Danilo S. Balete, Blas R. Tabaranza, Lawrence R. Heaney
Fieldiana Zoology 2006 (106), 58-72, (5 April 2006) https://doi.org/10.3158/0015-0754(2006)106[58:AACOTB]2.0.CO;2
Fifty-five species of resident breeding and two species of migratory land birds have been documented on Camiguin Island, including one bittern, one eagle, one junglefowl, two rails, eight doves and pigeons, one parrot, three cuckoos, one owl, three swiftlets, one dollarbird, two kingfishers, one bee-eater, one hornbill, one pitta, one triller, two bulbuls, one crow, four thrushes, three warblers, six flycatchers, one pipit, one wood swallow, two starlings, three sunbirds, two flowerpeckers, two white-eyes, and two munias. At least seven species reported here are first records for Camiguin. Ten species are widespread Philippine endemics, two are near-endemics, and one (Loriculus camiguinensis, described in this volume) is endemic to Camiguin. Additionally, four endemic subspecies are recognized from Camiguin, Ixos everetti catarmanensis, Hypothymis azurea catarmanensis, Diceum trigonostigma isidroi, and Zosterops nigrorum catarmanensis. While this list is not comprehensive, the presence of 57 species demonstrates that many species were able to cross a narrow but permanent sea channel, and the presence of four endemic subspecies and one endemic species indicates that some genetic differentiation has resulted.