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2 February 2017 Potato yield and phosphorus use efficiency of two new potato cultivars in New Brunswick, Canada
J. Nyiraneza, B. Bizimungu, A.J. Messiga, K.D. Fuller, S.A.E. Fillmore, Y. Jiang
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This 2-yr (2013 and 2014) study evaluated the variation in tuber yield and selected indices of phosphorus (P) use efficiency of two new potato cultivars [AAC Alta Cloud (AC) and AAC Alta Strong (AS)] versus Russet Burbank (RB), the french fry industry standard. Initial P levels and P saturation index [(P/Al) × 100] ranged from 85 to 89.5 mg P kg-1 and from 4.6% to 5.6%, respectively. A complete randomized block design for each variety was laid out in three adjacent plots with six P fertilization rates. The average tuber yield ranged from 29.06 to 36.81 Mg ha-1 for AC, from 27.56 to 41.50 Mg ha-1 for AS, and from 38.15 to 42.02 Mg ha-1 for RB, with the highest yield observed in 2014. Tuber yield response to P application was described by the quadratic-plus-plateau model for AC and linear-plus-plateau model for AS with a mean critical (above which the yield response to P applications is unlikely) P rate of 40 kg P ha-1. Russet Burbank did not respond to P application. The trends of P uptake efficiency (PUE) for AC and AS mirrored that of tuber yield, while RB had a linear increase in PUE with P rate. The study highlights that current P recommendations for potatoes can be reduced without affecting yield, thus increasing farmers’ economic returns. It also reveals the need to test optimal fertilization levels for new cultivars.

© Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada 2017. Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from RightsLink.
J. Nyiraneza, B. Bizimungu, A.J. Messiga, K.D. Fuller, S.A.E. Fillmore, and Y. Jiang "Potato yield and phosphorus use efficiency of two new potato cultivars in New Brunswick, Canada," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 97(5), 784-795, (2 February 2017).
Received: 20 October 2016; Accepted: 1 January 2017; Published: 2 February 2017

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apport de phosphore
efficacité d’absorption du phosphore
indice de récolte de la pomme de terre
indice de récolte du phosphore
phosphorus harvest index
phosphorus offtake
phosphorus uptake efficiency
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