Bearing capacity is often calculated in dry or saturated conditions, leading to overconservative designs, for a wide range of climates in the world. Extensive researches show that bearing capacity is significantly affected by the soil matric suction. However, in most of the presented models, uniform (and sometimes linear) suction distributions are taken into account for computing the bearing capacity. Also, there is no exact solution in the residual zone of unsaturation. In the present study, a simple method is proposed to predict the bearing capacity of footings placed on unsaturated soil, using the limit equilibrium concept. Linear and uniform variations of matric suction are considered in computations, as well as the nonlinear suction distribution. The framework of the proposed model is analogous to Terzaghi’s equation, and a novel factor is developed, during calculations, as the suction bearing capacity factor. In the case of full saturation, the proposed model is simplified to the Terzaghi’s equation. Estimated results are compared with the experimental and theoretical data available in the literature. Predicted values are in a good agreement with the measured data in the transition zone and residual zone of unsaturation.