Chiron, G. R., G. Guignard & G. Barale (2010). Contribution of morphometry to the taxonomy of Baptistonia Barb. Rodr. (Orchidaceae). Candollea 65: 45–62. In English, English and French abstracts.
The genus Baptistonia Barb. Rodr. (Orchidaceae) includes 23 species, all endemic to Brazil. As problems occur to differentiate some taxa of this genus, because of their hypothetical hybrid origine, the present study aims to use morpho metry as an attempt to solve these issues. Twenty six floral morphometric characters were measured on 146 specimens, and analysed using multivariate analysis, such as Neighbour Joining Analysis (NJA), Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA). Morphometric data proved to be very useful for species delimitation, and a statistical tool here is presented in clearly separating taxa within the confusing groups. Hybrid nature of two species is presented. The contribution of morphometry in phylogeny for Baptistonia is discussed.