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4 December 1998 Contributions to the knowledge of Jurinea mollis s.l. (Compositae). 1. Jurinea mollis subsp. moschata, a synonym of J. mollis subsp. mollis
Fabio Conti
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The typification of the basionym Carduus mollis is discussed, a previous lectotypification rejected and a new lectotype with an epitype designated. Jurinea mollis subsp. moschata is shown to be identical with J. mollis subsp. mollis and its basionym Carduus moschatus is lectotypified. J. mollis f. erectobracteata is described as a forma new to science.

Fabio Conti "Contributions to the knowledge of Jurinea mollis s.l. (Compositae). 1. Jurinea mollis subsp. moschata, a synonym of J. mollis subsp. mollis," Willdenowia 28(1/2), 47-52, (4 December 1998).
Published: 4 December 1998
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