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The classification of reproductive isolating barriers laid out by Dobzhansky and Mayr has motivated and structured decades of research on speciation. We argue, however, that this classification is incomplete and that the unique contributions of a major source of reproductive isolation have often been overlooked. Here, we describe reproductive barriers that derive from the reduced survival of immigrants upon reaching foreign habitats that are ecologically divergent from their native habitat. This selection against immigrants reduces encounters and thus mating opportunities between individuals from divergently adapted populations. It also reduces the likelihood that successfully mated immigrant females will survive long enough to produce their hybrid offspring. Thus, natural selection against immigrants results in distinctive elements of premating and postmating reproductive isolation that we hereby dub “immigrant inviability.” We quantify the contributions of immigrant inviability to total reproductive isolation by examining study systems where multiple components of reproductive isolation have been measured and demonstrate that these contributions are frequently greater than those of traditionally recognized reproductive barriers. The relevance of immigrant inviability is further illustrated by a consideration of population-genetic theory, a review of selection against immigrant alleles in hybrid zone studies, and an examination of its participation in feedback loops that influence the evolution of additional reproductive barriers. Because some degree of immigrant inviability will commonly exist between populations that exhibit adaptive ecological divergence, we emphasize that these barriers play critical roles in ecological modes of speciation. We hope that the formal recognition of immigrant inviability and our demonstration of its evolutionary importance will stimulate more explicit empirical studies of its contributions to speciation.
Accurate phylogenies are crucial for understanding evolutionary processes, especially species diversification. It is commonly assumed that “good” species are sufficiently isolated genetically that gene genealogies represent accurate phylogenies. However, it is increasingly clear that good species may continue to exchange genetic material through hybridization (introgression). Many studies of closely related species reveal introgression of some genes without others, often with more rapid introgression of maternally inherited chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA (cpDNA, mtDNA). We seek a general explanation for this biased introgression using simple models of common reproductive isolating barriers (RIBs). We compare empirically informed models of prezygotic isolation (for pre- and postinsemination mechanisms of both female choice and male competition) with postzygotic isolation and demonstrate that rate of introgression depends critically upon type of RIB and mode of genetic inheritance (maternal versus biparental versus paternal). Our frequency-dependent prezygotic RIBs allow much more rapid introgression of biparentally and maternally inherited genes than do commonly modeled postzygotic RIBs (especially maternally inherited DNA). After considering the specific predictions in the context of empirical observations, we conclude that our model of prezygotic RIBs is a general explanation for biased introgression of maternally inherited genomic components. These findings suggest that we should use extreme caution when interpreting single gene genealogies as species phylogenies, especially for cpDNA and mtDNA.
According to current thinking, a parasite's transmission mode will be a major determinant of virulence, defined as the harm induced by parasites to their hosts. With horizontal transmission, virulence will increase as a byproduct of a trade-off between fitness gained through increased among-host transmission (infectivity) and fitness lost through increased virulence. With vertical transmission, virulence will decrease because a parasite's reproductive potential will be maximized only by decreasing harm to the host, allowing parasite transmission to more host offspring. To test both predictions, we transmitted barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) horizontally and then vertically in its host, barley (Hordeum vulgare). After four generations of horizontal transmission, we observed a nearly twofold increase in horizontal infectivity and nearly tripled virulence. After three generations of subsequent vertical transmission, we observed a modest (16%) increase in vertical transmissibility and a large (40%) reduction in virulence. Increased horizontal transmission is often due to increased pathogen replication which, in turn, causes increased virulence. However, we found no correlation between within-host virus concentration and virulence, indicating that the observed changes in virulence were not due to changes in viral titer. Finally, horizontally transmitted BSMV had reduced vertical transmission and vertically transmitted BSMV had reduced horizontal infectivity. These two observations suggest that, in nature, in different host populations with varying opportunities for horizontal and vertical transmission, different viral strains may be favored.
