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1 September 2008 Annotated Catalog and Atlas of Kentucky Woody Plants
Ross C. Clark, Timothy J. Weckman
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Kentucky (U.S.A.), occupies a topographically and geologically varied region of North America between the southern Appalachians and the Mississippi River. This Annotated Catalog and Atlas was generated from a survey of all known native and naturalized woody plants in Kentucky, and includes 417 taxa arranged alphabetically by family and species. Included for each taxon is a distribution map based on annotated voucher specimens. During the course of this survey 40,000 specimens were examined and annotated. Of the 417 taxa known for the State, 102, or 24%, are non-native. Seven taxa are reported from Kentucky for the first time: Acer campestre L., Crataegus collina Chapman, Lonicera dioica L. var. dasycarpa (Rehd.) Gleason, Lonicera ×xylosteoides Tauscher, Pyracantha crenulata (D. Don) M.J. Roemer, Rubus discolor Weihe & Nees, and Taxus baccata L.

Ross C. Clark and Timothy J. Weckman "Annotated Catalog and Atlas of Kentucky Woody Plants," Castanea 73(sp3), 3-114, (1 September 2008).
Received: 3 November 2006; Accepted: 1 January 2008; Published: 1 September 2008
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