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5 October 2016 Assessment of the drainage capacity of cranberry fields: Problem identification using soil clustering and development of a new drainage criterion
Y. Périard, S. José Gumiere, A.N. Rousseau, M. Caillier, J. Gallichand, J. Caron
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Over the last few years, advanced knowledge in cranberry field hydrology has lead to substantial increase in production. Much of this progress has come from knowing the relationship between drainage capacity and soil profile properties. However, drainage problems can occur and an appropriate diagnosis remains essential for making recommendations adapted to each soil type. The objectives of this study were to (1) classify soil profiles under cranberry production and (2) identify diagnostic variables related to drainage capacity. To diagnose and classify drainage capacity, profiles were characterized for many physicochemical and hydraulic properties using a cluster analysis. Results indicate that a criterion can be defined and used to assess drainage capacity with respect to a soil classification scheme based on physicochemical and hydraulic properties. The methodology developed in this study provides a framework to identify local drainage problem and solutions based on soil characteristics.

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Y. Périard, S. José Gumiere, A.N. Rousseau, M. Caillier, J. Gallichand, and J. Caron "Assessment of the drainage capacity of cranberry fields: Problem identification using soil clustering and development of a new drainage criterion," Canadian Journal of Soil Science 97(1), 56-70, (5 October 2016).
Received: 11 February 2016; Accepted: 1 May 2016; Published: 5 October 2016

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capacité de drainage
drainage capacity
propriétés hydrauliques du sol
regroupement des sols
soil clustering
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