VOL. 39 · NO. 5 | October 2010
Environmental Entomology
D. R. Seal, W. Klassen, V. Kumar
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1389-1398, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09236
KEYWORDS: Scirtothrips dorsalis, development period, oviposition period, diel activity, demographic parameters
Kôji Sasakawa
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1554-1560, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10097
KEYWORDS: Amara, copulatory behavior, feeding ecology, Harpalus (Pseduoophonus), predis-persal seed predation
E. Basoalto, M. Miranda, A. L. Knight, E. Fuentes-Contreras
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1399-1408, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09371
KEYWORDS: geostatistics, immunomarking, mark-capture, areawide, Cydia pomonella
H. Aliakbarpour, M. R. Che Salmah, H. Dieng
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1409-1419, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10066
KEYWORDS: thrips, Mangifera indica, population dynamics, adult emergence
R. B. Reeves, J. K. Greene, F.P.F. Reay-Jones, M. D. Toews, P. D. Gerard
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1420-1427, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09194
KEYWORDS: spatial-temporal variation, dispersion, edge effect, aggregation
F. A. Drummond, J. A. Collins, B. Choate, D. Woodman, D. T. Jennings, H. Y. Forsythe, J. C. Cokendolpher
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1428-1440, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09308
KEYWORDS: harvestmen, Opiliones, species diversity, blueberry
David H. Branson, Gregory A. Sword
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1441-1446, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09378
KEYWORDS: fire, livestock grazing, Orthoptera, population dynamics
Gary D. Ouellette, Francis A. Drummond, Beth Choate, Eleanor Groden
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1447-1456, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09306
KEYWORDS: Formicidae, survey, Acadia National Park, species, Myrmica rubra
Janisete G. Silva, Vivian S. Dutra, Mirian S. Santos, Nívea M. O. Silva, Daniela B. Vidal, Ricardo A. Nink, Jorge A. Guimarães, Elton L. Araujo
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1457-1465, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10079
KEYWORDS: Anastrepha, hosts, parasitoids, Tephritidae
Rachael E. Mallis, Lynne K. Rieske
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1466-1472, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10039
KEYWORDS: web-weaving spiders, natural enemies, trophic interactions, predator-prey interactions, web location
Aldo De La Mora, Stacy M. Philpott
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1473-1481, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09295
KEYWORDS: agroforest, biodiversity, Eucharitidae, poneromorph, trophic interaction
Sharon E. Reed, R. M. Muzika
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1482-1491, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09374
KEYWORDS: habitat, Xyleborus, Xylosandrus, flight activity, oak—hickory forest
Bradford E. Powell, Jules Silverman
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1492-1499, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09211
KEYWORDS: Argentine ant, odorous house ant, ant-aphid interaction, cotton aphid, green peach aphid
Lívia Alvarenga Sidney, Vanda Helena Paes Bueno, Juracy Caldeira Lins, Marcus Vinicius Sampaio, Diego Bastos Silva
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1500-1505, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09366
KEYWORDS: Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aphidius ervi, Praon volucre, biological control, larval competition
Kaushalya G. Amarasekare, Catharine M. Mannion, Nancy D. Epsky
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1506-1512, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09376
KEYWORDS: parasitoids, hosts, biological control, parasitism
Jian J. Duan, Michael D. Ulyshen, Leah S. Bauer, Juli Gould, Roy Van Driesche
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1513-1522, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10023
KEYWORDS: parasitoids, predators, host tree defense, Tetrastichus planipennisi, Spathius agrili
Jacqueline Pierre, Jean-Luc Hofs
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1523-1531, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09142
KEYWORDS: Bt cotton, insect population, gene flow, Astylus atromaculatus, Apis mellifera
B. Kurtz, P. Karlovsky, S. Vidal
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1532-1538, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10025
KEYWORDS: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, belowground interactions, root colonization, larval development, Fusarium verticillioides
David R. Coyle, Michelle S. Jordan, Kenneth F. Raffa
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1539-1544, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09381
KEYWORDS: Acer saccaharum, exotic species, folivore, plant-insect interactions, Rubus
Wenlong Chen, Roger A. Leopold, Mark A. Boetel
