VOL. 57 · NO. 8 | August 2003
Daniel Garrigan, Philip W. Hedrick
Evolution 57 (8), 1707-1722, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-732
KEYWORDS: Adaptive polymorphism, balancing selection, major histocompatibility complex, neutral theory, nonsynonymous substitution
John J. Welch, David Waxman
Evolution 57 (8), 1723-1734, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-673
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, evolutionary rates, Fisher's geometrical model, MODULARITY, pleiotropy
James D. Fry
Evolution 57 (8), 1735-1746, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-672
KEYWORDS: ecological speciation, habitat isolation, host race, hypergeometric phenotypic model, pea aphids, phytophagous insects
Adam G. Jones, Stevan J. Arnold, Reinhard Bürger
Evolution 57 (8), 1747-1760, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-631
KEYWORDS: GENETIC CORRELATION, genetic covariance, genetic variance, pleiotropy, response to selection, QUANTITATIVE GENETICS
Xu-Sheng Zhang, William G. Hill
Evolution 57 (8), 1761-1775, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-587
KEYWORDS: Diffusion approximation, distribution of mutational effects, genetic variation, mutation, rare allele
Anne Tsitrone, Mark Kirkpatrick, Donald A. Levin
Evolution 57 (8), 1776-1782, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-746
KEYWORDS: cytoplasmic male sterility, hybridization, introgression, marker incongruence, reallocation
Eric Haywood-Farmer, Sarah P. Otto
Evolution 57 (8), 1783-1792, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/01-535
KEYWORDS: Ancestor states, maximum likelihood, bacteria, base composition, Brownian motion, GC content, sequence evolution
Heather J. Henter
Evolution 57 (8), 1793-1803, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-751
KEYWORDS: arrhenotoky, genetic load, haplodiploid, inbreeding depression, local mate competition theory, mating system evolution, parasitoid
Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, H. Charles J. Godfray, James M. Cook
Evolution 57 (8), 1804-1821, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-470
KEYWORDS: Coevolution, cospeciation, Gracillariidae, host shift, host specificity, insect-plant relationships, Phyllonorycter
David H. Reed, Edwin H. Lowe, David A. Briscoe, Richard Frankham
Evolution 57 (8), 1822-1828, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-601
KEYWORDS: Drosophila melanogaster, Environmental heterogeneity, genetic variation, genotype-environment interactions, laboratory adaptation
Zoltán Bochdanovits, Gerdien de Jong
Evolution 57 (8), 1829-1836, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-740
KEYWORDS: Body size evolution, Drosophila melanogaster, experimental evolution, larval resource processing, thermal evolution
Joan Balanyà, Luís Serra, George W. Gilchrist, Raymond B. Huey, Marta Pascual, Francesc Mestres, Elisabet Solé
Evolution 57 (8), 1837-1845, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-577
KEYWORDS: Chromosome polymorphism, clinal variation, Drosophila subobscura, introduced species, rate of evolution
Carla M. Sgrò, Mark W. Blows
Evolution 57 (8), 1846-1851, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-050
KEYWORDS: Additive genetic variance, clines, evolution, life history, nonadditive genetic variance
Wilte G. Zijlstra, Marc J. Steigenga, Paul M. Brakefield, Bas J. Zwaan
Evolution 57 (8), 1852-1862, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-494
KEYWORDS: constraint, coupling, development time, life history, two-trait selection, wing pattern
Michelle McClure, Amy R. McCune
Evolution 57 (8), 1863-1875, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-418
KEYWORDS: growth, mechanico-chemical models, pigment pattern formation, reaction-diffusion models, zebrafish
T. H. Vines, S. C. Köhler, M. Thiel, I. Ghira, T. R. Sands, C. J. MacCallum, N. H. Barton, B. Nürnberger
Evolution 57 (8), 1876-1888, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-512
KEYWORDS: gene flow, habitat preference, LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM, migration, selection, speciation
Ivan Gomez-Mestre, Miguel Tejedo
Evolution 57 (8), 1889-1899, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-093
KEYWORDS: Bufo calamita, Common garden, geographic variation, local adaptation, salinity, stress, transplant experiments
Jeffrey M. Good, John R. Demboski, David W. Nagorsen, Jack Sullivan
Evolution 57 (8), 1900-1916, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-352
KEYWORDS: Bacula, Bayesian phylogeny, hybrid zone, introgression, multivariate morphometrics, nested clade analysis
Joseph I. Hoffman, Ian L. Boyd, William Amos
Evolution 57 (8), 1917-1930, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-530
KEYWORDS: female behavior, inbreeding, microsatellite, paternity analysis, pinniped, Polygyny
Ben J. Evans, Jatna Supriatna, Noviar Andayani, Don J. Melnick
Evolution 57 (8), 1931-1946, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-476
KEYWORDS: microsatellites, philopatry, phylogeny, population genetics, Southeast Asia
Patrik Waldmann
Evolution 57 (8), 1947-1951, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-644
KEYWORDS: conservation, fitness, Gibbs sampling, MCMC, selfing
Patrik Lindenfors, Love Dalèn, Anders Angerbjörn
Evolution 57 (8), 1952-1956, (1 August 2003) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-619
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