The sedimentary section at the Quitéria outcrop (Pantano Grande, central portion of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil) carries diverse and abundant fossil associations of plants and palynomorphs. This section includes coal deposits of the Early Permian Rio Bonito Formation in the Paraná Basin. This contribution presents a taxonomic re-evaluation on paleobotanical records based on an in-depth revision of available data as well as direct analysis from materials deposited in collections (published and unpublished). A taxonomic list is presented, based on the anlysis of all published data. A stratigraphic framework is offered, showing previous and new records in order to better understand the biostratigraphy of the rocks involved. Accordingt to this re-evaluation, the Quitéria Outcrop carries 14 morphospecies of plant macrofossils —including leaves and seeds of Glossopteridales— constituting a typical coal-forming flora. New palynological data derived from six samples taken in this section reveal diversified and abundant associations, including 29 species of spores, 36 of pollen grains and four taxa related to algae and fungi. Quantitative analysis shows that most samples are closely correlated with the previously known “Lundbladispora-Punctatisporites-Portalites Association”, derived from a hygrophilous environment. The associations are compatible with the Glossopteris-Rhodeopteridium Zone and with the Protohaploxypinus goraiensis Subzone (base of the Vittatina costabilis Zone), related to the Cisuralian (Early Permian). Stratigraphical considerations are based on comparision with neighboring sections and on the regional erosional surface recognized in this outcrop.