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The nature of the role played by mobile elements in host genome evolution is reassessed considering numerous recent developments in many areas of biology. It is argued that easy popular appellations such as “selfish DNA” and “junk DNA” may be either inaccurate or misleading and that a more enlightened view of the transposable element-host relationship encompasses a continuum from extreme parasitism to mutualism. Transposable elements are potent, broad spectrum, endogenous mutators that are subject to the influence of chance as well as selection at several levels of biological organization. Of particular interest are transposable element traits that early evolve neutrally at the host level but at a later stage of evolution are co-opted for new host functions.
The evolution of a quantitative genetic trait under stabilizing viability selection and sexual selection is modeled for a polygynous species in which female mating preferences are acquired by sexual imprinting on the parents and by exposure to the surviving population at large. Stabilizing viability selection acts equally on both sexes in the case of a sexually monomorphic trait and on males only in the case of a dimorphic trait. A genetically fixed sensory or perceptual bias defines the origin of the scale on which the trait is measured, and the possibility is incorporated that female preferences may deviate asymmetrically from the familiar—either toward or away from this origin. When viability selection is strong relative to sexual selection, the models predict that the mean trait value will evolve to the viability optimum. With intermediate ratios of the strength of viability to sexual selection, a stable equilibrium can occur on either side of this viability optimum, depending on the direction of asymmetry in female preferences. When viability selection is relatively weak and certain other conditions are also satisfied, runaway selection is predicted.
Are enteric bacteria specifically adapted to the thermal environment of their hosts? In particular, do the optimal temperatures and thermal niches of the bacterial flora reflect seasonal, geographic, or phylogenetic differences in their hosts' temperatures? We examined these questions by measuring the relationship between the temperature-dependent growth rates of enteric bacteria in a free-living ectothermic host. We sampled two species of enteric bacteria (Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica) from three natural populations of slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans) seasonally over two years. Despite pronounced differences in turtle body temperatures at different seasons and in different locations, we found no evidence that the thermal growth profiles of these bacteria mirrored this variation. Optimal temperatures and maximal growth rates in rich medium were nearly the same for both bacterial species (35–36°C, 2.5 doublings per hour). The thermal niche (defined as the range of temperatures over which 75% of maximal growth rate occurred) was slightly higher for E. coli (28.5–41.0°C) than for S. enterica (27.7–39.8°C), but the niche breadth was about the same for both. We also measured the thermal dependence of growth rate in these same bacterial species isolated from mammalian hosts. Both bacterial species had temperatures of maximal growth and thermal niches that were about 2°C higher than those of their respective conspecifics sampled from turtles; niche breadths were not different. These data suggest that these bacterial species are thermal generalists that do not track fine-scale changes in their thermal environments. Even major differences in body temperatures, as great as those between ectothermic and endothermic hosts, may result in the evolution of rather modest changes in thermal properties.
Morphological and molecular phylogenies of animal parasites have often shown parallel cladogenesis, supporting hypotheses of coevolution. Few studies of the phylogenetic history for plants and their pathogens exist. Gene-for-gene interactions suggest that plant pathogens ought to have similar phylogenetic histories as their hosts. However, high dispersability combined with an inability to choose to leave if an inappropriate host has been landed on could increase the likelihood of host jumps and thus decrease phylogenetic congruence between plant pathogens and their hosts. In this study, I examined the pattern of association between the flower-mimicking crucifer rusts and their hosts by comparing independent host phylogenies (based on both cpDNA trnL-F introns and nuclear internal transcribed spacer [ITS] sequences) with that of their rust pathogens (based on ITS sequences). The expectation was that if the pathogens coevolved or cospeciated with their hosts, then their phylogenies should be congruent. Host-tracking coevolution can be differentiated from cospeciation by examining the times of divergence: If the pathogens are younger than the hosts, then it is likely that host tracking has occurred. For the crucifer rusts and their hosts, there was little evidence of parallel cladogenesis, suggesting that both cospeciation and coevolutionary tracking are rare. Instead, the most common pattern was one of host jumps to geographically associated taxa. There are at least three factors that may have contributed to the geographic structuring of the data. First, along the east-west transect stretching from the Rocky Mountains to California, large differences in rainfall and the timing of rainfall may reduce long-distance gene flow. Second, although dispersal of infectious spores is by wind, sexual reproduction of these fungi depends on insects, which move short distances. Third, host shifts are most likely to occur to geographically available taxa. Any species that grows adjacent to infected plants will be exposed to millions of spores, and the probability of eventual infection by a new mutant increases with greater exposure. Thus, patterns of association between the crucifers and their flower-mimic pathogens reflect jumps to geographically available hosts, which are not necessarily those that are most closely related.