Seasonal germination timing strongly influences lifetime fitness and can affect the ability of plant populations to colonize and persist in new environments. To quantify the influence of seasonal environmental factors on germination and to test whether pleiotropy or close linkage are significant constraints on the evolution of germination in different seasonal conditions, we dispersed novel recombinant genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana into two geographic locations. To decouple the photoperiod during seed maturation from the postdispersal season that maternal photoperiod predicts, replicates of recombinant inbred lines were grown under short days and long days under controlled conditions, and their seeds were dispersed during June in Kentucky (KY) and during June and November in Rhode Island (RI). We found that postdispersal seasonal conditions influenced germination more strongly than did the photoperiod during seed maturation. Genetic variation was detected for germination responses to all environmental factors. Transgressive segregation created novel germination phenotypes, revealing a potential contribution of hybridization of ecotypes to the evolution of germination. A genetic trade-off in germination percentage across sites indicated that determinants of fitness at or before the germination stage may constrain the geographic range that a given genotype can inhabit. However, germination timing exhibited only weak pleiotropy across treatments, suggesting that different sets of genes contribute to variation in germination behavior in different seasonal conditions and geographic locations. Thus, the genetic potential exists for rapid evolution of appropriate germination responses in novel environments, facilitating colonization across a broad geographic range.
Germination timing of Arabidopsis thaliana displays strong plasticity to geographic location and seasonal conditions experienced by seeds. We identified which plastic responses were adaptive using recombinant inbred lines in a field manipulation of geographic location (Kentucky, KY; Rhode Island, RI), maternal photoperiod (14-h and 10-h days), and season of dispersal (June and November). Transgressive segregation created novel genotypes that had either higher fitness or lower fitness in certain environments than either parent. Natural selection on germination timing and its variation explained 72% of the variance in fitness among genotypes in KY, 30% in June-dispersed seeds in RI, but only 4% in November-dispersed seeds in RI. Therefore, natural selection on germination timing is an extremely efficient sieve that can determine which genotypes can persist in some locations, and its efficiency is geographically variable and depends on other aspects of life history. We found no evidence for adaptive responses to maternal photoperiod during seed maturation. We did find adaptive plasticity to season of seed dispersal in RI. Seeds dispersed in June postponed germination, which was adaptive, while seeds dispersed in November accelerated germination, which was also adaptive. We also found maladaptive plasticity to geographic location for seeds dispersed in June, such that seeds dispersed in KY germinated much sooner than the optimum time. Consequently, bet hedging in germination timing was favorable in KY; genotypes with more variation in germination timing had higher fitness because greater variation was associated with postponed germination. Selection on germination timing varied across geographic location, indicating that germination timing can be a critical stage in the establishment of genotypes in new locations. The rate of evolution of germination timing may therefore strongly influence the rate at which species can expand their range.
Germination responses to seasonal conditions determine the environment experienced by postgermination life stages, and this ability has potential consequences for the evolution of plant life histories. Using recombinant inbred lines of Arabidopsis thaliana, we tested whether life-history characters exhibited plasticity to germination timing, whether germination timing influenced the strength and mode of natural selection on life-history traits, and whether germination timing influenced the expression of genetic variation for life-history traits. Adult life-history traits exhibited strong plasticity to season of germination, and season of germination significantly altered the strength, mode, and even direction of selection on life-history traits under some conditions. None of the average plastic responses to season of germination or season of dispersal were adaptive, although some genotypes within our sample did exhibit adaptive responses. Thus, recombination between inbred lineages created some novel adaptive genotypes with improved responses to the seasonal timing of germination under some, but not all, conditions. Genetically based variation in germination time tended to augment genetic variances of adult life-history traits, but it did not increase the heritabilities because it also increased environmentally induced variance. Under some conditions, plasticity of life-history traits in response to genetically variable germination timing actually obscured genetic variation for those traits. Therefore, the evolution of germination responses can influence the evolution of life histories in a general manner by altering natural selection on life-history traits and the genetic variation of these traits.
