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Grasshopper abundance and diversity vary with management practices such as fire and grazing. Understanding how grasshopper life history traits such as fecundity respond to management practices is key to predicting grasshopper population dynamics in heterogeneous environments. Landscape-level experimental fire and bison grazing treatments at the Konza Prairie Biological Station (Manhattan, KS) provide an opportunity to examine how management affects grasshopper fecundity. Here we report on grasshopper fecundity for nine common species at Konza Prairie. From 2007 to 2009, adult female grasshoppers were collected every 3 wk from eight watersheds that varied in fire and grazing treatments. Fecundity was measured by examining female reproductive tracts, which contain a record of past and current reproductive activity. Body size was a poor predictor of fecundity for all species. Despite large differences in vegetation structure and composition with management regime (grazing and fire interval), we observed little effect of management on grasshopper fecundity. Habitat characteristics (grasshopper density, vegetation biomass, and vegetation quality; measured in 2008 and 2009) were better predictors of past fecundity than current fecundity, with species-specific responses. Fecundity increased throughout the summer, indicating that grasshoppers were able to acquire sufficient nutritional resources for egg production in the early fall when vegetation quality is generally low. Because fecundity did not vary across management treatments, population stage structure may be more important for determining population level reproduction than management regime at Konza Prairie.
Bemisia tabaci populations belonging to Middle East-Asia Minor one (MEAM1) and Mediterranean (MED) groups (formerly biotype B and Q, respectively) have spread throughout the world. Although the introduction of MEAM1 is documented from several Caribbean islands, it is generally not known whether MED has also been introduced; whether indigenous populations have survived; and if in the affirmative, to which group(s) they belonged. Whiteflies were collected from seven islands on various plant species. The prevalence of MEAM1 and non-MEAM1 individuals was assessed using a microsatellite approach validated with sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene. Of the 262 samples tested, 247 exhibited the MEAM1 pattern, whereas none showed the MED pattern. The mtCOI gene was partially sequenced from a sample of individuals exhibiting MEAM1 (n = 15) and non-MEAM1 patterns (n = 8) and compared with type sequences. The 15 individuals exhibiting the MEAM1 pattern were confirmed to belong to MEAM1. Of the eight individuals representative of the six non-MEAM1 patterns, two belonged to the indigenous New World (NW) group of B. tabaci (NW), one belonged to a distinct species of Bemisia, and five belonged to MEAM1. One individual belonging to NW exhibited 99.9% nucleotide identity with a NW individual from Puerto Rico. The other was identified as the most divergent individual of the North and Central American genetic cluster. We conclude that a highly homogenous MEAM1 population has extensively settled in the Caribbean and that heterogeneous NW populations were still detectable although severely displaced.
Interspecific competition has been shown to play a role in the structure of ant communities. However, the role of foraging behavior and the type of competition that results from this behavior has been less investigated. Here we present results from baiting experiments at various scales to determine the degree of exploitative and interference competition between two Neotropical ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in pastures in the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. Results suggest that the coexistence of Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius) and Pheidole subarmata (Mayrs) in Neotropical pastures is the result of a discovery/dominance tradeoff between these two species. Although S. geminata is a good interference competitor and can defend large resources, P. subarmata is a good exploitative competitor and arrives at resources faster than S. geminata. In an environment with mixed resources (large and small), these two species can co-exist. We discuss the implication of this for the invasion potential of S. geminata.
Fires are among the most globally important disturbances in forest ecosystems. Forest fires can be followed by bark beetle outbreaks. Therefore, the dynamic interactions between bark beetle outbreaks and fire appear to be of general importance in coniferous forests throughout the world. We tested three hypotheses of how forest fires in pine ecosystems (Pinus pinaster Alton and P. radiata D. Don) in Spain could alter the population dynamics of bark beetles and influence the probability of further disturbance from beetle outbreaks: fire could affect the antiherbivore resin defenses of trees, change their nutritional suitability, or affect top-down controls on herbivore populations. P. radiata defenses decreased immediately after fire, but trees with little crown damage soon recovered with defenses higher than before. Fire either reduced or did not affect nutritional quality of phloem and either reduced or had no effect on the abundance, diversity, and relative biomass of natural enemies. After fire, bark beetle abundance increased via rapid aggregation of reproductive adults on scorched trees. However, our results indicate that for populations to increase to an outbreak situation, colonizing beetles must initiate attacks before tree resin defenses recover, host trees must retain enough undamaged phloem to facilitate larval development, and natural enemies should be sufficiently rare to permit high beetle recruitment into the next generation. Coincidence of these circumstances may promote the possibility of beetle populations escaping to outbreak levels.
Mutualisms and facilitations can fundamentally change the relationship between an organism's realized and fundamental niche. Invasive species may prove particularly suitable models for investigating this relationship as many are dependent on finding new partners for successful establishment. We conducted field-based experiments testing whether a native tree facilitates the successful survival of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), through unfavorable winter conditions in the southeastern United States. We found Argentine ant nests aggregated around the native loblolly pine, Pinus taeda L., during the winter months. The bark of this tree absorbed enough radiant solar energy to reach temperatures suitable for Argentine ant foraging even when ambient temperatures should have curtailed all foraging. Conversely, foraging ceased when the trunk was shaded. The sun-warmed bark of this tree gave the Argentine ant access to a stable honeydew resource. Argentine ants were not found on or near deciduous trees even though bark temperatures were warm enough to permit Argentine ant foraging on cold winter days. Augmenting deciduous trees with sucrose water through the winter months lead to Argentine ant nests remaining at their base and Argentine ants foraging on the tree. The Argentine ant requires both foraging opportunity and a reliable winter food source to survive through unfavorable winter conditions in the southeastern United States. The loblolly pine provided both of these requirements extending the realized niche of Argentine ants beyond its fundamental niche.