The soft coral genus Alcyonium is among the most reproductively diverse invertebrate taxa known: The genus includes species that vary both in mode of reproduction (including broadcast spawners, internal brooders, and external brooders) and sexual expression (gonochores, hermaphrodites, and a unisexual parthenogen). Such diversity offers a unique opportunity to examine associations between reproductive and morphological traits in a phylogenetic context. We used an approximately 900-bp sequence of the nuclear ribosomal gene complex spanning the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions to construct a molecular phylogeny for 14 European and North American species of Alcyonium onto which we mapped the known distribution of reproductive and morphological traits. The phylogeny suggests that hermaphroditism or parthenogenesis has evolved independently at least twice in this genus, and always in internally brooding species. Broadcast spawning and external brooding only occur in species with large colony size, whereas all species with small colony size brood their larvae internally. Internal brooding and small size appear to be ancestral in this genus; if this is the case, an association between broadcast spawning and large colony size has evolved independently in at least two clades. This tendency of small adults to brood their larvae while large adults broadcast spawn them into the plankton has been observed in a variety of solitary invertebrate taxa, but to date has not been documented in any other colonial invertebrates. Moreoever, it has been suggested that organisms with a colonial growth form should not experience the allometric constraints on brood space that have been proposed to explain the association between adult size and mode of reproduction in solitary organisms. Unlike many other colonial groups, however, module (polyp) size is strongly correlated with colony size in Alcyonium, and constraints on brooding may be imposed by module, rather than colony, allometry. The very close genetic relationship (< 1% sequence divergence) and shared polymorphisms among A. digitatum (a large, gonochoric broadcast spawner), A. siderium, and A. sp. A (intermediate-sized and small hermaphroditic, internal brooders) suggest that evolutionary transitions between broadcast spawning and brooding and between gonochorism and hermaphroditism can occur easily and rapidly in this group.
Evolutionary responses of herbivores to their host plants depend not only on selection from plants, but also on the genetic basis of traits relating to host use. The genetic basis of such traits has been investigated extensively among terrestrial insect herbivores, but has received almost no attention among marine herbivores. We tested whether performance traits in the herbivorous marine amphipod Peramphithoe parmerong display heritable variation and, for the first time for a marine herbivore, whether selection has resulted in local adaptation to host plants on two spatial scales. Peramphithoe parmerong displayed heritable genetic variation for survival on two host macroalgae, the high-quality Sargassum linearifolium and the poor-quality Padina crassa, and for growth on S. linearifolium. Differences in performance on different hosts thus have the potential to select for differential use of hosts by this amphipod. Despite this potential, there was no evidence among field populations of local adaptation to host algae on either scale tested: between hosts within a site or among sites differing in algal species composition. Within a site, amphipods were not more likely to prefer or perform better on the host on which they were collected. Similarly, amphipods collected from sites in which P. crassa was present were not more likely to perform well on this host than amphipods collected from sites where this alga was not found. Ecological factors that may explain the persistence of P. parmerong on P. crassa and the possibility of phylogenetic constraints on host use by P. parmerong are discussed.
