VOL. 98 · NO. 1 | April 2011

Articles (6)
Rodrigo Duno de Stefano, Germán Carnevali Fernández-Concha
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98 (1), 1-27, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.3417/2007129
KEYWORDS: Emmotum, Icacinaceae, IUCN Red List, Neotropics, Pogopetalum
Hugh H Iltis, Jocelyn C Hall, Theodore S Cochrane, Kenneth J Sytsma
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98 (1), 28-36, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.3417/2007017
KEYWORDS: Brassicaceae s. str., Brassicales, Capparaceae s. str., Cleomaceae, embryo morphology, familial realignments, seed structure
Thomas G Lammers
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98 (1), 37-62, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.3417/2007150
KEYWORDS: CAMPANULACEAE, classification, Hypsela, infrageneric, Isotoma, Lobelia, Lobelioideae, Monopsis, nomenclature, Pratia, Typification
Cynthia M Morton
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98 (1), 63-89, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.3417/2008107
KEYWORDS: Angiosperm, nuclear, phylogeny, systematics, xanthine dehydrogenase, Xdh
Germinal Rouhan, Robbin C Moran
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98 (1), 90-100, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.3417/2008129
KEYWORDS: Africa, Comoros, Dryopteridaceae, ferns, Indian Ocean, Madagascar, Mascarene Islands, Megalastrum, pteridophytes, systematics, taxonomy
Petra Wester, Regine Claßen-Bockhoff
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98 (1), 101-155, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.3417/2007035
KEYWORDS: floral morphology, Lamiaceae, melittophily, morphometry, New World Salvia species, ornithophily, parallel evolution, pollination syndrome, pollinator fitting and exclusion, psychophily
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