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29 November 1996 Die Taxonomie der Stipa fontanesii Parl., und S. maroccana, eine neue Art aus Marokko (Gramineae)
Hildemar Scholz
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In 1850, Parlatore named plants of Stipa sect. Leiostipa from both Greece and NW Africa S. fontanesii but actually two different species are involved. It is proposed to restrict the name S. fontanesii to the eastern species, which either may be included in S. holosericea as a synonym or may represent a subspecies, S. holosericea subsp. fontanesii, distributed from Greece to Asia Minor, whereas the NW African plants are described as a species new to science, named S. balansae. In addition, S. maroccana from Morocco is described as another species new to science.

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Hildemar Scholz "Die Taxonomie der Stipa fontanesii Parl., und S. maroccana, eine neue Art aus Marokko (Gramineae)," Willdenowia 26(1/2), 225-228, (29 November 1996).
Published: 29 November 1996
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