Source populations of polyphagous pests often occur on host plants other than the economically damaged crop. We evaluated the contribution of patches of a non-native meadow grass, Lolium multiflorum Lam. (Poaceae), and other weeds growing in fallow fields or meadows as source hosts of an important native pest of rice, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Miridae), in an agricultural landscape of northern Japan. Periodical censuses of this mirid bug by using the sweeping method, vegetation surveys, and statistical analysis revealed that L. multiflorum was the only plant species that was positively correlated with the density of adult S. rubrovittatus through two generations and thus may be the most stable and important host of the mirid bug early in the season before the colonization of rice paddies. The risk and cost of such an indirect negative effect on a crop plant through facilitation of a native pest by a non-native plant in the agricultural landscape should not be overlooked.
Infestations of two stem borers, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar) and Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), were compared in noncrop grasses adjacent to rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields. Three farms in the Texas rice Gulf Coast production area were surveyed every 6–8 wk between 2007 and 2009 using quadrat sampling along transects. Although D. saccharalis densities were relatively low, E. loftini average densities ranged from 0.3 to 5.7 immatures per m2 throughout the 2-yr period. Early annual grasses including ryegrass, Lolium spp., and brome, Bromus spp., were infested during the spring, whereas the perennial johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., and Vasey's grass, Paspalum urvillei Steud., were infested throughout the year. Johnsongrass was the most prevalent host (41–78% relative abundance), but Vasey's grass (13–40% relative abundance) harbored as much as 62% of the recovered E. loftini immatures (during the winter). Young rice in newly planted fields did not host stem borers before June. April sampling in fallow rice fields showed that any available live grass material, volunteer rice or weed, can serve as a host during the spring. Our study suggests that noncrop grasses are year-round sources of E. loftini in Texas rice agroecosystems and may increase pest populations.
Surface-active arthropods were sampled after a lightning-caused wildfire in desert grassland habitat on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, NM. Pitfall traps (n = 32 per treatment) were used to evaluate species-specific “activity-density” indices after the June wildfire in both burned and unburned areas. In total, 5,302 individuals were collected from 69 taxa. Herbivore activity-densities generally decreased, whereas predators often increased in the burned area; pitfall trap bias likely contributed to this latter observation. Fire caused the virtual extirpation of scaly crickets (Mogoplistidae), field crickets (Gryllidae), and camel crickets (Raphidophoridae), but recolonization began during the first postfire growing season. Several grasshoppers (Acrididae) also exhibited significant postfire declines [Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder), Eritettix simplex (Scudder), Melanoplus bowditchi Scudder, and Amphitornus coloradus (Thomas)]. Some beetles showed lower activity-density, including Pasimachus obsoletus LeConte (Carabidae) and Eleodes extricatus (Say) (Tenebrionidae). Taxa exhibiting significant postfire increases in activity-density included acridid grasshoppers (Aulocara femoratum (Scudder), Hesperotettix viridis (Thomas), Trimerotropis pallidipennis (Burmeis.), and Xanthippus corallipes Haldeman); carabid beetles (Amblycheila picolominii Reiche, Cicindela punctulata Olivier), tenebrionid beetles (Eleodes longicollis LeConte, Edrotes rotundus (Say), Glyptasida sordida (LeConte), Stenomorpha censors (Casey); the centipedes Taiyubius harrietae Chamberlin (Lithobiidae) and Scolopendra polymorpha Wood (Scolopendridae); scorpions (Vaejovis spp.; Vaejovidae); and sun spiders (Eremobates spp.; Eremobatidae). Native sand roaches (Arenivaga erratica Rehn, Eremoblata subdiaphana (Scudder); Polyphagidae) displayed no significant fire response. Overall, arthropod responses to fire in this desert grassland (with comparatively low and patchy fuel loads) were comparable to those in mesic grasslands with much higher and more continuous fuel loads.
Spatial patterns observed in ecosystems have traditionally been attributed to exogenous processes. Recently, ecologists have found that endogenous processes also have the potential to create spatial patterns. Yet, relatively few studies have attempted to examine the combined effects of exogenous and endogenous processes on the distribution of organisms across spatial and temporal scales. Here we aim to do this, by investigating whether spatial patterns of under-story tree species at a large spatial scale (18 ha) influences the spatial patterns of ground foraging ant species at a much smaller spatial scale (20 m by 20 m). At the regional scale, exogenous processes (under-story tree community) had a strong effect on the spatial patterns in the ground-foraging ant community. We found significantly more Camponotus noveboracensis, Formica subsericae, and Lasius alienus species in black cherry (Prunis serotine Ehrh.) habitats. In witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.) habitats, we similarly found significantly more Myrmica americana, Formica fusca, and Formica subsericae. At smaller spatial scales, we observed the emergence of mosaic ant patches changing rapidly in space and time. Our study reveals that spatial patterns are the result of both exogenous and endogenous forces, operating at distinct scales.