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1545-1553, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10098
KEYWORDS: Homalodisca vitripennis, development, reproduction, life table, host plant
Kôji Sasakawa
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1554-1560, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/0.1603/EN10097
KEYWORDS: Amara, copulatory behavior, feeding ecology, Harpalus (Pseduoophonus), predis-persal seed predation
S. C. Hong, J. Donaldson, C. Gratton
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1561-1569, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10091
KEYWORDS: above- and below-ground interactions, indirect effects, induced plant responses, root herbivory, phytoparasite
Andrew J. Frewin, Yingen Xue, John A. Welsman, A. Bruce Broadbent, Arthur W. Schaafsma, Rebecca H. Hallett
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1570-1578, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09312
KEYWORDS: temperature-dependent development, functional response, biological control
Hailong Kong, Lizhi Luo, Xingfu Jiang, Lei Zhang
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1579-1585, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09314
KEYWORDS: Loxostege sticticalis, Larval density, flight potential, preoviposition period, triglyceride contents
Roya Farhadi, Hossein Allahyari, Steven A. Juliano
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1586-1592, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09285
KEYWORDS: functional response, Hippodamia variegata, Aphis fabae, searching efficiency, handling time
R. T. Puckett, M. K. Harris
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1593-1600, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09189
KEYWORDS: Pseudacteon, phorid, Solenopsis, fire ant
Hou-Feng Li, Rou-Ling Yang, Nan-Yao Su
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1601-1607, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09262
KEYWORDS: subterranean termite, invasive species, agonistic behavior, tunnel blockage
P. J. Obenauer, P. E. Kaufman, D. L. Kline, S. A. Allan
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1608-1616, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09322
KEYWORDS: surveillance, Asian tiger mosquito, BG-Sentinel, landing counts, aspirator
Dominic D. Reisig, Larry D. Godfrey, Daniel B. Marcum
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1617-1625, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09329
KEYWORDS: wing diphenism, wing dimorphism, integrated pest management, absolute sampling, relative sampling
Luc Leblanc, Roger I. Vargas, Daniel Rubinoff
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1626-1630, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10090
KEYWORDS: nontarget, torula yeast, RioLure, Bactrocera, Ceratitis
S. E. Jandricic, S. P. Wraight, K. C. Bennett, J. P. Sanderson
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1631-1642, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09351
KEYWORDS: foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani, developmental rate, Lactin model, greenhouse floriculture pests
Dennis J. Fielding, Linda S. Defoliart
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1643-1651, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09356
KEYWORDS: Orthoptera, Acrididae, insect life cycles, voltinism, global warming
Francesco Pavan, Chiara Floreani, Paola Barro, Pietro Zandigiacomo, Laura Dalla Montà
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1652-1658, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10069
KEYWORDS: European grapevine moth, larval instars, mandible length, Dyar's rule
R.J. Brightwell, P.E. Labadie, J. Silverman
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1659-1665, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09345
KEYWORDS: abiotic interactions, environmental limitation, invasive species, range limitation, low temperature
Peter Dalin, Daniel W. Bean, Tom L. Dudley, Vanessa A. Carney, Debra Eberts, Kevin T. Gardner, Elizabeth Hebertson, Erin N. Jones, David J. Kazmer, G. J. Michels, Scott A. O'meara, David C. Thompson
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1666-1675, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09270
KEYWORDS: Critical daylength response, voltinism, biological control, BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS
Youming Hou, Zhangquan Weng
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1676-1684, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10015
KEYWORDS: Octodonta nipae, development, POPULATION GROWTH, fecundity, Life table parameters
Enrico A. Ruiz, John E. Rinehart, Jane L. Hayes, Gerardo Zuñiga
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1685-1697, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN09339
KEYWORDS: Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, glaciations, divergence time, demographic expansion, range expansion
Guoping Li, Hongqiang Feng, Yulin Gao, Kris A. G. Wyckhuys, Kongming Wu
Environmental Entomology 39 (5), 1698-1704, (1 October 2010) https://doi.org/10.1603/EN10077
KEYWORDS: Cry1Ac, Helicoverpa armigera, Bt cotton, resistance frequency
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