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During herbivory, insects recognize their host plant based on specific chemical cues, whereas the plants induce various chemical and morphological defense responses to resist this attack. However, the seemingly bidirectional insect–plant interaction involves various confounding aspects that influence the performance and fitness of the two participants. These interactions are often mediated by associated microbiota, competitors, predators, and parasitoids that interact in either obligate or facultative manner. Insect endosymbionts play a crucial role in the perception, nutrition, metabolism as well as reproduction of their host, which together determine its survival and fitness on the plant. Endosymbionts also help their host to overcome plant defenses by detoxifying plant metabolites. On the contrary, plant-associated microbes contribute in induced systemic plant resistance by enhancing chemical and morphological defense. These interactions determine the association of insect and plant, not only with the high trophic levels but also with the ecosystem as a whole. Thus, insect–plant interaction is a multilayered relationship extending to various micro- and macro-organisms associated either temporally or spatially. All these relationships may be considered to obtain a wholesome perspective of the natural environment.
Sit-and-wait is a common strategy to optimize time and energy devoted to foraging activities. Among Coleoptera, dung beetles are one of the groups that display this behavior. Although diverse aspects of natural history have been reviewed, no agreement exists on which theory may explain this food searching tactic. We performed a systematic literature review about this behavior in dung beetles, analyzing existing studies, and discussing potential explanations. We identified six different hypotheses (resource partitioning, food detection, foraging time, predator's avoidance, thermoregulation, and resting). Based on the evidence that we found, we support the hypothesis that the main driver of perching behavior is a strategy of spatial segregation. We found reports for several tribes in different biogeographical regions, especially in Neotropical forests. Few studies explore the relationship between perching height and dung beetles' size. However, recent findings sustained that dung beetles perch at a height proportional to its size, large beetles prefer bigger leaves, and functional groups perch at different heights. Dung beetles observed perching were strictly coprophagous and there is no specific relationship between dial activity and perching behavior. We also found perching records of the three main functional guilds (tunnelers, rollers, and dwellers). Despite several studies of dung beetles perching, there is a lack of experimental analyses. One aspect to analyze in future investigations is the relationship between perching behavior and functional traits. Finally, it is essential to explore and solve some questions that we propose to understand the functional role of this behavior in the structure of assemblages.
Malaise traps are important tools for the large-scale collection of arthropod taxa. Here, an extensive review of the history and literature concerning Malaise and canopy traps is given. This review highlights how trap design and placement can affect trap catch, which will help researchers to make more informed choices when planning research endeavors. Additionally, terrestrial and canopy-style Malaise traps are compared to each other and other types of arthropod traps.
The triatomines are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas, 1909), the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. All species are strictly hematophagous, and the hosts used by vector species are important to understand the transmission dynamics of T. cruzi, and eventually, for the development of effective control strategies in endemic countries. In the current review, we gather a comprehensively number of literature reporting triatomine feeding sources, using rigorous targeted search of scientific publications, which includes research papers and reviews to put together the most recent findings of the feeding behavior in triatomines and their applications for vector control of Chagas disease. Our main findings suggest that the main feeding source in triatomines is the human blood (22.75%), T. dimidiata (Latreille, 1811) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is the most frequent (13.68%) triatomine species in this type of study, and most of the studies on feeding sources (47.5%) are conducted in the domestic and peri-domestic environment.
Insects that feed on plants are widely used for studies of host-plant-associated speciation due to their diversity and tractability. The value of these studies necessarily depends upon an accurate understanding of the diet of the focal insects. In North America, the 12 Phytomyza Fallén (Diptera: Agromyzidae) leafmining fly species feeding on hollies (Ilex spp. (Aquifoliaceae: Ilex)) initially appeared to be primarily a host-plant-associated radiation of largely monophagous species. However, our increased collecting efforts found that a majority of the morphospecies are oligophagous, feeding on multiple Ilex species. Patterns of host-associations suggest that colonization of new hosts followed by host-associated speciation may be an important feature of diversification. Analyses of mitochondrial COI data in three oligophagous species found evidence of host-associated genetic structure consistent with processes of host-associated divergence. However, in one of these species, evidence of geographic divergence as well as host-associated divergence was detected, illustrating complexity in factors relating to speciation and host-use evolution in this radiation of leafmining flies.
