Platform Launch Information for Librarians

BioOne has launched a new platform for its content aggregation, BioOne Complete. The new site, which debuted on January 1, 2019, is powered by a unique nonprofit collaboration with SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.

Key facts, features, and transition details

  • Launch Date: January 1, 2019. 

  • Institutional Administration: Log into your account to see your institution's COUNTER statistics, IP addresses, and subscription information. All information for librarians is accessible via your personal username and password. We have created a brief introduction to the institutional administration dashboard guide (PDF) for your reference.

  • Why: The new BioOne platform (remaining at gives BioOne Complete a more modern and intuitive look and feel, while retaining all of the functionality that our subscribers and users rely upon.  It also better positions us for growth in the future, allowing for more flexibility in content models and e-commerce. Most importantly, this move redirects a major cost center to a collaborative, not-for-profit partner. 

  • Nonprofit Collaboration: The new BioOne Complete platform has been built in in partnership with SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. This significant partnership leverages SPIE’s proprietary platform technology to meet the needs of BioOne’s community, including its more than 4,000 accessing libraries worldwide. 

  • Look and Feel: The new site features a refreshed look and offers enhanced functionality and improved usability. Development of additional features and fine tuning of the interface will continue long past official launch.

  • Improved Mobile and Off-Site Access: The mobile version of the site provides a much improved user experience. Users at subscribing organizations who create and sign into an account while on their organization's network will be affiliated with the organization's subscription and will have full off-site access.
  • Full-Text HTML: As on the previous site, all journal content is displayed in full-text HTML alongside the downloadable PDF.

  • Personalization Tools: Creating a free personal account allows any user to save content to a personal library and sign up for a variety of email alerts.

  • Information for End Users: To help get new users started and assist with promotion, please see our Get Started with BioOne Complete guide (PDF).Users also have access to a robust Help section, which contains detailed tutorials for many of the site's features.

Note: If your institution uses EZProxy to provide remote access, please be sure to update your proxy configuration file as soon as possible following launch. We have added the updated EZProxy database stanza to our Resources for Librarians and Administrators page, and  Migration FAQ (PDF, updated Jan 1).

Additionally, if you harvest metadata through OAI-PMH, please note that our URL will be changing, and you will need to update your harvesters accordingly in order to continue to have access. Likewise, if your institution uses a SUSHI tool to harvest COUNTER reports, you will need to update the tool’s settings post-launch.

Make sure everything is working for you and your patrons

First and foremost, please email if you are unable to access your subscription / licensed content. 

As part of the migration process, your existing library administrator account has been imported into the new site, but you must reset your password before you can access the account for the first time. If you reset your password during the preview period you will not need to do this again.

Instructions for resetting your BioOne Account password: 

Your existing BioOne Account will have been imported from the previous platform. However, in order to ensure the security of your account, your previous password has not been imported. You will need to reset your password before you are able to log into the site. 

  1. Go to and click ‘Sign In’ found at the upper right of the page to open the ‘Sign In’ menu.
  2. In the ‘Sign In’ menu, click the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.
  3. Provide your email address when requested and then click the blue ‘Reset Password’ button.
  4. If you have an existing account a confirmation message will appear and an email will be sent to your address.
  5. Use the link provided in the email to reset your password.

Note: If you do not have an existing institutional administrator account and would like one please contact

Instructions for EZproxy Updates:

As of January 1, 2019, please immediately update your EZproxy stanza with the following in your config file (just omits references to ‘preview’):

Title BioOne Complete 

A Hosted EZproxy Include File is available for this resource. Hosted EZproxy customers will receive automatic updates with OCLC’s latest version of this stanza by adding the following line to config.txt:

IncludeFile databases/bioonecomplete.txt

Please note that the new platform uses secure http (https://). In order for EZproxy to give remote users access to resources with secure URLs, you must obtain, install, and configure an SSL Certificate (if you have not done so already for other secure resources).

For more information, see EZProxy’s documentation here.

Instructions for OAI-PMH Harvester Updates:

The BioOne Complete platform supports the client/server protocol Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) for requesting and returning metadata from the BioOne Complete aggregation.

Please note that the URL has changed from http to https. You will need to update your harvester post-launch.

Constructing OAI-PMH Requests

The OAI-PMH client (called the harvester) uses six types of requests (called verbs) to obtain metadata from the BioOne Complete platform. One of the verbs is added to the base URL to specify the type of request. For reference, here is the name file.

BioOne Complete OAI-PMH base URL:

Verbs to create a request:

  1. GetRecord
  2. Identify
  3. ListIdentifiers
  4. ListMetadataFormats
  5. ListRecords
  6. ListSets

An example request URL would be:

For more information on OAI-PMH, please visit OAI-PMH's website.

If you encounter any issues harvesting post-launch, contact

COUNTER Reports and SUSHI Harvesting

Note: All of your institution's COUNTER data may not be fully imported at this time, and thus you may not be able to pull reports from the site at the moment. Reporting will be ready when the site launches. All 2018 COUNTER data will be available shortly after launch.

The new BioOne Complete platform is compliant with COUNTER 5 standards and will begin collecting COUNTER 5 compliant data upon launch. The first COUNTER 5 report (for January 2019) will be available in February, but reports for usage pre-January 2019 will be in COUNTER 4 format.

COUNTER reports are available in the new Institutional Administration dashboard. The new tool will provide data from the current COUNTER reports as well as several years of back data. Older reports will be available on request.

If your institution uses a SUSHI tool to harvest COUNTER reports, you will need to update the tool’s settings. You will no longer use the previous SUSHI service URL ( and credentials. Instead, you will use our new platform’s SUSHI service URL ( and the new credentials required to access this service. Find your new credentials by logging in to BioOne Complete and clicking the arrow next to your account name in the black bar at the top of the screen. Click Institutional Administration, then select COUNTER Reports, then click the “View COUNTER Reports” button to access the reporting dashboard. In the top right of the reporting dashboard, click the green button labelled with your institution's name to display a menu; select SUSHI from the menu. A one-time registration will be required in order to view your institution’s credentials (Requestor ID and Customer ID).

Verify institution settings on the Institutional Administration page: 

In order to make sure all of your settings have been correctly brought over from our previous platform please log into your account and access the institutional administration dashboard.  Once there select the Institutional Account Details tab and verify that the information displayed for the items below looks accurate. For information about how to access the institutional administration dashboard and its features please consult our introduction to the institutional administration dashboard guide (PDF).

Note: You will need to reset the password of your existing account before you can log into the site to access the Institutional Administration page

  • Shibboleth/OpenAthens: If your institution is using Shibboleth/OpenAthens the Entity ID and Organization Unit ID will be displayed.

  • OpenURL: If configured your existing settings will be displayed.  Administrators will be able to update the configuration of the Base URL, Link Text, and Button Image.

  • IP Addresses: The IP ranges configured to provide access through your institution will be displayed.  Use the Edit button to modify or add additional IP ranges.

  • LOCKSS: If your institution is using a LOCKSS server its IP address will be displayed.  If the IP address is missing or incorrect please contact and provide the address being used by your institution.

Questions? Need assistance?

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the BioOne Complete Transition team.

Image is Figure 1 from " The Advertisement Call of Diasporus gularis and D. tinker from The Pacific Region of Colombia" by Tatiana Toro-Sánchez and Manuel Hernando Bernal-Bautista, from the South American Journal of Herpetology. 10(2): 116–120. 2015.

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