The characteristics of the matrix, that is, the unsuitable habitat connecting host-plant patches may facilitate or limit herbivore movement thus affecting their population dynamics. We evaluated the effect of matrix habitat, distance between patches, and plant damage on movement of two leaf-beetles (Galerucella calmariensis Linnaeus and G. pusilla Duft) introduced to North America as biocontrol agents of the invasive purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria Linnaeus). Mark-recapture/resight experiments indicated (1) that leaf-beetles are more likely to colonize purple loosestrife patches surrounded by meadow than forest; (2) that previously attacked purple loosestrife plants are more likely to be colonized by Galerucella spp. than unattacked plants, especially in the forest habitat; and (3) that leaf beetle colonization of purple loosestrife decreased with distance from release point. Low colonization rates of purple loosestrife patches embedded in forests suggest either insufficient detection or active avoidance of such habitats. Biological control programs intend to manage dispersal of specialized insect herbivores for the purpose of sufficient and sustained control of their host plants. Such management needs to be informed by knowledge of interactions of habitat structure, plant damage, and dispersal capabilities of herbivores to facilitate release programs and control at the local and regional level.
Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) are undoubtedly the most typical and ecologically relevant insects of grazed alpine habitats because they provide valuable ecological services such as biological pest control and soil fertilization. Despite the great ecological contribution of these insects to pasture ecosystem functioning, little is known about their direct or indirect relationships with pastoral activities. The main aim of the study was to assess whether dung beetle diversity was influenced by different intensities of cattle grazing. Dung beetle communities of two adjacent alpine valleys within the Maritime Alps Natural Park (north-western Italian Alps), representing overgrazed and ungrazed pastures, were studied by pitfall trapping. A hierarchical design (three levels: valleys, transects, and replicates) was established for additive partitioning of γ-diversity and Indicator Species Analysis. Evenness and Shannon diversity were significantly higher at the ungrazed than at the overgrazed site because abundances were much more evenly distributed at the former than at the latter site (where one species was dominant over all the others). Dung beetle abundance and species richness of the overgrazed graminaceous pasture vegetation types were in most cases significantly lower than those of the ungrazed nongraminaceous vegetation type. In the additive partitioning of γ -diversity analysis relative to the whole study area, the randomization procedure indicated that the contribution of β to γ-diversity was significantly different from that expected by chance, suggesting that one or more environmental factors has intervened to change the partition of total diversity in the system considered. The analysis of the preferences and fidelity of species (Indicator Species Analysis) showed that only one species chose overgrazed pastures; all the others positively selected the ungrazed site, or the only ungrazed pasture vegetation type (Rumicetum alpini Beger) occurring at the overgrazed site. Results conformed to evidences that overgrazing represents a serious threat to the conservation of alpine dung beetles. To conserve local dung beetle assemblages, especially in protected areas, cattle overgrazing should be avoided. This does not mean, however, that pastoral activities are incompatible with biodiversity conservation. The contemporaneous presence of wild ungulates and low intensity extensive pastoral activities may be useful to preserve both local dung beetle assemblages and alpine pasture ecosystems.
Despite being fragmented and highly disturbed habitats, urban turfgrass ecosystems harbor a surprising diversity of arthropods. The suitability of turf as arthropod habitat, however, likely depends on the extent and types of pesticides and fertilizers used. For example, moderate levels of weed cover in low-input lawns may provide alternative food resources. We conducted a 2-yr field study to: 1) characterize the ground beetle (Carabidae) species assemblage in turfgrass, and 2) assess the direct and indirect effects of lawn management on carabid communities. Weed cover and beetle activity were compared among four lawn management programs: 1) consumer/garden center, 2) integrated pest management (IPM), 3) natural organic, and 4) no-input control. Nearly 5,000 carabid beetles across 17 species were collected with the predator Cyclotrachelus sodalis LeConte numerically dominating the trap catch (87% and 45% of individuals in 2005 and 2006, respectively). Populations of C. sodalis underwent a distinct peak in activity during the third week of June, whereas omnivorous and granivorous species tended to occur at far lower levels and were less variable over the season. We found no evidence for direct effects of lawn management on carabid species diversity; however, we detected an indirect effect mediated by variation in weed cover. Seed-feeding species were positively correlated with turf weeds early in 2006, whereas strictly predaceous species were not. Thus, turf management programs that lead to changes in plant species composition (i.e., herbicide regimes) may indirectly shape epigeal arthropod communities more strongly than the direct effects of insecticide use.
The coreid bug Thasus neocalifornicus Brailovsky and Barrera, commonly known as the giant mesquite bug, is a ubiquitous insect of the southwestern United States. Both nymphs and adults are often found aggregated on mesquite trees (Prosopis spp.: Fabaceae) feeding on seedpods and plant sap. We characterized the indigenous bacterial populations of nymphs and adults of this species by using molecular and phylogenetic techniques and culturing methods. Results show that this insect's bacterial gut community has a limited diversity dominated by Burkholderia associates. Phylogenetic analysis by using 16s rRNA sequences suggests that these β-Proteobacteria are closely related to those symbionts obtained from other heteropteran midgut microbial communities but not to Burkholderia symbionts associated with other insect orders. These bacteria were absent from the eggs and were not found in all younger nymphs, suggesting that they are acquired after the insects have hatched. Rearing experiments of nymphs with potentially Burkholderia contaminated soil suggested that if this symbiont is not acquired, giant mesquite bugs experience higher mortality. Egg, whole-body DNA extractions of younger nymphs, and midgut DNA extractions of fifth-instar nymphs and adults also revealed the presence of α-Proteobacteria from the Wolbachia genus. However, this bacterium was also present in reproductive organs of adults, indicating that this symbiont is not specific to the gut.