Species employ multiple strategies to deal with stressful environments, but these strategies often incur costs. Aphids frequently utilize multiple predator avoidance strategies, including attracting mutualist ants for protection and dispersing by producing winged forms. While both strategies can be physiologically costly, the magnitudes of these costs have not been previously compared. In this study, we experimentally manipulated ant attendance in the field and measured the individual and interactive effects of ant attendance and wing formation on body size and reproduction of the ant-tended aphid Cinara schwarzii (Wilson) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Aphid adult body size was smaller in the presence of ants (18%), but controlling for body size, there were no differences in embryo number or size. In contrast, wing formation did not affect adult body size but strongly reduced embryo number (46%) and size (8%). Although ant attendance reduced C. schwarzii wing formation, ant attendance and wing formation acted independently on aphid body size and reproduction. For comparison, we confirmed that the manipulation of ant presence had no effect on body size or reproduction of the untended co-existing congener Cinara solitaria (Gillette and Palmer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Complementing our empirical study, a meta-analysis of 78 responses from 24 publications showed that wing formation consistently and significantly reduces aphid body size and reproduction (37%), while the effects of ant attendance showed a mean positive effect (9%) that did not significantly differ from zero. Together, our empirical study and meta-analysis provide strong evidence for costs of wing formation but not ant attendance for aphids.
Water shortages and water pollution are current issues in ecosystems around the world, and the stress induced by drought can further increase negative impacts on agriculture in these areas. In the present experiment, we examined the effect of mild drought on wheat plants grown in association with the wheat aphid Sitobion avenae Fabricius (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in 2019 and 2020. Using plot experiments, we tested the hypothesis that mild drought tends to enhance the performance of this wheat aphid by changing the nutritional quality of the wheat plants. We found that mild drought treatment significantly increased aphid abundance and population growth rates. Also, mild drought significantly increased total amino acid concentration of the wheat ear as well as concentrations of key amino acids, including Arg, Ile, Leu, Lys, Phe, Try, Gly, Ala, Tyr, and Cys in 2019, and Arg, Ile, Leu, Lys, Gly, and Cys in 2020. Mild drought led to a shift in the composition of amino acids in the plants, causing cascading effects at higher trophic levels. Such changes suggest that the carrying capacity of the environment with respect to aphids will increase if mild drought events continues to increase in frequency with climate change.
Promiscuous mating systems are widely distributed among animals and can be promoted by operational sex ratios (number of receptive adults; OSR). In populations where OSR is not biased towards any sex, the possibility that males and females mate with several individuals increases. For both sexes to synchronize in time and space for reproduction, adults should possess or simultaneously acquire nutrients required to reach sexual maturity. Among synovigenic (without a full complement of eggs at eclosion) species, nutrient acquisition, protein in particular, may influence the OSR. In the Agave fly Euxesta bilimeki (Hendel) (Diptera: Ulidiidae), both sexes engage in multiple mating and females frequently expel all or part of the ejaculate. Here, we assessed the effect of protein intake on gonadic development, and estimated OSR from field-collected individuals. Body protein content was compared between wild and laboratory individuals with access to different diets, and mating frequency and individual mating rate were analyzed for cohorts at a 1:1 sex ratio. Both sexes required protein ingestion for gonadic development, but there were no differences in protein content between field-collected males and males fed protein and sugar in the laboratory, despite the fact that males assigned 9.3% of their corporal weight to testicles. Euxesta bilimeki is a promiscuous species where both males and females mate multiply with one or several individuals in short periods of time; thus, large testes size may be linked to the need of voluminous ejaculate production, and might be further exacerbated by female ejaculate expulsion.
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