Forms of reproductive isolation that act after copulation but before fertilization are potentially important components of speciation, but are studied only infrequently. We examined postmating, prezygotic reproductive isolation in three hybridizations within the Drosophila simulans species complex. We allowed females to mate only once, observed and timed all copulations, dissected a subset of the females to track the storage and retention of sperm, examined the number and hatchability of eggs laid after insemination, counted all progeny produced, and measured the longevity of mated females. Each of the three hybridizations is characterized by a different set of cryptic barriers to heterospecific fertilization. When D. simulans females mate with D. sechellia males, few heterospecific sperm are transferred, even during long copulations. In contrast, copulations of D. simulans females with D. mauritiana males are often too short to allow sperm transfer. Those that are long enough to allow insemination, however, involve the transfer of many sperm, but only a fraction of these heterospecific sperm are stored by females, who also lay fewer eggs than do D. simulans females mated with conspecific males. Finally, when D. mauritiana females mate with D. simulans males, sperm are transferred and stored in abundance, but are lost rapidly from the reproductive tract and are therefore used inefficiently. These results add considerably to the list of reproductive isolating mechanisms in this well-studied clade and possibly to the list of evolutionary processes that could contribute to their reproductive isolation.
Males of Microsepsis eberhardi and M. armillata use their genitalic surstyli to rhythmically squeeze the female's abdomen with stereotyped movements during copulation. Squeezing movements did not begin until intromission had occurred and, contrary to predictions of the conflict-of-interest hypothesis for genitalic evolution, did not overcome morphological or behavioral female resistance. Contrary to predictions of the lock-and-key hypothesis, female morphology was uniform in the two species and could not mechanically exclude the genitalia of either species of male. The complex pattern of squeezing movements differed between the two species as predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis for genitalic evolution. Also, evolutionarily derived muscles and pseudoarticulations in the male's genitalic surstyli facilitated one type of movement, whose patterns were especially distinct. The data support the hypothesis that the male surstyli evolved to function as courtship devices.
Recent theoretical and empirical work has suggested that the X chromosome may play a special role in the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits. We tested this idea by quantifying sex chromosome influence on male relative eyespan, a dramatically sexually selected trait in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. After 31 generations of artificial sexual selection on eyespan:body length ratio, we reciprocally crossed high- with low-line flies and found no evidence for maternal effects; the relative eyespan of F1 females from high- and low-line dams did not differ. However, F1 male progeny from high-line dams had longer relative eyespan than male progeny from low-line dams, indicating X-linkage. Comparison of progeny from a backcross involving reciprocal F1 males and control line females confirmed X-linked inheritance and indicated no effect of the Y chromosome on relative eyespan. We estimated that the X chromosome accounts for 25% (SE = 6%) of the change in selected lines, using the average difference between reciprocal F1 males divided by the difference between parental males, or 34%, using estimates of the number of effective factors obtained from reciprocal crosses between a high and low line. These estimates exceed the relative size of the X in the diploid genome of a male, 11.9% (SE = 0.3%), as measured from mitotic chromosome lengths. However, they match expectations if X-linked genes in males exhibit dosage compensation by twofold hyperactivation, as has been observed in other flies. Therefore, sex-linked expression of relative eyespan is likely to be commensurate with the size of the X chromosome in this dramatically dimorphic species.
The evolution of traits is modulated by their interrelationships with each other, particularly when those relationships result in a fitness trade-off. In this paper we explore the consequences of genetic architecture on functional relationships between traits. Specifically, we address the consequences of inbreeding on these relationships. We show that the linear regression between two traits will not be affected if there is no dominance genetic variance in either trait, whereas the intercept but not the slope of the regression will change if there is dominance genetic variance in one trait only. We test the latter hypothesis using fecundity relationships in the cricket Gryllus firmus. Data from pedigree analysis and an inbreeding experiment show that there is significant dominance genetic variance in fecundity, but not head width (an index of body size) or dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM) mass. Fecundity increases with head width, but decreases with DLM mass. As predicted, the intercepts of the regressions of fecundity on these two morphological traits decrease with inbreeding, but there is little or no change in slope. Gryllus firmus is wing dimorphic, with the macropterous (LW) morph having a lower fecundity than the micropterous (SW) morph. We hypothesize that the difference in fecundity arises primarily because of a competition for resources in the LW females between DLM maintenance (i.e., mass) and egg production. As a consequence, we predict that the fecundity within each morph should decline linearly with the inbreeding coefficient at the same rate in both morphs. The result of this will be a change in the relative fitness of the two morphs, that of the SW morph increasing with inbreeding. This prediction is supported. These results indicate that trade-offs will evolve and such changes will affect evolutionary trajectories by altering the pattern of relationships among fitness components.