As primary consumers of foliage, caterpillars play essential roles in shaping the trophic structure of tropical forests. The caterpillar midgut is specialized in plant tissue processing; its pH is exceptionally alkaline and contains high concentrations of toxic compounds derived from the ingested plant material (secondary compounds or allelochemicals) and from the insect itself. The midgut, therefore, represents an extreme environment for microbial life. Isolates from different bacterial taxa have been recovered from caterpillar midguts, but little is known about the impact of these microorganisms on caterpillar biology. Our long-term goals are to identify midgut symbionts and to investigate their functions. As a first step, different diet formulations were evaluated for rearing two species of tropical saturniid caterpillars. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers hybridizing broadly to sequences from the bacterial domain, 16S rRNA gene libraries were constructed with midgut DNA extracted from caterpillars reared on different diets. Amplified rDNA restriction analysis indicated that bacterial sequences recovered from the midguts of caterpillars fed on foliage were more diverse than those from caterpillars fed on artificial diet. Sequences related to Methylobacterium sp., Bradyrhizobium sp., and Propionibacterium sp. were detected in all caterpillar libraries regardless of diet, but were not detected in a library constructed from the diet itself. Furthermore, libraries constructed with DNA recovered from surface-sterilized eggs indicated potential for vertical transmission of midgut symbionts. Taken together, these results suggest that microorganisms associated with the tropical caterpillar midgut may engage in symbiotic interactions with these ecologically important insects.
Multiple releases of insect agents intended to target a single plant pest species could result in competitive interactions that in turn might affect the community structure of the phytophagous insects. Two leaf-feeding biological control agents, Uroplata girardi Pic (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Ophiomyia camarae Spencer (Dipetera: Agromyzidae), were released against the weed Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) in South Africa in the 1970s and 2001, respectively. Since the population explosion of O. camarae in 2005, a decline of U. girardi populations had been observed in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) humid coast, leading to speculation that negative interaction may be operating between the agents. The study therefore was conducted to determine the competitive effect of O. camarae on U. girardi. The study showed that 76% of O. camarae larval mines were formed on uninfested (clean) compared with only 24% formed on U. girardi-infested leaves, suggesting that the fly chose to lay more eggs on clean leaves. Almost the same number of U. girardi larval mines was formed on both O. camarae-infested and clean leaves, indicating that U. girardi females in this case oviposited indiscriminately on the two types of leaves. The survival of U. girardi was 53.8% when reared on clean leaves compared with only 14.6% survival on O. camarae-infested leaves. At the end of the sampling period, densities of U. girardi was over two times higher in single-species than in combined-species treatment. Releasing both agents together did not significantly affect O. camarae densities during the sampling period. In the field, O. camarae densities increased rapidly from spring to autumn, whereas those of U. girardi remained consistently low during the same period. The bias toward oviposition on clean leaves in O. camarae enables its larvae to avoid unfavorable encounters with U. girardi larvae, thus enhancing its development and survival. The apparent inability of U. girardi to distinguish between suitable and unsuitable leaves for oviposition could compromise the fitness of this beetle, and this could explain the suppression of U. girardi populations during summer when O. camarae populations begin to increase rapidly. This study provides evidence for an asymmetric interaction between two introduced agents, and therefore highlights the importance of conducting interaction studies on agents with extensive niche overlap before their release into the environment.
Potential insect vectors for transmission of oak leaf scorch caused by Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al., in pin and red oaks in New Jersey were surveyed by placing yellow sticky card traps in tree canopies and fogging with Pyrethrin insecticide during 2002–2006. Thirty-seven Cicadomorpha species were collected from 20 genera in Membracidae, Cicadellidae, Aphrophoridae, and Clastopteridae. Of the 12,880 potential vectors collected, 91.4% were Membracidae, 6.9% were Cicadellidae, and 1.7% were Aphrophoridae and Clastopteridae. Fogging collected more insect species and individuals than sticky card collections. Sticky card sampling, done more frequently and at a larger number of locations provided similar community structure information as fogging. Sticky card collections of the dominant treehopper species, Ophiderma definita Woodruff were male biased when females were gravid. O. definita populations peaked in early June, comprised 68.2% of the total collection, and were more abundant in pin oaks than red oaks. Graphocephala versuta (Say) peaked in mid-July, comprising 6.2% of the total collection. Higher Cicadomorpha populations were observed in asymptomatic oak canopies than in neighboring X. fastidiosa infected oaks. Individual insect specimens collected from oaks were subjected to a X. fastidiosa DNA assay by polymerase chain reaction amplification. The average X. fastidiosa positive rate was 13.89% for all specimens tested. Eleven treehopper species, six leafhopper species, and four spittlebug species tested DNA positive for X. fastidiosa.
The purpose of this study was to identify bee species active in pumpkin fields in New York and to estimate their potential as pollinators by examining their foraging activity. In addition, we examined whether foraging activity was affected by either the addition of hives of the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., or by field size. Thirty-five pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) fields ranging from 0.6 to 26.3 ha, 12 supplemented with A. mellifera hives and 23 not supplemented, were sampled during peak flowering over three successive weeks in 2008 and 2009. Flowers from 300 plants per field were visually sampled for bees on each sampling date. A. mellifera, Bombus impatiens Cresson, and Peponapis pruinosa (Say) accounted for 99% of all bee visits to flowers. A. mellifera and B. impatiens visited significantly more pistillate flowers than would be expected by chance, whereas P. pruinosa showed no preference for visiting pistillate flowers. There were significantly more A. mellifera visits per flower in fields supplemented with A. mellifera hives than in fields not supplemented, but there were significantly fewer P. pruinosa visits in supplemented fields. The number of B. impatiens visits was not affected by supplementation, but was affected by number of flowers per field. A. mellifera and P. pruinosa visits were not affected by field size, but B. impatiens visited fewer flowers as field size increased in fields that were not supplemented with A. mellifera hives. Declining A. mellifera populations may increase the relative importance of B. impatiens in pollinating pumpkins in New York.
