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I introduce a new statistical method, analysis of skewness, for quantifying large-scale evolutionary trends as a combination of both passive and driven trends. My approach is based on the skewness of subclades within a parent clade. I partition the total skewness of the parent clade into three components: (1) skewness between subclades; (2) skewness within subclades; and (3) skewness due to changes in variance among subclades. The third component corresponds to a new type of passive trend, in which overall skewness of a parent clade is due to greater variability in subclades to the right of the mean. Using this partitioning, I decompose an observed trend into two components: a driven portion and a passive portion, thus quantifying the effect of small-scale dynamics on large-scale behavior of clades. Applications are given to Miocene-Pliocene rodent size and Ordovician brachiopod muscle geometry.
Coalescence theory predicts when genetic drift at nuclear loci will result in fixation of sequence differences to produce monophyletic gene trees. However, the theory is difficult to apply to particular taxa because it hinges on genetically effective population size, which is generally unknown. Neutral theory also predicts that evolution of monophyly will be four times slower in nuclear than in mitochondrial genes primarily because genetic drift is slower at nuclear loci. Variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) within and between species has been studied extensively, but can these mtDNA data be used to predict coalescence in nuclear loci? Comparison of neutral theories of coalescence of mitochondrial and nuclear loci suggests a simple rule of thumb. The “three-times rule” states that, on average, most nuclear loci will be monophyletic when the branch length leading to the mtDNA sequences of a species is three times longer than the average mtDNA sequence diversity observed within that species.
A test using mitochondrial and nuclear intron data from seven species of whales and dolphins suggests general agreement with predictions of the three-times rule. We define the coalescence ratio as the mitochondrial branch length for a species divided by intraspecific mtDNA diversity. We show that species with high coalescence ratios show nuclear monophyly, whereas species with low ratios have polyphyletic nuclear gene trees. As expected, species with intermediate coalescence ratios show a variety of patterns. Especially at very high or low coalescence ratios, the three-times rule predicts nuclear gene patterns that can help detect the action of selection. The three-times rule may be useful as an empirical benchmark for evaluating evolutionary processes occurring at multiple loci.
Assuming all else is equal, an allele for selfing should spread when rare in an outcrossing population and rapidly reach fixation. Such an allele will not spread, however, if self-fertilization results in inbreeding depression so severe that the fitness of selfed offspring is less that half that of outcrossed offspring. Here we consider an ecological force that may also counter the spread of a selfing allele: coevolution with parasites. Computer simulations were conducted for four different genetic models governing the details of infection. Within each of these models, we varied both the level of selfing in the parasite and the level of male-gamete discounting in the host (i.e., the reduction in outcrossing fitness through male function due to the selfing allele). We then sought the equilibrium level of host selfing under the different conditions. The results show that, over a wide range of conditions, parasites can select for host reproductive strategies in which both selfed and outcrossed progeny are produced (mixed mating). In addition, mixed mating, where it exits, tends to be biased toward selfing.
Recent evidence has suggested that clades of dioecious angiosperms have fewer extant species on average than those of cosexual (hermaphroditic and monoecious) relatives. Reasons for the decrease in speciation rates and/or increase in extinction rates are only beginning to be investigated. One possibility is that dioecious species suffer a competitive disadvantage with cosexuals because only half of the individuals in a dioecious population are seed bearing. When only females produce seed, offspring will be more spatially clumped and will experience more local resource competition than when every individual produces seed. We examine two spatially explicit models to determine the effect of a reduction in seed dispersers on the invasibility and persistence of dioecious populations. Even though dioecious females were allowed to produce twice as many seeds as cosexuals, our results show that a reduction in the number of seed dispersers causes a decrease in the ability of dioecious progeny to find uninhabited sites, thus reducing persistence times. These results suggest that the maintenance of dioecy in the presence of hermaphroditic competitors requires a substantial increase in relative fitness and/or a large dispersal advantage of dioecious seeds.
Twelve experimental populations of the bacterium Escherichia coli evolved for 20,000 generations in a defined medium at 37°C. We measured their maximum growth rates across a broad range of temperatures and at several evolutionary time points to quantify the extent to which they became thermal specialists with diminished performance at other temperatures. We also sought to determine whether antagonistic pleiotropy (genetic trade-offs) or mutation accumulation (drift decay) was primarily responsible for any thermal specialization. Populations showed consistent improvement in growth rate at moderate temperatures (27–39°C), but tended to have decreased growth rate at both low (20°C) and high (41–42°C) temperatures. Most loss occurred early in the experiment, when adaptation was most rapid. This dynamic is predicted by antagonistic pleiotropy but not by mutation accumulation. Several populations evolved high mutation rates due to defects in their DNA repair, but they did not subsequently undergo a greater decrease in growth rate at thermal extremes than populations that retained low mutation rates, contrary to the acceleration of decay predicted by mutation accumulation. Antagonistic pleiotropy therefore is more likely to be responsible for the evolution of thermal specialization observed in maximum growth rate.