The repeated evolutionary transition from outcrossing to self-pollination in flowering plants has been suggested to occur because selfing provides reproductive assurance. Reports from biogeographical and ecological surveys indicate that selfing taxa are often associated with stressful and ephemeral environments, situations in which plant abundance is low (e.g., Baker's law) and with novel plant communities, however experimental tests of ecological hypotheses are few. In this study, we examined the ecological context of selection on mating system traits (herkogamy and protandry) in a California annual, Clarkia xantiana, where natural selfing populations differ from outcrossing populations in that they are often of small size or low density and occur mainly outside the range of pollinator-sharing congeners. We constructed artificial populations of plants with broad genetic variation in floral traits and manipulated two ecological factors, plant population size, and the presence versus absence of pollinator-sharing congeners, in the center of the geographic range of outcrossing populations. We found evidence for context-dependent selection on herkogamy and protandry via female fitness in which reduced traits, which promote autonomous selfing, were favored in small populations isolated from congeners whereas selection was comparatively weak in large populations or when congeners were present. In small, isolated populations, the fertility of plants with low herkogamy or protandry was elevated by 66% and 58%, respectively, compared to those with high herkogamy or protandry. The presence of pollinator-sharing congeners augmented bee visitation rates to C. xantiana flowers by 47% for all bees and by 93% for pollen specialists. By facilitating pollinator visitation, congeners mitigated selection on mating system traits in small populations, where outcross mating success is often low (the Allee effect). We also found support for the hypothesis that pollinator availability directly influenced variation in the strength of selection on herkogamy among populations. The striking parallels between our experimental results and patterns of variation in ecological factors across the geographic range of outcrossing and selfing populations suggest that reproductive assurance may play a central role in directing mating system evolution in C. xantiana.
Asexual taxa are short-lived, suggesting that transitions to asexuality represent evolutionary dead-ends. However, with high rates of clonal origin and coexistence of asexuals and sexuals via selective asymmetries, asexuality may persist in the long term as a result of a dynamic equilibrium between clonal origin and extinction. Few such systems have been studied in detail. Here, we investigate the evolutionary history of asexual lineages of Daphnia pulex, which are derived from sexual relatives via the inheritance of a dominant female-limited meiosis-suppressing locus and inhabit ponds throughout northeastern North America (NA). Our extensive sampling and subsequent phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial sequence data reveals a young and genetically diverse asexual assemblage, reflecting high rates of clonal origin due to the contagious nature of asexuality. Yet, asexuality is restricted to two phylogroups (B and C) with historical and/or present associations with northeastern NA and is absent from a northwestern phylogroup (A), supporting a recent northeastern origin of asexuality in this species. Furthermore, macrogeographic patterns of genetic variability indicate that phylogroups B and C recolonized northeastern NA from opposite directions, yet their presently overlapping geographic distributions are similarly divided into an eastern asexual and a western sexual region. We attribute these patterns to a recent contagious spread of asexuality from a northeastern source. If environment-mediated selective asymmetries play no significant role in determining the outcome of competitive interactions between sexuals and asexuals, regions of contact may be setting the stage for continued asexual conquests.
Sex ratios of flowering individuals in dioecious plant populations are often close to unity, or are male biased owing to gender-specific differences in flowering or mortality. Female-biased sex ratios, although infrequent, are often reported in species with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to account for female bias: (1) selective fertilization resulting from differential pollen-tube growth of female- versus male-determining microgametophytes (certation); (2) differences in the performance and viability of the sexes after parental investment. Here we investigate these hypotheses in Rumex nivalis (Polygonaceae), a European alpine herb with female-biased sex ratios in which females possess XX, and males XY1Y2, sex chromosomes. Using field surveys and a glasshouse experiment we investigated the relation between sex ratios and life-history stage in 18 populations from contrasting elevations and snowbed microsites and used a male-specific SCAR-marker to determine the sex of nonflowering individuals. Female bias among flowering individuals was one of the highest reported for populations of a dioecious species (mean female frequency = 0.87), but males increased in frequency at higher elevations and in the center of snowbeds. Female bias was also evident in nonflowering individuals (mean 0.78) and in seeds from open-pollinated flowers (mean 0.59). The female bias in seeds was weakly associated with the frequency of male flowering individuals in populations in the direction predicted when certation occurs. Under glasshouse conditions, females outperformed males at several life-history stages, although male seeds were heavier than female seeds. Poor performance of Y1Y2 gametophytes and male sporophytes in R. nivalis may be a consequence of the accumulation of deleterious mutations on Y-sex chromosomes.
