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14 September 2023 Single-cell insights into development of the bovine placenta
Kimberly M. Davenport, Eleanore V. O'Neil, M. Sofia Ortega, Amanda Patterson, Andrew M. Kelleher, Wesley C. Warren, Thomas E. Spencer
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A central determinant of pregnancy success is proper development of the conceptus (embryo/fetus and associated extraembryonic membranes including the placenta). Although the gross morphology and histology of the bovine placenta have been well studied, the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating placenta development and trophoblast differentiation and function remain essentially undefined. Here, single-cell transcriptome (scRNA-seq) analysis was performed on the day 17 bovine conceptus and chorion of day 24, 30, and 50 conceptuses (n = 3–4 samples per day) using the 10X Genomics platform. Bioinformatic analyses identified cell types and their ontogeny including trophoblast, mesenchyme, and immune cells. Loss of interferon tau–expressing trophoblast uninucleate cells occurred between days 17 and 30, whereas binucleate cells, identified based on expression of placental lactogen (CSH2) and specific pregnancy-associated glycoprotein genes (PAGs), first appeared on day 24. Several different types of uninucleate cells were present in day 24, 30, and 50 samples, but only one (day 24) or two types of binucleate cells (days 30 and 50). Cell trajectory analyses provided a conceptual framework for uninucleate cell development and binucleate cell differentiation, and bioinformatic analyses identified candidate transcription factors governing differentiation and function of the trophoblasts. The digital atlas of cell types in the developing bovine conceptus reported here serves as a resource to discover key genes and biological pathways regulating its development during the critical periods of implantation and placentation.

Summary Sentence

This study defined distinct cell populations in the developing bovine conceptus based on their transcriptome, thereby establishing a framework to discover cellular and molecular pathways that govern placental development and function.

Graphical Abstract

Kimberly M. Davenport, Eleanore V. O'Neil, M. Sofia Ortega, Amanda Patterson, Andrew M. Kelleher, Wesley C. Warren, and Thomas E. Spencer "Single-cell insights into development of the bovine placenta," Biology of Reproduction 110(1), 167-182, (14 September 2023).
Received: 14 July 2023; Accepted: 12 September 2023; Published: 14 September 2023
binucleate cells
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