In southeastern United States farmscapes, corn, Zea mays L., is often closely associated with peanut, (Arachis hypogaea L.), cotton, (Gossypium hirsutum L.), or both. The objective of this 3-yr on-farm study was to examine the influence of corn on stink bugs (Hetcroptera: Pentatomidae), Nezara viridula (L.), and Euschistus servus (Say), in subsequent crops in these farmscapes. Adults of both stink bug species entered corn first, and seasonal occurrence of stink bug eggs, nymphs, and adults indicated that corn was a suitable host plant for adult survival and nymphal development to adults. Stink bug females generally oviposited on cotton or peanut near the interface, or common boundary, of the farmscape before senescence of corn, availability of a new food, or both. Adult stink bugs dispersed from crop to crop at the interface of a farmscape in response to senescence of corn, availability of new food, or both. In corn—cotton farmscapes, adult stink bugs dispersed from senescing corn into cotton to feed on bolls (fruit). In corn—peanut farmscapes, adult stink bugs dispersed from senescing corn into peanut, which apparently played a role in nymphal development in these farmscapes. In the corn—cotton—peanut farmscape, stink bug nymphs and adults dispersed from peanut into cotton in response to newly available food, not senescence of peanut. Stink bug dispersal into cotton resulted in severe boll damage. In conclusion, N. viridula and E. servus are generalist feeders that exhibit edge-mediated dispersal from corn into subsequent adjacent crops in corn—cotton, corn—peanut, and corn—peanut—cotton farmscapes to take advantage of suitable resources available in time and space for oviposition, nymphal development, and adult survival. Management strategies for crops in this region need to be designed to break the cycle of stink bug production, dispersal, and expansion by exploiting their edge-mediated movement and host plant preferences.
Flowering plants are often used in habitat management programs to conserve the arthropod natural enemies of insect pests. In this study, nine species of flowering plants representing six families commonly found in North America east of the Rocky Mountains were evaluated based on how much they extended the lifespans of three commercially available natural enemy species in cages with cut flower stems compared with cages containing water only. The natural enemies used in the experiments were a lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville), a predatory bug (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae: Orius insidiosus (Say)), and an aphid parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidius colemani Viereck). The plant species that most extended the lifespans of all three natural enemies were Monarda fistulosa L. (Lamiaceae), Solidago juncea Aiton (Asteraceae), and Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae). Agastache nepetoides (L.) Kuntze (Lamiaceae), Lobelia siphilitica L. (Campanulaceae), and Trifolium pratense L. (Fabaceae) were intermediate in their support of natural enemies. One plant species, Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willdenow (Scrophulariaceae), did not contribute to the longevity of natural enemies any more than water alone. These results emphasize the need for multi-species evaluations of flowering plants for conservation biocontrol programs, and the variability in plant value for natural enemies.
1. Plant distributions are dynamic but the role of plant-insect interactions in controlling range dynamics is not well understood. Enemy release, for example could facilitate plant range expansion under climate change. 2. We conducted a transplant experiment with the evergreen tree Ilex aquifolium L. in both the historical and the expanding range in Denmark to study possible effects of geographical position, small-scale distance, and plant types on presence and performance of the monophagous insect leaf-miner Phytomyza ilicis Curtis. 3. The leaf miner was present in the entire range of I. aquifolium in Denmark, and there were no differences in emergence success depending on geographical position. Small-scale distance to existing adult plants influenced the activity of the insect on the transplants, and oviposition density was negatively correlated with distance to adult plants. 4. Plant type had an effect on leaf miner feeding, oviposition and mining, and the native provenance of I. aquifolium supported higher densities than two cultivars. 5. There was no evidence that enemy release facilitates the current range expansion of I. aquifolium.
For vector-borne diseases, interactions between vector, host, and pathogen can influence patterns of disease spread. In particular, previous studies suggest that host genotype may influence disease dynamics because of differences in susceptibility to the pathogen and, therefore, subsequent vector transmission efficiency from these plants. We tested this hypothesis by using the pathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, the etiological agent of Pierce's disease in grapevines, and its leafhopper vector Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar). Pathogen infection level and transmission efficiency among several widely cultivated red and white wine, table, and raisin grape cultivars, were compared with the expectation that vector transmission rate would differ among cultivars, because of underlying differences in susceptibility to infection. The 14 grapevine genotypes evaluated showed significant differences among cultivars in the populations of X. fastidiosa that developed in petioles. ‘Flame seedless’ hosted the highest bacterial populations, between 1.81 and 2.05 times higher than the least susceptible ‘Merlot’, ‘Crimson seedless’, ‘Grenache Noir’, and ‘Rubired’. Although the transmission rate of X. fastidiosa by H. vitripennis varied substantially (zero to 33%), it was not significantly different among cultivars. These results suggest that either the relationship between vine infection level and transmission is weaker than previously reported, or innate differences in vector preference among cultivars confounded any effects of vine susceptibility to infection.
