In the Greater Antilles the family Ochnaceae is represented by the genera Sauvagesia and Ouratea. The genus Sauvagesia is represented by S. tenella in Cuba and Hispaniola, S. erecta subsp. erecta in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico and S. erecta subsp. brownei in Cuba and Jamaica. The genus Ouratea comprises: O. agrophylla, O. revoluta, O. elliptica. O. schizostyla, O. xolismifolia, O. ×acunae and O. ×savannarum, all endemic to Cuba; O. striata from Cuba and Puerto Rico; O. nitida from Cuba and Jamaica; O. litoralis, endemic to Puerto Rico; O. ilicifolia, endemic to Hispaniola; and O. laurifolia, O. jamaicensis and O. elegans, all endemic to Jamaica. Identification keys to the genera and species are presented.
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