VOL. 48 · NO. 1 | April 2013
Research Articles
T. Caro, M. Elisa, J. Gara, D. Kadomo, A. Martin, D. Mushi, C. Timbuka
African Zoology 48 (1), 1-12, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0103
KEYWORDS: Africa, anti-poaching, hydrology, illegal hunting, mammal population changes, management, water flow
F. Jacquet, R. Hutterer, V. Nicolas, J. Decher, M. Colyn, A. Couloux, C. Denys
African Zoology 48 (1), 13-29, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0108
KEYWORDS: Soricidae, African giant shrew, Crocidura goliath, Crocidura nimbasilvanus, geometric morphometrics
Peter A. Watt-Pringle, Paul D. Cowley, Albrecht Götz
African Zoology 48 (1), 30-38, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0121
KEYWORDS: juvenile fish, movement behaviour, visible implant elastomer tags, rocky coastline, shallow subtidal, Sparidae, South Africa
S. Naidoo, D. Vosloo, M.C. Schoeman
African Zoology 48 (1), 39-55, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0111
KEYWORDS: Neoromicia nana, urban adapter, wastewater metal pollution, chironomid midge, diet
L.A. van der Westhuizen, J.U.M. Jarvis, N.C. Bennett
African Zoology 48 (1), 56-63, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0119
KEYWORDS: naked mole-rat, Heterocephalus glaber, luteinizing hormone, queen, reproductive replacement, Succession
Louis H. du Preez
African Zoology 48 (1), 64-71, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0105
KEYWORDS: Monogenea, Polystomatidae, Polystoma channingi, Cacosternum nanum, Cacosternum boettgeri, South Africa
M.K. McMaster, C.T. Downs
African Zoology 48 (1), 72-83, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0110
KEYWORDS: Stigmochelys pardalis, leopard tortoise, activity patterns, activity behaviour, Nama-Karoo Biome, time of day, season
Armand D. Kok, Daniel M. Parker, Nigel P. Barker
African Zoology 48 (1), 84-95, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0109
KEYWORDS: bait treatments, rarefaction curves, small mammal trapping, non-parametric species richness estimators
Gennaro Aprea, Franco Andreone, Domenico Fulgione, Agnese Petraccioli, Gaetano Odierna
African Zoology 48 (1), 96-108, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0101
Adrian M. Shrader, Julie F. Post, Nicole Hagenah, Philip W. Bateman
African Zoology 48 (1), 109-114, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0117
KEYWORDS: buddy system, Ceratotherium simum, group formation, vigilance, white rhinoceros
C. Pretorius, C.L. Griffiths
African Zoology 48 (1), 115-124, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0114
Theshnie Naidoo, M. Corrie Schoeman, Peter J. Taylor, Steven M. Goodman, Jennifer M. Lamb
African Zoology 48 (1), 125-142, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0112
KEYWORDS: Chaerephon pumilus, mitochondrial DNA, differentiation, cryptic species, echolocation
A.C. van der Goot, F. Dalerum, A. Ganswindt, G.B. Martin, R.P. Millar, M.C.J. Paris
African Zoology 48 (1), 143-151, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0122
KEYWORDS: progestagen, reproduction, wild populations, non-invasive, Ceratotherium simum
Ursina D. Rusch, Jeremy J. Midgley, Bruce Anderson
African Zoology 48 (1), 152-158, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0115
KEYWORDS: cache recovery, olfaction, rodent, fynbos, Acomys subspinosus, Rhabdomys pumilio
Short Communications
Marian Howe, Moses M. Okello, Jeremy M. Davis
African Zoology 48 (1), 159-166, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0107
KEYWORDS: conservation, behaviour, species differences, human disturbance, Comparative methods, size
Nicholas Hanekom
African Zoology 48 (1), 167-172, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0106
KEYWORDS: air and sea temperatures, disease, mortality, marine invertebrate
C.T. Downs, K. Wimberger, A.L. Wilson
African Zoology 48 (1), 173-176, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0104
KEYWORDS: Rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, huddle, energy conservation, body temperature
Koen Van Waerebeek, Abdoulaye Djiba, Jens-Otto Krakstad, Abdellahi Samba Ould Bilal, Idrissa L. Bamy, Amadeu Almeida, Ebou Mass Mbye
African Zoology 48 (1), 177-186, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0120
KEYWORDS: Humpback Whale, wintering grounds, shelf, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea
M. Soekoe, F.H. van der Bank, N.J. Smit
African Zoology 48 (1), 187-192, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0118
KEYWORDS: age, asterisci, lapilli, otolith, tigerfish
Christina M. Schmidt, Jennifer U.M. Jarvis, Nigel C. Bennett
African Zoology 48 (1), 193-196, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0116
KEYWORDS: Fukomys damarensis, reproductive costs, sociality, longevity, trade-offs
Rob M. Little, Peter G. Ryan
African Zoology 48 (1), 197-198, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0113
No abstract available
Book review
Laura Blamey
African Zoology 48 (1), 199, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.048.0102
No abstract available
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