Donald D. Davis
Evansia 34 (1), 9-14, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: Pennsylvania, Juniata County, liverworts, Mosses
The checklist of Pennsylvania mosses lists 443 taxa, with only 27 mosses listed for Juniata County. The most recent account of the liverworts and hornworts of Pennsylvania lists 147 liverwort and hornwort taxa from the Commonwealth, but only 4 liverworts from Juniata County. As a result of recent fieldwork, an additional 45 moss taxa and 1 liverwort species were found in the county. Bryophytes of interest include Amblystegium radicale, Brachythecium populeum, Climacium americanum, Hygroamblystegium tenax var. spinifolium, Orthotrichum pusillum, O. pumilum, and Schistidium viride. In addition, nine mosses from Juniata County previously known only from literature reports were collected, verified, and vouchers deposited in MO. Currently, 72 moss and five hepatic taxa are reported from Juniata County, Pennsylvania.