Twenty-four strains of Escherichia coli from the ECOR collection were characterized for growth rate in gluconate minimal salts medium and for Vmax and Km of the three enzymes (gluconokinase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase) that form a branch point for the utilization of gluconate. A total of 11 characters—growth rate, three Vmax values, four Km values, and three Vmax/Km values—were determined for these 24 ECOR strains. Most of the characters were normally distributed. Statistical tests showed that growth rate is significantly less variable than enzyme activities. Also, analyses of variance showed significant differences among strains and among the extant five genetic groups of E. coli for the characters measured. A Mantel test showed that, for some characters, closely related strains shared similar character values. Two hypotheses regarding the relationships between growth rate and enzyme activity and between various enzyme activities were tested. None of the expected correlations between growth rate and enzyme activity or between enzyme activities was detected. The results were discussed in terms of metabolic control analysis and neutral theory.
In small or repeatedly bottlenecked populations, mutations are expected to accumulate by genetic drift, causing fitness declines. In mutational meltdown models, such fitness declines further reduce population size, thus accelerating additional mutation accumulation and leading to extinction. Because the rate of mutation accumulation is determined partly by the mutation rate, the risk and rate of meltdown are predicted to increase with increasing mutation rate. We established 12 replicate populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from each of two isogenic strains whose genomewide mutation rates differ by approximately two orders of magnitude. Each population was transferred daily by a fixed dilution that resulted in an effective population size near 250. Fitness declines that reduce growth rates were expected to reduce the numbers of cells transferred after dilution, thus reducing population size and leading to mutational meltdown. Through 175 daily transfers and approximately 2900 generations, two extinctions occurred, both in populations with elevated mutation rates. For one of these populations there is direct evidence that extinction resulted from mutational meltdown: Extinction immediately followed a major fitness decline, and it recurred consistently in replicate populations reestablished from a sample frozen after this fitness decline, but not in populations founded from a predecline sample. Wild-type populations showed no trend to decrease in size and, on average, they increased in fitness.
Streptocarpus shows great variation in vegetative architecture. In some species a normal shoot apical meristem never forms and the entire vegetative plant body may consist of a single giant cotyledon, which may measure up to 0.75 m (the unifoliate type) or with further leaves arising from this structure (the rosulate type). A molecular phylogeny of 87 taxa (77 Streptocarpus species, seven related species, and three outgroup species) using the internal transcribed spacers and 5.8S region of nuclear ribosomal DNA suggests that Streptocarpus can be divided into two major clades. One of these broadly corresponds to the caulescent group (with conventional shoot architecture) classified as subgenus Streptocarpella, whereas the other is mainly composed of acaulescent species with unusual architecture (subgenus Streptocarpus). Some caulescent species (such as S. papangae) are anomalously placed with the acaulescent clade. Available cytological data are, however, completely congruent with the two major clades: the caulescent clade is x = 15 and the acaulescent clade (including the caulescent S. papangae) is x = 16 (or polyploid multiples of 16). The genera Linnaeopsis, Saintpaulia, and Schizoboea are nested within Streptocarpus. The sequenced region has evolved, on average, 2.44 times faster in the caulescent clade than in the acaulescent clade and this is associated with the more rapid life cycle of the caulescents. Morphological variation in plant architecture within the acaulescent clade is homoplastic and does not appear to have arisen by unique abrupt changes. Instead, rosulate and unifoliate growth forms have evolved several times, reversals have occurred, and intermediate architectures are found. An underlying developmental plasticity seems to be a characteristic of the acaulescent clade and is reflected in a great lability of form.