This study focuses on phylogenetic relationships in two distinct species assemblages of cave-dwelling beetles with similar disjunct distributions in the Pyrenees and Sardinia. One assemblage contains six species in the genera Ovobathysciola (four species) and Patriziella (two species) on Sardinia and one species of Anillochlamys in the Pyrenees. Species within the two Sardinian genera co-occur in the same karst area. Although, they are believed to be each others closest relative, they have very different body types (globular body with short appendages in Ovobathysciola; elongated body with long appendages in Patriziella), which are believed to reflect different degrees of adaptation to cave life. The other assemblage of Bathysciine beetles includes three species in the genus Speonomus in the Pyrenees and one on Sardinia. All the species are rare and many are endangered.
One issue of particular interest was whether Ovobathysciola and Patriziella are reciprocally monophyletic or whether each of the Patriziella species evolved independently from the co-occurring Ovobathysciola species, as the similar morphology of the Patriziella species might be due to convergence rather than common descent. Based on DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) region of the mtDNA, neither scenario was supported. Rather, the two Patriziella species are sister taxa embedded within the Ovobathysciola radiation. In addition, the well-dated geological history of this region allowed us to calibrate absolute rates of COI evolution, the first such estimates for any insect. Finally this study suggests that the evolutionary acquisition of typical cave adaptations (e.g., elongated body and appendages) may occur at about the same rate as loss of traits (e.g., eyes and pigmentation) associated with cave life.
Genetic isolation by distance (IBD) has rarely been described in marine species with high potential for dispersal at both the larval and adult life-history stages. Here, we report significant relationships between inferred levels of gene flow and geographic distance in the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, at 10 nuclear restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) loci at small regional scales in the western north Atlantic region (< 1600 km) that mirror those previously detected over its entire geographic range (up to 7300 km). Highly significant allele frequency differences were observed among eight northwestern Atlantic populations, although the mean FST for all 10 loci was only 0.014. Despite this weak population structuring, the distance separating populations explained between 54% and 62% of the variation in gene flow depending on whether nine or 10 loci were used to estimate Nm. Across the species' entire geographic range, highly significant differences were observed among six regional populations at nine of the 10 loci (mean FST = 0.068) and seven loci exhibited significant negative relationships between gene flow and distance. At this large geographic scale, natural selection acting in the vicinity of one RFLP locus (GM798) had a significant effect on the correlation between gene flow and distance, and eliminating it from the analysis caused the coefficient of determination to increase from 17% to 62%. The role of vicariance was assessed by sequentially removing populations from the analysis and was found to play a minor role in contributing to the relationship between gene flow and distance at either geographic scale. The correlation between gene flow and distance detected in G. morhua at small and large spatial scales suggests that dispersal distances and effective population sizes are much smaller than predicted for the species and that the recent age of populations, rather than extensive gene flow, may be responsible for its weak population structure. Our results suggest that interpreting limited genetic differences among populations as reflecting high levels of ongoing gene flow should be made with caution.
