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1 September 2003 The Use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the Frame of the Contingency Plan Implemented During the 1999–2001 Avian Influenza (AI) Epidemic in Italy
M. Ehlers, M. Möller, S. Marangon, N. Ferre
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A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a very powerful and flexible software tool for effective management of spatially referenced data (e.g., geodata). Coupling database and GIS technology provides the tools for a detailed analysis of spatial patterns and distributions in veterinary applications. A specific veterinary GIS (VetGIS) toolbox was developed to perform the calculation of indices such as Lorenz curve, GINI index, and a kernel-based animal density estimation. This software was employed for the analysis and management of avian influenza in Italy during the 1999–2000 epidemic.

M. Ehlers, M. Möller, S. Marangon, and N. Ferre "The Use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the Frame of the Contingency Plan Implemented During the 1999–2001 Avian Influenza (AI) Epidemic in Italy," Avian Diseases 47(s3), 1010-1014, (1 September 2003).
Received: 14 April 2002; Published: 1 September 2003
avian influenza
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