Physiological traits that control the uptake of carbon dioxide and loss of water are key determinants of plant growth and reproduction. Variation in these traits is often correlated with environmental gradients of water, light, and nutrients, suggesting that natural selection is the primary evolutionary mechanism responsible for physiological diversification. Responses to selection, however, can be constrained by the amount of standing genetic variation for physiological traits and genetic correlations between these traits. To examine the potential for constraint on adaptive evolution, we estimated the quantitative genetic basis of physiological trait variation in one population of each of two closely related species (Lobelia siphilitica and L. cardinalis). Restricted maximum likelihood analyses of greenhouse-grown half-sib families were used to estimate genetic variances and covariances for seven traits associated with carbon and water relations. We detected significant genetic variation for all traits in L. siphilitica, suggesting that carbon-gain and water-use traits could evolve in response to natural selection in this population. In particular, narrow-sense heritabilities for photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), and water-use efficiency (WUE) in our L. siphilitica population were high relative to previous studies in other species. Although there was significant narrow-sense heritability for A in L. cardinalis, we detected little genetic variation for traits associated with water use (gs and WUE), suggesting that our population of this species may be unable to adapt to drier environments. Despite being tightly linked functionally, the genetic correlation between A and gs was not strong and significant in either population. Therefore, our L. siphilitica population would not be genetically constrained from evolving high A (and thus fixing more carbon for growth and reproduction) while also decreasing gs to limit water loss. However, a significant negative genetic correlation existed between WUE and plant size in L. siphilitica, suggesting that high WUE may be negatively associated with high fecundity. In contrast, our results suggest that any constraints on the evolution of photosynthetic and stomatal traits of L. cardinalis are caused primarily by a lack of genetic variation, rather than by genetic correlations between these functionally related traits.
Organisms and the symbionts they harbor may experience opposing forces of selection. In particular, the contrasting inheritance patterns of maternally transmitted symbionts and their host's nuclear genes can engender conflict among organizational levels over the optimal host offspring sex ratio. This study uses a male-killing Wolbachia endosymbiont and its host Drosophila innubila to experimentally address the potential for multilevel selection in a host-symbiont system. We show that bacterial density can vary among infected females, and that females with a higher density have a more female-biased offspring sex ratio. Furthermore, bacterial density is an epigenetic and heritable trait: females with a low bacterial load have daughters with a lower-than-average bacterial density, whose offspring then experience less severe male-killing. For infected sons, the probability of embryonic mortality increases with the bacterial density in their mothers. The frequency distribution of Wolbachia density among individual D. innubila females, and therefore the dynamics of infection within populations of these flies, results both from processes affecting the growth and regulation of bacterial populations within cytoplasmic lineages and from selection among cytoplasmic lineages that vary in bacterial density. Estimates of effective population size of Wolbachia within cytoplasmic lineages and of D. innubila at the host population level suggest that selection among cytoplasmic lineages is likely to overwhelm the results of selection within lineages.
We test the relative rates of evolution of pre- and postzygotic reproductive isolation using eight populations of the sexually dimorphic stalk-eyed flies Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni and C. whitei. Flies from these populations exhibit few morphological differences yet experience strong sexual selection on male eyestalks. To measure reproductive isolation we housed one male and three female flies from within and between these populations in replicate cages and then recorded mating behavior, sperm transfer, progeny production, and hybrid fertility. Using a phylogeny based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes, we found that premating isolation, postmating isolation prior to hybrid eclosion, and female hybrid sterility evolve gradually with respect to mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence. In contrast, male hybrid sterility evolves much more rapidly—at least twice as fast as any other form of reproductive isolation. Hybrid sterility, therefore, obeys Haldane's rule. Although some brood sex ratios were female biased, average brood sex ratio did not covary with genetic distance, as would be expected if hybrid inviability obeyed Haldane's rule. The likelihood that forces including sexual selection and intra- and intergenomic conflict may have contributed to these patterns is discussed.
