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The Society of Wetland Scientists

Titles in the BioOne Digital Library

Wetland Science and Practice


The mission of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) is to promote understanding, conservation, protection, restoration, science-based management, and sustainability of wetlands.


Wetland science will:

  • Form the basis of the public's understanding of the important functions and values of wetlands
  • Advance as a rigorous interdisciplinary endeavor and body of knowledge
  • Provide the foundation for management, restoration, conservation and policy

The Society of Wetland Scientists will:

  • Strive to be recognized as the world leader in wetland science
  • Lead the education of wetland professionals and the public regarding wetland science and applications
  • Continue to promote the development of wetland science programs around the world, particularly in developing countries
  • Continue to promote diversity among SWS members and other wetland professionals
  • Actively promote the inclusion of sound science in wetland policy and stewardship


  • To operate solely and exclusively as a charitable and educational organization to foster conservation and understanding of wetlands
  • To advance public education and enlightenment concerning wetland resources
  • To provide an independent forum for an interchange of ideas and data developed within wetland science
  • To develop and encourage wetland science as a distinct discipline by supporting student education, curriculum development and research
  • To encourage and evaluate the educational, scientific and technological development and advancement of all branches of wetland science and practice
  • To encourage the knowledge management of wetland resources

Official website

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