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1 February 2010 Acidification Remediation Alternatives: Exploring the Temporal Dimension with Cost Benefit Analysis
Göran Bostedt, Stefan Löfgren, Sophia Innala, Kevin Bishop
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Acidification of soils and surface waters caused by acid deposition is still a major problem in southern Scandinavia, despite clear signs of recovery. Besides emission control, liming of lakes, streams, and wetlands is currently used to ameliorate acidification in Sweden. An alternative strategy is forest soil liming to restore the acidified upland soils from which much acidified runoff originates. This cost-benefit analysis compared these liming strategies with a special emphasis on the time perspective for expected benefits. Benefits transfer was used to estimate use values for sport ffishing and nonuse values in terms of existence values. The results show that large-scale forest soil liming is not socioeconomically profitable, while lake liming is, if it is done efficiently—in other words, if only acidified surface waters are treated. The beguiling logic of “solving” an environmental problem at its source (soils), rather than continuing to treat the symptoms (surface waters), is thus misleading.

© Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2010
Göran Bostedt, Stefan Löfgren, Sophia Innala, and Kevin Bishop "Acidification Remediation Alternatives: Exploring the Temporal Dimension with Cost Benefit Analysis," AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 39(1), 40-48, (1 February 2010).
Received: 19 December 2008; Accepted: 17 March 2009; Published: 1 February 2010

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Acidification recovery
Aquatic ecosystem services
cost-benefit analysis
Forest soil liming
Surface water liming
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