Felipe Espinosa, Thierry Deroin, Valéry Malécot, Wei Wang, Myreya Pinedo, Sophie Nadot, Florian Jabbour
Adansonia 43 (2), 9-18, (25 January 2021) https://doi.org/10.5252/adansonia2021v43a
KEYWORDS: Delphinium, pre-Linnean classification, floral morphology, zygomorphy, actinomorphy
Since its first valid description by Linnaeus in 1753, the genus Delphinium L. has undergone numerous taxonomical changes that we synthesize here. The knowledge of the taxonomic history of the genus is essential to clarify its circumscription. For this purpose, we outline its pre-Linnaean taxonomic history, from Dioscorides' translated works dating back to the 16th century to Tournefort's classification in 1694. Regarding its post-Linnaean history, we discuss the three different lectotypifications proposed during in the 20th century. In addition, we amend the description of the typical flower of Delphinium by including the characteristics of the species D. ecalcaratum S.Y. Wang & K.F. Zhou and D. turcicum (H.Duman, Vural, Aytaç & Adigüzel) Espinosa with actinomorphic flowers.