Michael Haldeman
Evansia 37 (3), 71-80, (5 May 2021) https://doi.org/10.1639/0747-9859-37.3.71
KEYWORDS: Idaho, Lichenothelia, microfungi, Oregon State University, Washington
The lichenicolous fungi Lichenochora aipoliae, Stigmidium leprariae and Taeniolella toruloides are reported as new to North America, and Monodictys epilepraria as new to western North America. A record of Lawalreea cf. lecanorae from the region is discussed. The lichen Biatora oligocarpa is reported as new to the contiguous 48 states of the USA. Also reported new to northwestern North America are two Ascomycota microfungi, Gloniopsis subrugosa and Nemania maritima. In total, new state records are provided for Idaho (6), Michigan (1), Montana (1), Oregon (4) and Washington (12).