Publisher: Canadian Science Publishing
Below are lists of this title's Most Read and Most Recently Cited articles. The Most Read articles are the articles which have been downloaded the most on the new platform. The Most Recently Cited articles list uses Crossref cited-by data (downloaded on the 1st and 15th of each month) to automatically identify papers which have received the most new citations over the last month. The articles that appear here are not those which have received the most citations in total, but rather the articles which have been cited most often most recently.
Improving drought tolerance of Opuntia ficus-indica under field using subsurface water retention technology: changes in physiological and biochemical parameters
Soufiane Lahbouki, et al. (2022)
Antibiotic use in commercial broiler chicken farming and its consequential resistance development in root colonizing bacteria of carrot grown in manure-applied soils in a middle-income country
Warshi S. Dandeniya, et al. (2022)
Better recognition of limnic materials at the great group and subgroup levels of the Organic Order of the Canadian System of Soil Classification
Daniel D. Saurette, et al. (2022)
Long-term effects of tillage and nitrogen fertilization on soil C and N fractions in a corn–soybean rotation
Mervin St. Luce, et al. (2021)
Factors affecting the use of weather station data in predicting surface soil moisture for agricultural applications
Umesh Acharya, et al. (2021)
Monitoring organic carbon, total nitrogen, and pH for reclaimed soils using field reflectance spectroscopy
P.T. Sorenson, et al. (2017)
Abundance of microbial CO2-fixing genes during the late rice season in a long-term management paddy field amended with straw and straw-derived biochar
Xizhi Huang, et al. (2018)
Soil quality attributes, soil resilience, and legacy effects following topsoil removal and one-time amendments
Francis J. Larney, et al. (2016)
Occurrence and species richness of mycorrhizal fungi in soil under different land use1
Rafaela Alves Fernandes, et al. (2016)