Tailed frogs are distributed in high-gradient streams within the disjunct mesic forests of the Pacific Northwest and represent the basal lineage of the anurans. We sequenced 1530 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit two genes from 23 populations and used parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and nested-clade analyses to estimate relationships among populations and infer evolutionary processes. We found two divergent haplotype clades corresponding with inland Rocky Mountain populations and coastal populations and separated by up to 0.133 substitutions per site. Within the coastal assemblage, haplotypes formed clades by mountain range with 0.010–0.024 substitutions per site divergence among populations. Inland haplotypes exhibited minimal genetic structure, with the exception of 0.021 substitutions per site distance between populations from the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River and all other inland haplotypes. The magnitude of divergence between inland and coastal populations, as well as the paleobotanical record, suggest isolation of these lineages occurred during the late Miocene to early Pliocene, probably in response to the rise of the Cascade Mountains. Genetic structure within coastal and inland populations is consistent with isolation in refugia during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. Closely related inland haplotypes reflect range expansion following glaciation. The depth of divergence between inland and coastal populations supports the persistence of mesic forests within the inland Pacific Northwest throughout the Pleistocene and is congruent with patterns found in several other mesic forest species. Based on mitochondrial divergence and previous allozyme and morphological data, we recommend recognition of inland populations as a distinct species, Ascaphus montanus.
Comparative analyses suggest that a variety of factors influence the evolution of sexual dimorphism in birds. We analyzed the relative importance of social mating system and sperm competition to sexual differences in plumage and body size (mass and tail and wing length) of more than 1000 species of birds from throughout the world. In these analyses we controlled for phylogeny and a variety of ecological and life-history variables. We used testis size (corrected for total body mass) as an index of sperm competition in each species, because testis size is correlated with levels of extrapair paternity and is available for a large number of species. In contrast to recent studies, we found strong and consistent effects of social mating system on most forms of dimorphism. Social mating system strongly influenced dimorphism in plumage, body mass, and wing length and had some effect on dimorphism in tail length. Sexual dimorphism was relatively greater in species with polygynous or lekking than monogamous mating systems. This was true when we used both species and phylogenetically independent contrasts for analysis. Relative testis size was also related positively to dimorphism in tail and wing length, but in most analyses it was a poorer predictor of plumage dimorphism than social mating system. There was no association between relative testis size and mass dimorphism. Geographic region and life history were also associated with the four types of dimorphism, although their influence varied between the different types of dimorphism. Although there is much interest in the effects of sperm competition on sexual dimorphism, we suggest that traditional explanations based on social mating systems are better predictors of dimorphism in birds.
Sexual size dimorphism of adults proximately results from a combination of sexually dimorphic growth patterns and selection on growing individuals. Yet, most studies of the evolution of dimorphism have focused on correlates of only adult morphologies. Here we examined the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in an isolated population of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Sexes differed in growth rates and growth duration; in most traits, females grew faster than males, but males grew for a longer period. Sexual dimorphism in bill traits (bill length, width, depth) and in body traits (wing, tarsus, and tail length; mass) developed during different periods of ontogeny. Growth of bill traits was most different between sexes during the juvenile period (after leaving the nest), whereas growth of body traits was most sexually dimorphic during the first few days after hatching. Postgrowth selection on juveniles strongly influenced sexual dimorphism in all traits; in some traits, this selection canceled or reversed dimorphism patterns produced by growth differences between sexes. The net result was that adult sexual dimorphism, to a large degree, was an outcome of selection for survival during juvenile stages. We suggest that previously documented fast and extensive divergence of house finch populations in sexual size dimorphism may be partially produced by distinct environmental conditions during growth in these populations.
The mechanism of sex determination in mammals appears highly conserved: the presence of a Y chromosome triggers the male developmental pathway, whereas the absence of a Y chromosome results in a default female phenotype. However, if the Y chromosome fails to initiate the male pathway (referred to as Y*), XY* females can result, as is the case in several species of South American field mice (genus Akodon). The breeding genetics in this system inherently select against the Y* chromosome such that the frequency of XY* females should decrease rapidly to very low frequencies. However, in natural populations of Akodon, XY* females persist at substantial frequencies; for example, 10% of females are XY* in A. azarae and 30% in A. boliviensis. We develop a mathematical model that considers the potential roles of three evolutionary forces in maintaining XY* females: Y-to-Y* chromosome transitions (mutation), chromosome segregation distortion (meiotic drive), and differential fecundity (selection). We then test the predictions of our model using data from breeding colonies of A. azarae. We conclude that any single force is inadequate to maintain XY* females. However, a combination of segregation bias of the male and female Y chromosomes during spermatogenesis/oogenesis and increased fecundity in XY* females could account for the observed frequencies of XY* females.
