As the new Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the Journal of Coastal Research (JCR), it is with great appreciation and humility that I accept this distinguished position. I personally feel this post carries a responsibility to serve the coastal research community and to build professional linkages around the world by disseminating some of the most innovative and influential studies being carried out today. By creating an international forum for the littoral sciences, the JCR facilitates the progress of science by reporting new peer-reviewed scholarly research in both the printed journal and online electronic formats. It also enables researchers to contribute papers with updated methods, data, and findings, while keeping current with developments in their own specific disciplines. Because the information and views in the JCR are based on either theoretical, speculative, mathematical, empirical, experimental, or physical models, as well as approaches and techniques in the field, the journal appeals to a wide coastal audience and I am honored to currently be at the helm of such a diverse publication.
Starting in January 2019, there will have been only two Editors-in-Chief of the JCR: initially, Dr. Charles W. Finkl and subsequently, Dr. Christopher Makowski. The reason for this sound foundation of the journal stems from Dr. Finkl's passion and devotion when he created the publication 35 years ago. Within the pages of the JCR, he was able to help researchers and academics present the results of their work in an international periodical that furthered the progress of coastal science. I carry that same dedication and commitment for the JCR today. While working by Dr. Finkl's side for the past decade, I keenly observed how to interact with authors, associate editors, peer reviewers, and production staff. In that role, I learned that timely and responsive communication is essential to the smooth running of a journal. Procedures, techniques, and the subtle complexities of running a scientific journal have been passed ontome from Dr. Finkl over my years of apprenticeship in the publishing world and I am indebted to him for this invaluable tutelage and education. Therefore, it is a great honor for me to carry on his legacy by following in his footsteps.
As we march forward, the focus of my professional efforts will be the continued success of the JCR, which begins with the communication between those who either contribute or interact with the journal. I will embrace personal correspondence with authors and be available when questions or concerns arise. Because the non-profit research society, Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF), remains the publisher of the JCR, the same high ethical standards that were instituted thirty-five years ago will still be maintained. As we seamlessly transition on this path of guidance for the JCR, you are all encouraged to join our efforts by providing new and exciting research findings.
Lastly, the support of the CERF-JCR publishing effort by the international coastal community is very much appreciated and we thank everyone for their contributions and dedication over the years. Without your commitment to CERF-JCR, the journal would not be the success it is today. It is thus my honor and privilege to take the reins of the JCR and serve as the new incoming Editor-in-Chief.