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1 February 2014 Effect of ignoring parameter b on the maximum upward flux calculated from the Gardner rational model
Wen-Juan Shi, Bing Shen, Quan-Jiu Wang
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Shi, W.-J., Shen, B. and Wang, Q.-J. 2014. Effect of ignoring parameterbon the maximum upward flux calculated from the Gardner rational model. Can. J. Soil Sci. 94: 97-103. The maximum upward flux (Emax) of groundwater evaporation can be predicted using the Gardner model. The model is often simplified by neglecting a soil parameter (b). The paper describes methods used to assess the impact of the b parameter on predictions of Emax including or eliminating b in the Gardner model. The results showed that ignoring b always resulted in a higher prediction of Emax; for the same soil, the calculated Emax ignoring b was higher than Ebmax including b, and the difference between the measured Emax and calculated Ebmax was smaller. For different soils, the difference between predicted Emax ignoring b and measured value increased as the soil mean particle size increased (when the water table depth was more than 1 cm). For layered soils, the measured Emax was always smaller than the calculated value, regardless of whether b was included or not. And the difference between the calculated and measured values increased with increasing distance from the sandy soil interlayer in the soil profile to the water table. The main reasons for the difference between the calculated Ebmax considering all parameters and the measured values are discussed based on previous research.

Wen-Juan Shi, Bing Shen, and Quan-Jiu Wang "Effect of ignoring parameter b on the maximum upward flux calculated from the Gardner rational model," Canadian Journal of Soil Science 94(1), 97-103, (1 February 2014).
Received: 9 April 2013; Accepted: 1 December 2013; Published: 1 February 2014

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Évaporation de l'eau souterraine
flux ascendant maximal de l'eau
Gardner model
Groundwater evaporation
maximum upward water flux
modèle de Gardner
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