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9 March 2018 Injury and mortality in broilers during handling and transport to slaughter
Michael S. Cockram, Ketan Jung Dulal
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Multiple factors affect the risk of broiler injury and mortality during loading, transport, and lairage. These include the physical and pathophysiological condition of broilers before loading and the type of handling procedures used. The external environmental conditions have a major influence on the risk of mortality. Combinations of high stocking density, insufficient ventilation, and high temperature and humidity pose a risk of hyperthermia. Combinations of wet conditions, cold temperature, and air movement, increase the risk of hypothermia. However, protection from cold and wet conditions involves the use of side protection that restricts the trailer ventilation that can cause heat and moisture to build up in the load, increasing the risk of hyperthermia. Modular systems reduce the risk of injury and facilitate unloading into a lairage where temperature and ventilation can be controlled. The duration of loading, transport, and lairage increases the mortality risk. Deaths can occur during each stage and interactions between the duration of the preslaughter stages, the thermal environment, fasting, ill-health, and injury can reduce the physiological capacity of the birds to maintain homoeostasis resulting in exhaustion and death. Quality control and action on the identified risk factors should reduce injury and mortality during preslaughter handling and transport.

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Michael S. Cockram and Ketan Jung Dulal "Injury and mortality in broilers during handling and transport to slaughter," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 98(3), 416-432, (9 March 2018).
Received: 30 May 2017; Accepted: 19 February 2018; Published: 9 March 2018
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