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1 July 2009 Review of hairy species of Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) of the West Indies, with description of two new species from Cuba
Manuel G. Caluff, Gustavo Shelton
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Five species of Selaginella growing in the West Indies present hairs on their leaves. They are here revised, with full descriptions, illustrations, specimen citations and an identification key. Two of them, both endemic to Cuba, are described as new to science: S. epipubens, an acidophilous species from W Cuba (Pinar del Río province and Isla de la Juventud), and S. urquiolae, a calcicolous species from W Cuba (Pinar del Río province).

© 2009 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Manuel G. Caluff and Gustavo Shelton "Review of hairy species of Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) of the West Indies, with description of two new species from Cuba," Willdenowia 39(1), 107-119, (1 July 2009).
Published: 1 July 2009
Greater Antilles
Selaginella subg. Stachygynandrum
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