VOL. 17 · NO. 2 | June 2010
Åshild Ø. Pedersen, Rolf A. Ims, Nigel G. Yoccoz, Vera H. Hausner, Kristoffer H. Juell
Ecoscience 17 (2), 123-136, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3333
KEYWORDS: dynamics, habitat selection, Picea abies, predator, prey, space use, Picea abies
Mitsue Shibata, Takashi Masaki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kaoru Niiyama, Shigeo Iida, Shin Abe, Tohru Nakashizuka
Ecoscience 17 (2), 137-145, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3163
KEYWORDS: Janzen—Connell model, niche partitioning, Ogawa Forest Reserve, regeneration traits, seed and seedling demography, stochastic process
Xinwei Wu, Shucun Sun
Ecoscience 17 (2), 146-155, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3319
KEYWORDS: alpine meadow, beetle, dung removal, ecosystem function, Fly, functional diversity
Elena Baraza, Regino Zamora, José A. Hódar
Ecoscience 17 (2), 156-165, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3286
KEYWORDS: Clipping, compensation capacity, Light availability, regeneration niche, sapling
Claudia Melis, Mathieu Basille, Ivar Herfindal, John D. C. Linnell, John Odden, Jean-Michel Gaillard, Kjell-Arild Høgda, Reidar Andersen
Ecoscience 17 (2), 166-174, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3314
KEYWORDS: population dynamics, predation, top-down control, ungulate, vegetation productivity, winter harshness
Guillaume Godbout, Jean-Pierre Ouellet
Ecoscience 17 (2), 175-185, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3288
KEYWORDS: American Marten, coarse woody debris, herbaceous plant biomass, micro-habitat selection, snow support
Ken D. Tape, Rachel Lord, Hans-Peter Marshall, Roger W. Ruess
Ecoscience 17 (2), 186-193, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3323
KEYWORDS: browsing, greening, ptarmigan, shrubs, snow, Tundra
Delphine Renard, Bertrand Schatz, Doyle B. McKey
Ecoscience 17 (2), 194-202, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3335
KEYWORDS: ant—plant mutualism, Ectatomma, Manihot, seed demography, seed dispersal
Aggeliki Doxa, Konstantinos Theodorou, Dionyssia Hatzilacou, Alain Crivelli, Alexandre Robert
Ecoscience 17 (2), 203-215, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3304
KEYWORDS: Allee effect, capture-recapture, carrying capacity, catastrophes, population size, threatened species, capture-recapture, catastrophes
Maren Oelbermann, Sherry L. Schiff
Ecoscience 17 (2), 216-224, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/17-2-3245
KEYWORDS: boreal forest, flooding, greenhouse gas emissions, hydroelectric reservoirs, microbial respiration, Q10, soil organic carbon, Q10
Eric Keeling, Neil Bettez, Cornelia Harris, Michelle Hersh, Kim Notin, M. Andrea Previtali, Emma Rosi-Marshall, David Strayer, Radka Wildova, Jennifer S. Arnold, Duccio Rocchini, W. Bruce Campbell
Ecoscience 17 (2), 225-228, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2980/019.017.0201
No abstract available
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