Holometabolous insects inhabit almost every terrestrial ecosystem. The evolutionary success of holometabolous insects stems partly from their developmental program, which includes discrete larval and adult stages. To gain an understanding of how development differs among holometabolous insect taxa, we used cDNA microarray technology to examine differences in gene expression between larval and adult Camponotus festinatus ants. We then compared expression patterns obtained from our study to those observed in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. We found that many genes showed distinct patterns of expression between the larval and adult ant life stages, a result that was confirmed through quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Genes involved in protein metabolism and possessing structural activity tended to be more highly expressed in larval than adult ants. In contrast, genes relatively upregulated in adults possessed a greater diversity of functions and activities. We also discovered that patterns of expression observed for homologous genes in D. melanogaster differed substantially from those observed in C. festinatus. Our results suggest that the specific molecular mechanisms involved in metamorphosis will differ substantially between insect taxa. Systematic investigation of gene expression during development of other taxa will provide additional information on how developmental pathways evolve.
Stabilizing selection is a fundamental concept in evolutionary biology. In the presence of a single intermediate optimum phenotype (fitness peak) on the fitness surface, stabilizing selection should cause the population to evolve toward such a peak. This prediction has seldom been tested, particularly for suites of correlated traits. The lack of tests for an evolutionary match between population means and adaptive peaks may be due, at least in part, to problems associated with empirically detecting multivariate stabilizing selection and with testing whether population means are at the peak of multivariate fitness surfaces. Here we show how canonical analysis of the fitness surface, combined with the estimation of confidence regions for stationary points on quadratic response surfaces, may be used to define multivariate stabilizing selection on a suite of traits and to establish whether natural populations reside on the multivariate peak. We manufactured artificial advertisement calls of the male cricket Teleogryllus commodus and played them back to females in laboratory phonotaxis trials to estimate the linear and nonlinear sexual selection that female phonotactic choice imposes on male call structure. Significant nonlinear selection on the major axes of the fitness surface was convex in nature and displayed an intermediate optimum, indicating multivariate stabilizing selection. The mean phenotypes of four independent samples of males, from the same population as the females used in phonotaxis trials, were within the 95% confidence region for the fitness peak. These experiments indicate that stabilizing sexual selection may play an important role in the evolution of male call properties in natural populations of T. commodus.
Asexual reproduction in vertebrates is rare and generally considered an evolutionary dead end. Asexuality is often associated with polyploidy, and several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this relationship. So far, it remains unclear whether polyploidization in asexual organisms is a frequent or a rare event. Here we present a field study on the gynogenetic Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. We used multilocus fingerprints and microsatellites to investigate the genetic diversity in 339 diploid and 55 triploid individuals and in 25 P. mexicana, its sexual host. Although multilocus DNA fingerprints found high clonal diversity in triploids, microsatellites revealed only two very similar clones in the triploids. Phylogenetic analysis of microsatellite data provided evidence for a monophyletic origin of the triploid clones of P. formosa. In addition, shared alleles within the triploid clones between the triploid and diploid genotypes and between asexual and sexual lineages indicate a recent origin of triploid clones in Poecilia formosa.
Is the cost of reproduction different between males and females? On the one hand, males typically compete intensely for mates, thus sexual selection theory predicts higher cost of reproduction for males in species with intense male-male competition. On the other hand, care provisioning such as incubating the eggs and raising young may also be costly, thus parental care theory predicts higher mortality for the care-giving sex, which is often the female. We tested both hypotheses of reproductive costs using phylogenetic comparative analyses of sex-specific adult mortality rates of 194 bird species across 41 families. First, we show that evolutionary increases in male-male competition were associated with male-biased mortalities. This relationship is consistent between two measures of mating competition: social mating system and testis size. Second, as predicted by the parental cost hypothesis, females have significantly higher adult mortalities (mean ± SE, 0.364 ± 0.01) than males (0.328 ± 0.01). However, the mortality cost of parental care was only detectable in males, when the influence of mating competition was statistically controlled. Taken together, our results challenge the traditional explanation of female-biased avian mortalities, because evolutionary changes in female care were unrelated to changes in mortality bias. The interspecific variation in avian mortality bias, as we show here, is driven by males, specifically via the costs of both mating competition and parental care. We also discuss alternative hypotheses for why most birds exhibit female-biased mortalities, whereas in mammals male-biased mortalities predominate.
