VOL. 35 · NO. 1 | February 2014
Julio Aguirre, Viviana Peña
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 3-5, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.3
No abstract available
Ricardo G. Bahia, Gilberto M. Amado Filho, Gavin W. Maneveldt
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 7-14, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.7
KEYWORDS: Coralline algae, rhodolith, taxonomy, southwestern Atlantic, Brazil
Viviana Peña, Jazmin J. Hernández-Kantún, Jacques Grall, Cristina Pardo, Lúa López, Ignacio Bárbara, Line Le Gall, Rodolfo Barreiro
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 15-25, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.15
KEYWORDS: COI-5P, crustose coralline algae, European coasts, reproduction, systematics, algues corallines encroûtantes, Côtes européennes, systématique
Wendy Nelson, Roberta D'Archino, Kate Neill, Tracy Farr
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 27-47, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.27
KEYWORDS: Bay of Islands, Lithothamnion crispatum, macroalgal diversity, maerl, New Zealand, rhodoliths, Sporolithon durum, subtidal, Îles de Bay, populations de macroalgues, Nouvelle-Zélande, rhodolithes
Gustavo Hinojosa-Arango, Rodolfo Rioja-Nieto, Álvin N. Suárez-Castillo, Rafael Riosmena-Rodríguez
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 49-65, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.49
KEYWORDS: GIS, rhodoliths, Sargassum, critical, habitat, rhodolithes, critique
Alexandre Bigio Villas-Bôas, Frederico Tapajós De Souza Tâmega, Mauricio Andrade, Ricardo Coutinho, Marcia Abreu De Oliveira Figueiredo
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 67-76, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.67
KEYWORDS: Deep-water rhodoliths, sediment disturbance, Southeastern Brazil, Rhodolithes en eau profonde, pertubation des sediments, Brésil Sud-Est
Suzanne Fredericq, Natalia Arakaki, Olga Camacho, Daniela Gabriel, David Krayesky, Sherry Self-Krayesky, George Rees, Joseph Richards, Thomas Sauvage, Dagoberto Venera-Ponton, William E. Schmidt
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 77-98, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.77
KEYWORDS: benthic, biodiversity, Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico, macroalgae, Oil spill, rhodoliths, salt domes, seaweeds
Cryptogamie, Algologie 35 (1), 99-102, (1 February 2014) https://doi.org/10.7872/crya.v35.iss1.2014.99
No abstract available
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