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29 November 1996 The Pluchea tetranthera complex (Compositae, Plucheeae) from Australia
Susanne Hunger
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The Australian taxon commonly treated as Pluchea tetranthera is revised and shown to represent a complex of three closely related endemic species, i. e. Pluchea tetranthera, P. ferdinandi-muelleri and P. dunlopii. P. dunlopii is described as a species new to science. A key to the three species, illustrations, descriptions and a distribution map are given and their chromosome numbers (2n = 10) are presented for the first time.

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Susanne Hunger "The Pluchea tetranthera complex (Compositae, Plucheeae) from Australia," Willdenowia 26(1/2), 273-282, (29 November 1996).
Published: 29 November 1996
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