Tetropium fuscum (F.) attacks weakened Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst., in its native Europe and may colonize healthy spruce in Nova Scotia, Canada. We used manipulative field experiments to evaluate: 1) the development of T. fuscum on apparently healthy red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) in Nova Scotia; 2) the influence of red spruce physiological condition (healthy, girdled or cut) on T. fuscum performance; and 3) the impact of natural enemies and competitors on T. fuscum performance when developing on trees of varying condition. Tetropium fuscum successfully developed on healthy red spruce. Survival was higher on healthy than on girdled or cut trees when larvae were exposed to natural enemies and competitors. The benefits of reduced competition and parasitism on healthy trees appeared to compensate for any reductions in nutritional quality, increase in host resistance, or both. In contrast, when T. fuscum were protected from natural enemies, apparent survival was highest on girdled trees. Tetropium fuscum development took longer on healthy than on cut or girdled trees, and emerged adults were largest on healthy trees. The disparities in adult sizes among the three treatments may mean that healthy trees are more nutritious. Alternatively, the differences may indicate that a greater amount of time was spent feeding in healthy than in girdled or cut trees. Tree condition appears to have a direct impact on the success of T. fuscum, influencing survival, development time, and adult size, and may mediate the impact of natural enemies and competitors, further affecting T. fuscum performance.
The mean height and standard deviation (SD) of flight is estimated for over 100 insect species from their catches on several trap heights reported in the literature. The iterative equations for calculating mean height and SD are presented. The mean flight height for 95% of the studies varied from 0.17 to 5.40 m, and the SD from 0.12 to 3.83 m. The relationship between SD and mean flight height (X) was SD = 0.711X-0.7849, n = 123, R2 = 0.63. In addition, the vertical trap catches were fit to normal distributions and analyzed for skew and kurtosis. The SD was used to calculate an effective flight layer used in transforming the spherical effective attraction radius (EAR) of pheromone-baited traps into a circular EARc for use in two-dimensional encounter rate models of mass trapping and mating disruption using semiochemicals. The EAR/EARc also serves to reveal the attractive strength and efficacy of putative pheromone blends. To determine the reliability of mean flight height and SD calculations from field trapping data, simulations of flying insects in three dimensions (3D) were performed. The simulations used an algorithm that caused individuals to roam freely at random but such that the population distributed vertically according to a normal distribution of specified mean and SD. Within this 3D arena, spherical traps were placed at various heights to determine the effects on catch and SD. The results indicate that data from previous field studies, when analyzed by the iterative equations, should provide good estimates of the population mean height and SD of flight.
Ant-like appearance (myrmecomorphy) has evolved >70 times in insects and spiders, accounting for >2,000 species of myrmecomorphic arthropods. Most myrmecomorphic spiders are considered to be Batesian mimics; that is, a palatable spider avoids predation through resemblance to an unpalatable ant—although this presumption has been tested in relatively few cases. Here we explicitly examined the extent to which Peckhamia picata (Salticidae), a North American ant-mimicking jumping spider, is protected from four species of jumping spider predators, relative to nonmimetic salticids and model ants. In addition, we conducted focused behavioral observations on one salticid predator, Thiodina puerpera, to determine the point at which the predators' behaviors toward model, mimic, and nonmimic diverge. We also examined the behaviors of Peckhamia in the presence of Thiodina. We found that mimetic jumping spiders were consumed less than a third as often as nonmimetic jumping spiders, suggesting that Peckhamia does indeed gain protection as a result of its resemblance to ants, and so can be considered a Batesian mimic. Furthermore, our focal predator did not consume any ant-mimicking spiders, and seemed to categorize Peckhamia with its model ant early in the hunting sequence. Such early determination of prey versus nonprey may be the result of speed-accuracy trade-offs in predator decision-making.
Foraging groups of Formosan subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki were tested for their relative humidity (RH) preference in a humidity gradient arena in the laboratory at a constant temperature of 26°G Five RH levels (9%, 33%, 53%, 75%, and 98%) were maintained in the test arena comprising of a series of closed containers by using dry silica gel, saturated salt solutions, or distilled water alone. Termites gradually aggregated to the highest RH chamber in the arena. After 1h, a significantly greater percentage of termites (≈46%) aggregated to the highest RH chamber (98%) than to the lower RH chambers (≤75%). After 12 h, > 97% of the termites aggregated to the 98% RH chamber. In survival tests, where termites were exposed to 15 combinatorial treatments of five RH levels (9%, 33%, 53%, 75%, and 98%) and three temperatures (20°C, 28°C, and 36°C) for a week, the survival was significantly influenced by RH, temperature, and their interaction. A significantly higher mortality was observed on termites exposed to ≤75% RH chambers than to 98% RH chamber at the three temperatures and significantly lower survival was found at 36°C than at 28°C or 20°C. The combination of temperature and RH plays an important role in the survival of C. formosanus.
Effective methods for early detection of newly established, low density emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) infestations are critically needed in North America. We assessed adult A. planipennis captures on four types of traps in a 16-ha site in central Michigan. The site was divided into 16 blocks, each comprised of four 50- by 50-m cells. Green ash trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) were inventoried by diameter class and ash phloem area was estimated for each cell. One trap type was randomly assigned to each cell in each block. Because initial sampling showed that A. planipennis density was extremely low, infested ash logs were introduced into the center of the site. In total, 87 beetles were captured during the summer. Purple double-decker traps baited with a blend of ash leaf volatiles, Manuka oil, and ethanol captured 65% of all A. planipennis beetles. Similarly baited, green double-decker traps captured 18% of the beetles, whereas sticky bands on girdled trees captured 11% of the beetles. Purple traps baited with Manuka oil and suspended in the canopies of live ash trees captured only 5% of the beetles. At least one beetle was captured on 81% of the purple double-decker traps, 56% of the green double-decker traps, 42% of sticky bands, and 25% of the canopy traps. Abundance of ash phloem near traps had no effect on captures and trap location and sun exposure had only weak effects on captures. Twelve girdled and 29 nongirdled trees were felled and sampled in winter. Current-year larvae were present in 100% of the girdled trees and 72% of the nongirdled trees, but larval density was five times higher on girdled than nongirdled trees.
Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) is the most serious insect pest of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Iran. In this study, spatio-temporal distribution of this pest was determined in wheat by using spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) and geostatistics. Global positioning and geographic information systems were used for spatial sampling and mapping the distribution of this insect. The study was conducted for three growing seasons in Gharamalek, an agricultural region to the west of Tabriz, Iran. Weekly sampling began when E. integriceps adults migrated to wheat fields from overwintering sites and ended when the new generation adults appeared at the end of season. The adults were sampled using 1- by 1-m quadrat and distance-walk methods. A sweep net was used for sampling the nymphs, and five 180° sweeps were considered as the sampling unit. The results of spatial analyses by using geostatistics and SADIE indicated that E. integriceps adults were clumped after migration to fields and had significant spatial dependency. The second- and third-instar nymphs showed aggregated spatial structure in the middle of growing season. At the end of the season, population distribution changed toward random or regular patterns; and fourth and fifth instars had weaker spatial structure compared with younger nymphs. In Iran, management measures for E. integriceps in wheat fields are mainly applied against overwintering adults, as well as second and third instars. Because of the aggregated distribution of these life stages, site-specific spraying of chemicals is feasible in managing E. integriceps.
Little is known about the introduced European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio F. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), and its hymenopteran parasitoid complex in North America. To assess within-tree and landscape-level densities and distributions of these insects, and develop a more cost effective approach for sampling and monitoring S. noctilio, 18 infested pines (12 P. resinosa Aiton and six P. sylvestris L.) were felled from six stands within three regions in central New York and cut into 0.5-m bolts. Bolts were carefully split to recover all siricids (S. noctilio and native siricids) and parasitoids. In total, 2,558 siricids were recovered; 1,972 siricid larvae and 586 teneral adult S. noctilio. Parasitism of siricids, a majority of which were S. noctilio based on larval rearing results, was 16.4% with Ibalia leucospoides ensiger Norton causing 10.7% of the documented mortality. Numbers of siricids and parasitoids declined 33–86% from the northern to the southern sampling regions, peak insect densities occurred in sections of the bole 15–19 cm in diameter and numbers of insects were generally higher in P. sylvestris than P. resinosa according to the highest ranked zero-inflated poisson and probit regression models. Bark thickness was not correlated with siricid or parasitoid species densities. We also describe sampling plans where as few as two 0.5-m samples from infested trees provided reliable within-tree insect densities.
Cost-effective detection of invasive ant colonies before establishment in new ranges is imperative for the protection of national borders and reducing their global impact. We examined the sampling efficiency of food-baits and pitfall traps (baited and nonbaited) in detecting isolated red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) nests in multiple environments in Gainesville, FL. Fire ants demonstrated a significantly higher preference for a mixed protein food type (hotdog or ground meat combined with sweet peanut butter) than for the sugar or water baits offered. Foraging distance success was a function of colony size, detection trap used, and surveillance duration. Colony gyne number did not influence detection success. Workers from small nests (0- to 15-cm mound diameter) traveled no >3 m to a food source, whereas large colonies (>30-cm mound diameter) traveled up to 17 m. Baited pitfall traps performed best at detecting incipient ant colonies followed by nonbaited pitfall traps then food baits, whereas food baits performed well when trying to detect large colonies. These results were used to create an interactive model in Microsoft Excel, whereby surveillance managers can alter trap type, density, and duration parameters to estimate the probability of detecting specified or unknown S. invicta colony sizes. This model will support decision makers who need to balance the sampling cost and risk of failure to detect fire ant colonies.
We studied the ability of Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) to self-select optimal ratios of two dietary components to approach nutritional balance and maximum fitness. Relative consumption of wheat bran and dry potato flakes was determined among larvae feeding on four different ratios of these components (10, 20, 30, and 40% potato). Groups of early instars were provided with a measured amount of food and the consumption of each diet component was measured at the end of 4 wk and again 3 wk later. Consumption of diet components by T. molitor larvae deviated significantly from expected ratios indicating nonrandom self-selection. Mean percentages of dry potato consumed were 11.98, 19.16, 19.02, and 19.27% and 11.89, 20.48, 24.67, and 25.97% during the first and second experimental periods for diets with 10, 20, 30, and 40% potato, respectively. Life table analysis was used to determine the fitness of T. molitor developing in the four diet mixtures in a no-choice experiment. The diets were compared among each other and a control diet of wheat bran only. Doubling time was significantly shorter in groups consuming 10 and 20% potato than the control and longer in groups feeding on 30 and 40% potato. The self-selected ratios of the two diet components approached 20% potato, which was the best ratio for development and second best for population growth. Our findings show dietary self-selection behavior in T. molitor larvae, and these findings may lead to new methods for optimizing dietary supplements for T. molitor.
The eastern pygmy blue, Brephidium pseudofea (Morrison) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae), inhabits intertidal environments that are periodically flooded. The immature stages are subject to salt or brackish water inundation during this time and therefore must endure many stressors, including respiratory limitation and salt exposure. Our goal was to investigate possible mechanisms used by the larval stages of B. pseudofea to endure periodic tidal inundation by using physiological and morphological analyses in comparison with several species of terrestrial lepidopteran larvae. A review of tidal charts showed that the immature stages of B. pseudofea would be prone to complete inundation two to five times per month during the summer months (May to August) and partial submersion for up to 20 d per month during the rest of the year. Larvae of several terrestrial lepidopteran species studied consumed oxygen under water for a limited period, but B. pseudofea demonstrated substantially higher oxygen consumption. Light microscopy of B. pseudofea larvae revealed small air pockets in and around the spiracles when submerged in tap water; these air pockets disappeared when exposed to detergent solution. The resulting air pockets may function as a diffusion layer for oxygen to be absorbed from the surrounding water or may act in conjunction with trans-cuticular gas exchange to meet the larva's respiratory needs. Morphological examination by scanning electron microscopy showed that B. psudofea larvae have distinctively small, clavate setae that appear insufficient to effectively support a functional plastron.
