Moore, and Stephen J. Ippolito "Effect of S-metolachlor and flumioxazin herbicides on sweetpotato treated with and without activated charcoal applied through transplant water," Weed Technology 38(1), 1-4, (7 October 2024).
Received: 28 February 2024; Accepted: 12 June 2024; Published: 7 October 2024
Activated charcoal
weed management
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