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9 June 2011 New combinations in Hoya for the species of Clemensiella (Marsdenieae, Apocynaceae)
Livia Wanntorp, Ulrich Meve
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Clemensiella, with two species in the Philippines, Sumatra and Sarawak, respectively, has traditionally been considered as one of the distinct genera of the tribe Marsdenieae, based on morphological evidence. However, new molecular phylogenetic evidence has demonstrated that Clemensiella is nested within Hoya as sister group to species of H. sect. Eriostemma. Therefore we propose to merge Clemensiella with Hoya and provide the new combinations H. mariae and H. omlori for its two species.

© 2011 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Livia Wanntorp and Ulrich Meve "New combinations in Hoya for the species of Clemensiella (Marsdenieae, Apocynaceae)," Willdenowia 41(1), 97-99, (9 June 2011).
Published: 9 June 2011
Hoya sect. Eriostemma
phylogenetic relationships
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