Plastic stem-elongation responses to the ratio of red:far-red (R:FR) wavelengths enable plants to match their phenotype to local competitive conditions. However, elongation responses early in the life history may occur at the cost of reduced plasticity later in the life history, because elongation influences both allocation patterns and structural integrity. A common-garden experiment was performed to test whether seedling responses to R:FR affect biomass allocation, biomass accumulation, and subsequent plasticity to the cue. Seedlings of Abutilon theophrasti were stimulated to elongate by low R:FR treatments, and subsequent growth and plasticity was compared with nonelongated individuals. Elongated seedlings were less responsive than nonelongated ones to a second bout of low R:FR. Thus, seedling plasticity to R:FR reduces subsequent responsiveness to this cue. This negative association across life-history stages suggests an important constraint on the evolution of plastic stem responses, because selection in A. theophrasti has previously been shown to favor increases in early elongation in combination with increased later elongation. The reduced responsiveness of elongated seedlings to R:FR appeared to result from a structural feedback mechanism, indicating that the opportunity cost of early responses may be lower in environments providing structural support.
Mimulus guttatus is a wildflower that exhibits substantial genetic variation in flower size. Here, we test the hypothesis that this variation is caused by deleterious mutations maintained through mutation-selection balance. The deleterious-mutation model predicts that rare, partially recessive alleles will be the primary source of variation. We test this prediction by measuring the change in the mean flower size (ΔM) and the directional dominance of flower size (ΔB) within a selection experiment. If variation is due to rare (partially) recessive alleles, ΔB/ΔM is expected to be positive and exceed one. However, we obtain negative values for ΔB/ΔM from three independent selection lines. This result is statistically inconsistent with the deleterious-mutation model.
The extent and spatial patterns of genetic variation at allozyme markers were investigated within and between diploid and autotetraploid knapweeds (Centaurea jacea L. sensu lato, Asteraceae) at contrasted geographic scales: (1) among populations sampled from a diploid-tetraploid contact zone in the northeastern part of the Belgian Ardennes, and (2) within mixed populations from that zone where diploids and tetraploids coexist. Our data were also compared with a published dataset by Sommer (1990) describing allozyme variation in separate diploid and tetraploid knapweeds populations collected throughout Europe. Genetic diversity was higher in tetraploids. In the Belgian Ardennes and within the mixed populations, both cytotypes had similar levels of spatial genetic structure, they were genetically differentiated, and their distributions of allele frequencies were not spatially correlated. In contrast, at the European scale, diploids and tetraploids did not show differentiated gene pools and presented a strong correlation between their patterns of spatial genetic variation. Numerical simulations showed that the striking difference in patterns observed at small and large geographic scales could be accounted for by a combination of (1) isolation by distance within cytotypes; and (2) partial reproductive barriers between cytotypes and/or recurrent formation of tetraploids. We suggest that this may explain the difficulty of the taxonomic treatment of knapweeds and of polyploid complexes in general.
The causes of speciation in the sea are rarely obvious, because geographical barriers are not conspicuous and dispersal abilities or marine organisms, particularly those of species with planktonic larvae, are hard to determine. The phylogenetic relations of species in cosmopolitan genera can provide information on the likely mode of their formation. We reconstructed the phylogeny of the pantropical and subtropical sea urchin genus Diadema, using sequences of mitochondrial DNA from 482 individuals collected around the world, to determine the efficacy of barriers to gene flow and to ascertain the history of possible dispersal and vicariance events that led to speciation. We also compared 22 isozyme loci between all described species except D. palmeri. The mitochondrial DNA data show that the two deepest lineages are found in the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. (Indo-Pacific) Diadema setosum diverged first from all other extant Diadema, probably during the initiation of wide fluctuations in global sea levels in the Miocene. The D. setosum clade then split 3–5 million years ago into two clades, one found around the Arabian Peninsula and the other in the Indo-West Pacific. On the lineage leading to the other species of Diadema, the deepest branch is composed of D. palmeri, apparently separated when the climate of New Zealand became colder and other tropical echinoids at these islands went extinct. The next lineage to separate is composed of a currently unrecognized species of Diadema that is found at Japan and the Marshall Islands. Diadema mexicanum in the eastern Pacific separated next, whereas D. paucispinum, D. savignyi, and D. antillarum from the western and central Atlantic, and (as a separate clade) D. antillarum from the eastern Atlantic form a shallow polytomy. Apparently, Indo-Pacific populations of Diadema maintained genetic contact with Atlantic ones around the southern tip of Africa for some time after the Isthmus of Panama was complete. Diadema paucispinum contains two lineages: D. paucispinum sensu stricto is not limited to Hawaii as previously thought, but extends to Easter Island, Pitcairn, and Okinawa; A second mitochondrial clade of D. paucispinum extends from East Africa and Arabia to the Philippines and New Guinea. A more recent separation between West Indian Ocean and West Pacific populations was detected in D. setosum. Presumably, these genetic discontinuities are the result