Publisher: Arachnologische Gesellschaft e.V.
Below are lists of this title's Most Read and Most Recently Cited articles. The Most Read articles are the articles which have been downloaded the most on the new platform. The Most Recently Cited articles list uses Crossref cited-by data (downloaded on the 1st and 15th of each month) to automatically identify papers which have received the most new citations over the last month. The articles that appear here are not those which have received the most citations in total, but rather the articles which have been cited most often most recently.
An updated checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Left-Bank Ukraine
Nina Polchaninova, et al. (2019)
New data on jumping spiders of Iran, with a new species of Salticus (Araneae: Salticidae)
Alireza Zamani, et al. (2020)
Comparing pitfall trapping and suction sampling data collection for ground-dwelling spiders in artificial forest gaps
László Bali, et al. (2019)
On two cases of male dimorphism in dwarf spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
Robert Bosmans, et al. (2018)
Ten years after the invasion: Dicranopalpus ramosus and Odiellus spinosus (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) in Denmark
Søren Toft. (2018)
On the morphological separation of two sibling species: Pardosa proxima (P. vlijmi syn. nov.) and P. tenuipes (Araneae: Lycosidae)
Marco Isaia, et al. (2018)
Erstnachweise von Spinnen und Weberknechten (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones) für Schleswig-Holstein seit 2010 mit Hinweisen zum Gefährdungsstatus
Martin Lemke. (2018)
Ontogenetic development and reproduction of Zorocrates guerrerensis (Araneae: Zoropsidae)
Petr Dolejš, et al. (2018)