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28 July 2016 Henckelia wijesundarae (Gesneriaceae), a new endemic species from Sri Lanka, and lectotypification of Chirita walkerae and C. walkerae var. parviflora
Subhani Ranasinghe, Richard Milne, Rohana Jayasekara, Sumudu Rubasinghe, Michael Möller
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A new species, Henckelia wijesundarae, endemic to Hiniduma, Galle, Sri Lanka, is described and illustrated. Diagnostic features of the new species are discussed and compared to the closely allied species H. walkerae. Based on fieldwork studies, we propose an IUCN conservation status of Critically Endangered (CR) for H. wijesundarae. At the same time we lectotypify the names Chirita walkerae (the basionym of H. walkerae) and C. walkerae var. parviflora (treated here in the synonymy of H. wijesundarae).

Version of record first published online on 28 July 2016 ahead of inclusion in August 2016 issue.

© 2016 The Authors · This open-access article is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 licence
Subhani Ranasinghe, Richard Milne, Rohana Jayasekara, Sumudu Rubasinghe, and Michael Möller "Henckelia wijesundarae (Gesneriaceae), a new endemic species from Sri Lanka, and lectotypification of Chirita walkerae and C. walkerae var. parviflora," Willdenowia 46(2), 213-224, (28 July 2016).
Received: 23 November 2015; Accepted: 1 April 2016; Published: 28 July 2016
Chirita walkerae
Chirita walkerae subsp. parviflora
Chirita walkerae var. parviflora
Henckelia walkerae
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