Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Mirkka Jones, Samuli Lehtonen
American Fern Journal 103 (2), 131-138, (1 April 2013)
KEYWORDS: classification, eupolypods, leptosporangiate ferns, Lomariopsidaceae
The phylogenetic position of Dracoglossum Christenh. is studied here for the first time using DNA sequence data. Based on a broad sampling of eupolypod ferns and four plastid genes (atpA, atpB, rbcL, rps4), we show that Dracoglossum does not belong to the genus Tectaria Cav., in which it was previously placed, nor is it closely related to that genus or any other member of Tectariaceae. Our results provide strong support to suggest that Dracoglossum forms a rather isolated lineage, which is sister to Lomariopsis Fée, and that the genus should therefore be placed in Lomariopsidaceae.