This study measures the correlation between within- and among-individual variance to gain a greater understanding of the relationship of the underlying mechanisms governing developmental stability and canalization. Twenty-six landmarks were digitized in three dimensions from the crania of 228 adult macaques from Cayo Santiago. The phenotypic variance between individuals was measured and divided into its genetic and environmental components using matriline information. Within-individual variance was measured as the fluctuating asymmetry between bilateral landmarks. We found positive and significant correlations between the phenotypic, environmental, and fluctuating asymmetry variances for interlandmark distances. We also found low but significant correspondences between the covariation structures of the three variability components using both Procrustes and interlandmark distance data. Therefore, we find that in macaque skulls traits that exhibit greater levels of asymmetry deviations also exhibit greater levels of environmental variance, and that the covariances of absolute symmetry deviations partly correspond to covariances of mean deviations at the individual level. These results suggest that the underlying processes that determine canalization and developmental stability are at least partly overlapping. However, the low correlations reported here are also evidence for a degree of independence between these variability components.
In addition to the familiar possibility of epistasis between nuclear loci, interactions may evolve between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in eukaryotic cells. We looked for such interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae genotypes evolved independently and asexually in the laboratory for 2000 generations, and in an ecologically distinct pathogenic S. cerevisiae strain. From these strains we constructed derivatives entirely lacking mitochondrial DNA and then used crosses to construct matched and unmatched pairings of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. We detected fitness effects of such interactions in an evolved laboratory strain and in crosses between the laboratory and pathogen strains. In both cases, there were significant contributions to progeny fitness of both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes and of their interaction. A second evolved genotype showed incompatibility with the first evolved genotype, but the nuclear and mitochondrial contributions to this incompatibility could not be resolved. These results indicate that cytonuclear interactions analogous to those already known from plants and animals can evolve rapidly on an evolutionary timescale.
Evolution of resistance to insecticides provides a useful model for examining fitness trade-offs associated with adaptation to stress. Here, we examined male reproductive costs in pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) resistant to an insecticidal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) produced by transgenic cotton, using contrasts between two pairs of related susceptible and resistant strains. Without competition for access to females, no costs affecting reproductive success of resistant males were observed. Resistant and susceptible males had similar mating frequency and fertility. Additionally, fecundity of females mated to resistant and susceptible males was comparable. In competition for matings with virgin females, resistant and susceptible males had comparable success in one strain, whereas susceptible males tended to mate more often than resistant males in the other. However, irrespective of strain origin, resistant males that mated first sired significantly less offspring than susceptible males that mated first. The reduced first-male paternity in resistant males may involve reduced sperm precedence caused by mutations in a cadherin gene linked with resistance to Bt cotton.
Mutualisms are mutually beneficial interactions between species and are fundamentally important at all levels of biological organization. It is not clear, however, why one species participates in a particular mutualism whereas another does not. Here we show that pre-existing traits can dispose particular species to evolve a mutualistic interaction. Combining morphological, ecological, and behavioral data in a comparative analysis, we show that resource use in Chaitophorus aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) modulates the origin of their mutualism with ants. We demonstrate that aphid species that feed on deeper phloem elements have longer mouthparts, that this inhibits their ability to withdraw their mouthparts and escape predators and that, consequently, this increases their need for protection by mutualist ants.
One-allele isolating mechanisms should make the evolution of reproductive isolation between potentially hybridizing taxa easier than two-allele mechanisms, but the generality of one-allele mechanisms in nature has yet to be established. A potentially important one-allele mechanism is sexual imprinting, where the mate preferences of individuals are based on the phenotype of their parents. Here I test the possibility that sexual imprinting promotes reproductive isolation using sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Sympatric species of sticklebacks consist of large benthic species and small limnetic species that are reproductively isolated and adapted to feeding in different environments. I fostered families of F1 hybrids between the species to males of both species. Preferences of these fostered females for males of either type revealed little or no effect of sexual imprinting on assortative mating. However, F1 females showed preferences for males that were similar to themselves in length, suggesting that size-assortative mating may be more important than sexual imprinting for promoting reproductive isolation between species pairs of threespine sticklebacks.
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