VOL. 92 · NO. 7 | November 2012

Grain (2)
Forage (4)
Fruit (2)
Other (1)
Indexes (2)
C. B. Koscielny, R. H. Gulden
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1229-1237, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-070
KEYWORDS: Brassica napus, canola, root area, root length, seedling, yield, Brassica napus, canola, surface des racines, longueur des racines, plantules, rendement
Elroy R. Cober, Harvey D. Voldeng
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1239-1243, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-032
KEYWORDS: soybean, Glycine max, genetic improvement, plant breeding, soja, Glycine max, amélioration génétique, hybridation végétale
John M. Baker
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1245-1251, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-014
KEYWORDS: kura clover, Vegetative propagation, sprigging, vegetative establishment, Le trèfle Kura, la multiplication végétative, le flocage, l'établissement végétative
Eric Rechel, Tim Novotny, Rick Ott
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1253-1258, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-038
KEYWORDS: alfalfa, harvest traffic, long-term yield, Medicago sativa, Luzerne, circulation à la récolte, rendement à long terme, Medicago sativa
Z. Wang, M. P. Schellenberg, B. Biligetu, M. L. Zhao, G. D. Han
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1259-1261, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2011-283
KEYWORDS: water stress, plant mixture, forage, above- and below-ground biomass, stress hydrique, mélanges de plantes, fourrages, biomasse aérienne et souterraine
Qi Jing, Gilles Bélanger
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1263-1266, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-011
KEYWORDS: Phleum pratense, Canadian Timothy Model, temperature, perennial grass, simulation, Phleum pratense, Modèle Canadien de Fléole de Prés, température, Graminée vivace, simulation
Molecular Biology
T. Karuppanapandian, S-J. Rhee, E-J. Kim, B. K. Han, O. A. Hoekenga, G. P. Lee
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1267-1282, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-098
KEYWORDS: Acidic pH hydroponics, aluminum toxicity, Columbia-0, Landsberg erecta, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, proteomics, Culture hydroponique en milieu acide, toxicité de l'aluminium, Columbia-0, Landsberg erecta, MALDI-TOF-MS, Protéomique
Shen Wan, Kagami Goto, Yaseen Mottiar, Julianne M. Staebler, Amanda M. Johnson, Anastassia Voronova, David R. Blais, Mohsin A. Zaidi, Illimar Altosaar
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1283-1294, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2011-284
KEYWORDS: nitrous oxide, nitrous oxide reductase, nosZ gene, greenhouse gas, phytoremediation, oxyde nitreux, réductase de l'oxyde nitreux, gène nosZ, gaz à effet de serre, phytoremédiation
Hai-Quan Huang, Jiu-Dong Liu, Ji-Qiang Duan, Xue-Ni Liang, Fei-Hu Liu
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1295-1304, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-004
KEYWORDS: Ramie [Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.], cytoplasmic male sterility, Cox II gene, atpA gene, reverse transcription PCR, Ramie [Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.], stérilité mâle cytoplasmique (SMC), gène Cox II, gène atpA, RT-PCR
Leonard J. Eaton, Vilis O. Nams
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1305-1310, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-045
KEYWORDS: blueberry, pollination, honey bee, bumble bee, competition, Bluet, pollinisation, abeille, bourdon, concurrence
H. P. Vasantha Rupasinghe, Li Juan Yu, Khushwant S. Bhullar, Bob Bors
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1311-1317, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-073
KEYWORDS: Haskap berry, antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, health benefit, Fruit du chèvrefeuille velu, potentiel antioxydant, teneur totale en composés phénoliques, Bienfaits pour la santé
Weed Science
Robert T. Miller, Nader Soltani, Darren E. Robinson, Trevor E. Kraus, Peter H. Sikkema
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1319-1328, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-055
KEYWORDS: Cultivar tolerance, glyphosate-tolerant soybean, hydroponic, sensitivity, yield, Tolérance des cultivars, soja tolérant au glyphosate, hydroponique, sensibilité, rendement
Hugh J. Beckie, Ardath Francis, Linda M. Hall
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1329-1357, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-005
KEYWORDS: Avena fatua, wild oat, folle avoine, weed biology, Avena fatua, folle avoine, wild oat, biologie des mauvaise herbes
Ardath Francis, Stephen J. Darbyshire, Anne Légére, Marie-Josée Simard
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1359-1380, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-076
KEYWORDS: Erodium cicutarium, stork's bill, redstem filaree, érodium cicutaire, weed biology, EROCI, Erodium cicutarium, érodium cicutaire, acquillettes, stork's bill, redstem filaree, biologie des mauvaises herbes, EROCI
Application of Technology
Wen-Bo Zhang, Hong-wei Jiang, Peng-Cheng Qiu, Chun-Yan Liu, Fei-Long Chen, Da-Wei Xin, Can-Dong Li, Guo-Hua Hu, Qing-Shan Chen
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1381-1388, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2011-098
KEYWORDS: soybean, backcross introgression lines, low-temperature tolerance, germination and seedling stage, genetic overlap, soja, lignées d'introgression obtenues par rétrocroisement, tolérance au froid, germination, stade de la plantule, chevauchement génétique
R. E. Karamanos, F. Selles, D. C. James, F. C. Stevenson
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1389-1401, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-031
KEYWORDS: wheat, canola, N fertilizer, N rate, N use efficiency, economics, blé, canola, engrais N, taux d'application des engrais N, efficacité de l'utilisation du N, économique
Cultivar Descriptions
P. M. Balasubramanian, H.-H. Mündel, R. L. Conner, A. Hou
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1403-1405, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-066
KEYWORDS: AAC Tundra, bean, high yield, white mould resistance, AAC Tundra, haricot, rendement élevé, résistance à la moisissure blanche
P. B. E. McVetty, R. W. Duncan, W. G. D. Fernando, G. Li, C. D. Zelmer
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1407-1409, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-126
KEYWORDS: Rape, Roundup Ready™ high erucic acid, low glucosinolate, Cultivar description, Colza, Roundup ReadyMC, forte teneur en acide érucique, faible teneur en glucosinolates, description de cultivar
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1411-1414, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-506
No abstract available
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (7), 1415-1425, (1 November 2012) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-507
No abstract available
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