of water flow restrictions in the straits between northern Australia and Southeast Asia during Pleistocene episodes of low sea level. Diadema savignyi is characterized by high rates of gene flow from Kiribati in the central Pacific all the way to the East African Coast. In the Atlantic, there is a biogeographic barrier between the Caribbean and Brazil, possibly caused by fresh water outflow from the Amazon and the Orinoco Rivers. Diadema antillarum populations of the central Atlantic islands of Ascension and St. Helena are genetically isolated and phylogenetically derived from Brazil. Except for its genetic separation by the mid-Atlantic barrier, Diadema seems to have maintained connections through potential barriers to dispersal (including the Isthmus of Panama) more recently than did Eucidaris or Echinometra, two other genera of sea urchins in which phylogeography has been studied. Nevertheless, the mtDNA phylogeography of Diadema includes all stages expected from models of allopatric differentiation. There are anciently separated clades that now overlap in their geographic distribution, clades isolated in the periphery of the genus range that have remained in the periphery, clades that may have been isolated in the periphery but have since spread towards the center, closely related clades on either side of an existing barrier, and closely related mono
Introduced species often possess low levels of genetic diversity relative to source populations as a consequence of the small population sizes associated with founder events. Additionally, native and introduced populations of the same species can possess divergent genetic structuring at both large and small geographic scales. Thus, genetic systems that have evolved in the context of high diversity may function quite differently in genetically homogeneous introduced populations. Here we conduct a genetic analysis of native and introduced populations of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) in which we show that the population-level changes that have occurred during introduction have produced marked changes in the social structure of this species. Native populations of the Argentine ant are characterized by a pattern of genetic isolation by distance, whereas this pattern is absent in introduced populations. These differences appear to arise both from the effects of recent range expansion in the introduced range as well as from differences in gene flow within each range. Relatedness within nests and colonies is lower in the introduced range than in the native range as a consequence of the widespread genetic similarity that typifies introduced populations. In contrast, nestmates and colony-mates in the native range are more closely related, and local genetic differentiation is evident. Our results shed light on the problem posed for kin selection theory by the low levels of relatedness that are characteristic of many unicolonial species and suggest that the loss of genetic variation may be a common mechanism for the transition to a unicolonial colony structure.
Many spiders, and in particular those in the genus Argiope, spin highly visible web decorations whose function and significance are the subject of spirited debate. In this work, we present data to address two of the competing hypotheses that fuel this controversy. In particular, we examine the relationship between the presence of web decorations and spider survivorship (predator-protection hypothesis) and the relationship between the presence of prey and spider decorating behavior (the prey-attraction hypothesis). Our laboratory studies reveal that the decorating behavior of the spider A. argentata has a genetic component but that the expression of decorating behavior tends to be elicited only when a spider is well fed. Furthermore, our field studies show that in the presence of abundant stingless bees, spider decorating behavior is induced. Nevertheless, our field surveys also suggest that spiders that decorate their webs show reduced survivorship. We propose that the high correlation between web decorating in the presence of stingless bees supports the hypothesis that A. argentata engage in decorating behavior when attracting or targeting specific prey types. However, we also propose that web decorations attract the predators of A. argentata because high-frequency decorators suffer lower survivorship than spiders that decorate moderately or rarely. These findings suggest that spider web decorating behavior is affected by conflicting selection pressures: the positive effect of prey attraction versus the negative effect of predator attraction. Due to the heritable component of decorating behavior, web decorating among A. argentata is likely to be particularly sensitive to the spider's local ecology as well as local patterns of gene flow.
Mating has been found to be costly for females of some species because of toxic products that males transfer to females in their seminal fluid. Such mating costs seem paradoxical, particularly for species in which females mate more frequently than is necessary to fertilize their eggs. Indeed, some studies suggest that females may benefit from mating more frequently. The effect of male ejaculates on female life span and lifetime fecundity was experimentally tested in the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps. In field crickets, females will mate repeatedly with a given male and mate with multiple males. Females that were experimentally mated either repeatedly or multiply lived more than 32% longer than singly mated females. In addition, multiply mated females produced 98% more eggs than singly mated females. Because females received only sperm and seminal fluid from males in the experimental matings, these life-span and fecundity benefits may result from beneficial seminal fluid products that males transfer to females during mating. Mating benefits rather than mating costs may be common in many animals, particularly in species where female mate choice has a larger effect on male reproductive success than does the outcome of sperm competition.