Population structure dictates the evolution of each population, and thus, the species as a whole. Incorporating spatial variables with population genetic statistics allows for greater discovery beyond traditional population genetics alone and can inform management decisions. The understanding of population structure in Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), a pest of wheat, has been limited in the past. We scored 14 microsatellite loci from 12 collections of Hessian fly in the southeastern United States. Through Bayesian clustering analysis, we found two major populations of Hessian fly covering the entire southeastern United States. We evaluated correlations between agriculturally significant spatial variables and population genetic differentiation to test if genetic structure has an ecological component in a wheat agro-ecosystem. Our results suggest the total amount of alternative host plants in the county may be driving some genetic differentiation. Although planting date may also be influential, geographic distance, mean annual temperature, and harvested wheat for grain do not seem to be contributing factors. The ecological or spatial component to population structure, however, may be minimal compared to factors such as genetic drift.
The greenbug aphid, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) was introduced into the United States in the late 1880s, and quickly was established as a pest of wheat, oat, and barley. Sorghum was also a host, but it was not until 1968 that greenbug became a serious pest of it as well. The most effective control method is the planting of resistant varieties; however, the occurrence of greenbug biotypes has hampered the development and use of plant resistance as a management technique. Until the 1990s, the evolutionary status of greenbug biotypes was obscure. Four mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) haplotypes were previously identified, suggesting that S. graminum sensu lato was comprised of host-adapted races. To elucidate the current evolutionary and taxonomic status of the greenbug and its biotypes, two nuclear genes and introns were sequenced; cytochrome c (CytC) and elongation factor 1-α (EF1-α). Phylogenetic analysis of CytC sequences were in complete agreement with COI sequences and demonstrated three distinct evolutionary lineages in S. graminum. EF1-α DNA sequences were in partial agreement with COI and CytC sequences, and demonstrated two distinct evolutionary lineages. Host-adapted races in greenbug are sympatric and appear reproductively isolated. Agricultural biotypes in S. graminum likely arose by genetic recombination via meiosis during sexual reproduction within host-races. The 1968 greenbug outbreak on sorghum was the result of the introduction of a host race adapted to sorghum, and not selection by host resistance genes in crops.
Laboratory bioassays and field surveys were carried out to compare the resistance of three transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines including Bt-DL expressing a single gene cry1Ab, Bt-KF6 expressing stacked genes cry1Ab and CpTI genes and Bt-SY63 expressing a fusion gene cry1Ab/cry1Ac, respectively, to an important rice pest Chilo suppressalis (Walker). In addition, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were conducted to monitor the Bt protein expressions in rice leaves and stems at different rice growth stages. Results showed that all the transgenic rice lines exhibited significantly high resistance to the pest compared with their corresponding nontransformed isolines. Among the transgenic rice lines, Bt-SY63 and Bt-KF6 had higher resistance to C.suppressalis at early growth stage, but lower resistance at late stages, while the pest resistance of Bt-DL was relatively stable throughout the growing season. The results were consistent with ELISA results showing that Bt protein levels in Bt-SY63 or Bt-KF6 leaves decreased in late growth stages, but were relatively stable in Bt-DL at all growth stages. This demonstrates that the resistance to a pest by Bt plants is positively correlated with Cry protein expression levels in plant tissues. Compared with Bt-SY63 and Bt-KF6, the Bt protein expression levels were significantly lower in Bt-DL, while its resistance to C. suppressalis was the highest. This may suggest that C.suppressalis is more susceptible to Cry1Ab than to Cry1Ac. The data from the current study are valuable for decision-making for commercial use of Bt rice lines and development of appropriate pest control and resistance management strategies for the transgenic rice lines.
To investigate the biosafety to insects of transgenic Pinus radiata D. Don containing the antibiotic resistance marker gene nptII and the reproductive control gene leafy, bioassays were conducted with an endemic lepidopteran pest of New Zealand plantation pine forests and a hymenopteran endoparasitoid. Larvae of the common forest looper, Pseudocoremia suavis (Butler), were fed from hatching on P. radiata needles from either one of two nptII-leafy transgenic clones, or an isogenic unmodified control line. For both unparasitized P. suavis and those parasitized by Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael), consuming transgenic versus control pine had no impact on larval growth rate or mass at any age, larval duration, survival, pupation or successful emergence as an adult. Total larval duration was 1 d (3%) longer in larvae fed nptII-2 than nptII-1, but this difference was considered trivial and neither differed from the control. In unparasitized P. suavis larvae, pine type consumed did not affect rate of pupation or adult emergence, pupal mass, or pupal duration. Pine type had no effect on the duration or survival of M. pulchricornis larval or pupal stages, mass of cocoons, stage at which they died, adult emergence, or fecundity. Parasitism by M. pulchricornis reduced P. suavis larval growth rate, increased the duration of the third larval stadium, and resulted in the death of all host larvae before pupation. The lack of impact of an exclusive diet of nptII-leafy transgenic pines on the life history of P. suavis and M. pulchricornis suggests that transgenic plantation pines expressing nptII are unlikely to affect insect populations in the field.
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