VOL. 93 · NO. 1 | May 2006

Articles (11)
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
P. Mick Richardson
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 1, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[1:SRCFBA]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
Mary P. Winsor
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 2-7, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[2:LBWNE]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: A. J. Cain, essentialism, history of systematics, history of taxonomy, Linnaeus, E. Mayr
David B. Wake
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 8-23, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[8:PWSPAP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Batrachoseps, California paleogeography, ensatina, historical biogeography, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, salamanders, species formation
Jonathan B. Losos, Richard E. Glor, Jason J. Kolbe, Kirsten Nicholson
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 24-33, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[24:ASACAH]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Adaptive radiation, Anolis, Caribbean, ecomorphs, lizard, speciation
Loren H. Rieseberg
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 34-48, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[34:HSIWS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: ecological divergence, genetic mapping, Helianthus, homoploid hybrid speciation, QTLs, reproductive isolation
Ann K. Sakai, Stephen G. Weller, Warren L. Wagner, Molly Nepokroeff, Theresa M. Culley
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 49-63, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[49:ARAEOB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Adaptive radiation, autogamy, breeding systems, Hawaii, inbreeding depression, resource allocation, Schiedea, selfing, sexual dimorphism
Bruce G. Baldwin
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 64-93, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[64:CPAPOE]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Adaptive radiation, cryptic diversity, diversification, edaphic endemism, Holocarpha, Layia, Madia, Madiinae, peripheral isolates, reproductive isolation, speciation
Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 94-102, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[94:SBSIC]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: allopatric divergence, conservation, evolutionary potential, hybrid fitness, imprinting, introgression, song, species barrier, species concept
Frédéric Achille, Timothy J. Motley, Porter P. Lowry, Joël Jérémie
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 103-121, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[103:PIGLRG]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: biogeography, Dioecy, Guettarda, Guettardeae, islands, ITS, Neotropics, Paleotropics, Rubiaceae, systematics
Cristina Inocencio, Diego Rivera, Ma Concepción Obón, Francisco Alcaraz, Jose-Antonio Barreña
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 122-149, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[122:ASROCS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Capparaceae, Capparis, taxonomy
Alfonso Susanna, Núria Garcia-Jacas, Oriane Hidalgo, Roser Vilatersana, Teresa Garnatje
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1), 150-171, (31 May 2006) https://doi.org/10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[150:TCCRIF]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Cardueae, Compositae, genus delineation, ITS, matK, phylogeny, tribal delimitation, trnL-trnFAA
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