The ornamentation and displays on which sexual attractiveness and thus mating success are based may be complex and comprise several traits. Predicting the outcome of sexual selection on such complex phenotypes requires an understanding of both the direct operation of selection on each trait and the indirect consequences of selection operating directly on genetically correlated traits. Here we report the results of a quantitative genetic analysis of the ornamentation, sexual attractiveness, and mating success of male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We analyze male ornamentation both from the point of view of single ornamental traits (e.g., the area of each color) and of composite measures of the way the entire pattern is likely to be perceived by females (e.g., the mean and contrast in chroma). We demonstrate that there is substantial additive genetic variation in almost all measures of male ornamentation and that much of this variation may be Y linked. Attractiveness and mating success are positively correlated at the phenotypic and genetic level. Orange area and chroma, the area of a male's tail, and the color contrast of his pattern overall are positively correlated with attractiveness and/or mating success at the phenotypic and genetic levels. Using attractiveness and mating success as measures of fitness, we estimate gradients of linear directional sexual selection operating on each male trait and use equations of multivariate evolutionary change to predict the response of male ornamentation to this sexual selection. From these analyses, we predict that indirect selection may have important effects on the evolution of male guppy color patterns.
Explaining the extent, causes, and consequences of biotic distributions in space is fundamental to our understanding of how species evolve and cope with particular environments. Yet, identifying extrinsic barriers to migration imposed by landscape structure and predicting their impacts on intraspecific genetic diversity remains a major challenge in population biology. In this study, 30 populations (771 individuals) of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis, Salmonidae) representing six major river drainages from Maine, USA, were characterized at six microsatellite loci to quantify the role of landscape features, such as habitat size, altitude, contemporary and historical connectivity, in shaping genetic diversity at three spatial scales: within lakes, within river drainages, and among river drainages. Within-population expected heterozygosity was negatively correlated with altitude, whereas no significant correlation was observed with lake size. Conversely, the extent of heterozygote deficiency within lakes was negatively associated with habitat size. The hierarchical analysis of genetic variance revealed that the extent of among-drainage differentiation was unexpectedly low relative to the pronounced population structuring within drainage. Geographically proximate St. John and Penobscot River drainages were characterized by opposite effects of altitude and geographic distance in shaping the pattern of population differentiation within drainages. The geographic pattern of differentiation among drainages could not be accounted for either by an isolation by distance or by a stepwise range expansion model. Overall, this study provided evidence for the role of contemporary landscape features in shaping the observed pattern of genetic diversity at smaller geographic scales (within and among populations within river drainage). On a broader geographic scale, contemporary landscape structure appeared to be only a minor factor determining the observed pattern of genetic structuring among drainages. These results add to the increasing evidence for nonequilibrium conditions between drift and migration in a wide array of animal taxa. The development of more realistic theoretical descriptions of nonequilibrium population structure thus appears to be important to better understand the relative influence of historical and ecological factors in shaping genetic variation in young habitats, such as recently deglaciated areas.
The distribution of circumtropical marine species is limited by continental boundaries, cold temperate conditions, and oceanic expanses, but some of these barriers are permeable over evolutionary time scales. Sister taxa that evolved in separate ocean basins can come back into contact, and the consequences of this renewed sympatry may be a key to understanding evolutionary processes in marine organisms. The circumtropical trumpetfishes (Aulostomus) include a West Atlantic species (A. maculatus), an Indian-Pacific species (A. chinensis), and an East Atlantic species (A. strigosus) that may be the product of a recent invasion from the Indian Ocean. To resolve patterns of divergence and speciation, we surveyed 480 bp of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b in 196 individuals from 16 locations. Based on a conventional molecular clock of 2% sequence divergence per million years, the deepest partitions in a neighbor-joining tree (d = 0.063–0.082) are consistent with separation of West Atlantic and Indian-Pacific species by the Isthmus of Panama, 3–4 million years ago. By the same criteria, trumpetfish in the East Atlantic were isolated from the Indian Ocean about 2.5 million years ago (d = 0.044–0.054), coincident with the advent of glacial cycles and cold-water upwelling around South Africa. Continental barriers between tropical oceans have only rarely been surmounted by trumpetfishes, but oceanic barriers do not appear to be substantial, as indicated by weak population partitioning (ϕST = 0.093) in A. chinensis across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Finally, morphological and mitochondrial DNA data indicate hybridization of A. strigosus and A. maculatus in Brazil. After 3–4 million years and a globe-spanning series of vicariant and dispersal events, trumpetfish lineages have come back into contact in the southwest Atlantic and appear to be merging. This ring species phenomenon may occur in a broad array of marine organisms, with clear implications for the production and maintenance of biodiversity in marine ecosystems.