Hybrids may suffer a reduced fitness both because they fall between ecological niches (ecologically dependent isolation) and as a result of intrinsic genetic incompatibilities between the parental genomes (ecologically independent isolation). Whereas genetic incompatibilities are common to all theories of speciation, ecologically dependent isolation is a unique prediction of the ecological model of speciation. This prediction can be tested using reciprocal transplants in which the fitness of various genotypes is evaluated in both parental habitats. Here we expand a quantitative genetic model of Lynch (1991) to include two parental environments. We ask whether a sufficient experimental design exists for detecting ecologically dependent isolation. Analysis of the model reveals that by using both backcrosses in both parental environments, environment-specific additive genetic effects can be estimated while correcting for any intrinsic genetic isolation. Environment-specific dominance effects can also be estimated by including the F1 and F2 in the reciprocal transplant. In contrast, a reciprocal transplant comparing only F1s or F2s to the parental species cannot separate ecologically dependent from intrinsic genetic isolation. Thus, a reduced fitness of F1 or F2 hybrids relative to the parental species is not sufficient to demonstrate ecological speciation. The model highlights the importance of determining the contribution of genetic and ecological mechanisms to hybrid fitness if inferences concerning speciation mechanisms are to be made.
Previous reviews of plant outcrossing rate survey data have agreed that predominant selfing and predominant outcrossing are alternative stable states of mating system evolution. We reanalyzed the most recent data and plot outcrossing rates as a continuous variable rather than as a class variable. Wind-pollinated species are indeed bimodal. However, the shape of the distributions for animal-pollinated species reveals that intermediate rates of outcrossing are common (49% of species fall between 20% and 80% outcrossing). Consequently, we suggest that mating system is best considered a continuous rather than a discrete character of plant populations.
We explored the extent to which a phenotypic trait (walking speed) of Drosophila melanogaster is influenced by population, developmental temperature, adult temperature, and age. Our goals were to estimate the importance of these factors and to test the beneficial acclimation hypothesis. We measured speed of flies from two populations (the Congo and France) that developed at different temperatures (18, 25, and 29°C) and were tested at different temperatures (18, 25, and 29°C) and ages (2, 7, 13 days). Not surprisingly, speed increased strongly with test temperature. Speed was generally greatest for flies reared at an intermediate developmental temperature, contrary to the beneficial acclimation hypothesis, which predicts that speed would be greatest when influenced by interactions involving population. For example, speed was greatest for flies from France that developed at a low temperature, but for flies from the Congo that developed at a high temperature. The impact of developmental temperature declined with age. Surprisingly, speed actually increased with age for flies raised and maintained at a low temperature, but decreased with age for flies raised and maintained at an intermediate or at a high temperature. Thus, walking performance is highly dynamic phenotypically, complicating potential attempts to predict responses to selection on performance.
Cross-generational effects refer to nongenetic influences of the parental phenotype or environment on offspring phenotypes. Such effects are commonly observed, but their adaptive significance is largely unresolved. We examined cross-generational effects of parental temperature on offspring fitness (estimated via a serial-transfer assay) at different temperatures in a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster. Parents were reared at 18°C, 25°C, or 29°C (Tpar) and then their offspring were reared at 18°C, 25°C, or 29°C (Toff) to evaluate several competing hypotheses (including an adaptive one) involving interaction effects of parental and offspring temperature on offspring fitness. The results clearly show that hotter parents are better; in other words, the higher the temperature of the parents, the higher the fitness of their offspring, independent of offspring thermal environment. These data contradict the adaptive cross-generational hypothesis, which proposes that offspring fitness is maximal when the offspring thermal regime matches the parental one. Flies with hot parents have high fitness seemingly because their own offspring develop relatively quickly, not because they have higher fecundity early in life.
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