McVetty, P. B. E., Duncan, R. W., Fernando, W. G. D., Li, G. and Zelmer, C. D. 2012. Red River 1861 Roundup Ready™ high erucic acid, low glucosinolate summer rape. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 1407-1409. Red River 1861 summer rape (Brassica napus L.) is the world's fourth Roundup Ready™ high erucic acid, low glucosinolate cultivar. On average, Red River 1861 yielded 19% more seed, 7 g kg-1 more seed oil and 7 g kg -1 more meal protein than MillenniUM 03 high erucic acid, low glucosinolate summer rape. Red River 1861 has an erucic acid content of 52.6% in isolated field trials of HEAR lines and is adapted to the southern B. napus growing regions of western Canada.
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1 November 2012
Red River 1861 Roundup Ready™ high erucic acid, low glucosinolate summer rape
P. B. E. McVetty,
R. W. Duncan,
W. G. D. Fernando,
G. Li,
C. D. Zelmer
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Cultivar description
description de cultivar
faible teneur en glucosinolates
forte teneur en acide érucique
low glucosinolate