Morphological and physiological considerations suggest that sprinting ability and endurance capacity put conflicting demands on the design of an animal's locomotor apparatus and therefore cannot be maximized simultaneously. To test this hypothesis, we correlated size-corrected maximal sprint speed and stamina of 12 species of lacertid lizards. Phylogenetically independent contrasts of sprint speed and stamina showed a significant negative relationship, giving support to the idea of an evolutionary trade-off between the two performance measures. To test the hypothesis that the trade-off is mediated by a conflict in morphological requirements, we correlated both performance traits with snout-vent length, size-corrected estimates of body mass and limb length, and relative hindlimb length (the residuals of the relationship between hind- and forelimb length). Fast-running species had hindlimbs that were long compared to their forelimbs. None of the other size or shape variables showed a significant relationship with speed or endurance. We conclude that the evolution of sprint capacity may be constrained by the need for endurance capacity and vice versa, but the design conflict underlying this trade-off has yet to be identified.
Although natural populations of most species exhibit a 1:1 sex ratio, biased sex ratios are known to be associated with non-Mendelian inheritance, as in sex-linked meiotic drive and cytoplasmic inheritance (Charnov 1982; Hurst 1993). We show how cultural inheritance, another type of non-Mendelian inheritance, can favor skewed primary sex ratios and propose that it may explain the female-biased sex ratios commonly observed in reptiles with environmental sex determination (ESD). Like cytoplasmic elements, cultural traits can be inherited through one sex. This, in turn, favors skewing the primary sex allocation in favor of the transmitting sex. Female nest-site philopatry is a sex-specific, culturally inherited trait in many reptiles with ESD and highly female-biased sex ratios. We propose that the association of nest-site selection with ESD facilitates the maternal manipulation of offspring sex ratios toward females.
We present a general epidemiological model of host-parasite interactions that includes various forms of superinfection. We use this model to study the effects of different host life-history traits on the evolution of parasite virulence. In particular, we analyze the effects of natural host death rate on the evolutionarily stable parasite virulence. We show that, contrary to classical predictions, an increase in the natural host death rate may select for lower parasite virulence if some form of superinfection occurs. This result is in agreement with the experimental results and the verbal argument presented by Ebert and Mangin (1997). This experiment is discussed in the light of the present model. We also point out the importance of superinfections for the effect of nonspecific immunity on the evolution of virulence. In a broader perspective, this model demonstrates that the occurrence of multiple infections may qualitatively alter classical predictions concerning the effects of various host life-history traits on the evolution of parasite virulence.
Most drosophilid species can be classified either as temperate or tropical. Adults of species were submitted to a cold treatment (0°C) and then brought back to ambient temperature. They generally exhibited a chill coma and the time needed to recover was measured. We found in a set of 26 temperate species that recovery was rapid (average 1.8 min, range 0.15–4.9). In contrast, a long recovery time (average 56 min, range 24–120) was observed for 48 tropical species. A few species, like Drosophila melanogaster, are cosmopolitan and can proliferate under temperate and tropical climates. In 9 of 10 such species, slight genetic differences were found: a shorter recovery in temperate than in tropical populations. Comparing physiological data to phylogeny suggests that chill-coma tolerance has been a recurrent adaptation that is selected for in cold climates but tends to disappear under a permanently warm environment. This major climatic adaptation, evidenced in drosophilids, seems to occur in other insect groups also.
A centric fragment was generated during the introgression of a chromosome region from Nasonia giraulti into N. vitripennis. This neo B chromosome carries the N. giraulti or123 gene for wild-type eye color. Using this phenotypic effect, the transmission of this chromosome was analyzed. The supernumerary chromosome showed less than Mendelian segregation rate in meiosis and some mitotic instability manifested as mosaic phenotype for eye color. However, transmission rate and mitotic stability increased over successive generations. The transmission rate through male gametogenesis was nearly 100%. These results support the interspecific hybridization model for B chromosome origin and reveal that problems in chromosome stability can persist for several generations after “foreign chromosomes” are introduced into a different species. We suggest that hybrid zones should be investigated as possible sites for neo-B chromosome generation.
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