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1 March 2012 A Manifold for Injecting Insecticides into a Drip Irrigation System for Small Plot Research Trials with Row Crops
Gerald M. Ghidiu, Paula G. Marçon, Rachel A. Cameron, Edward B. Lang, Greg Hannig, Cheryl A. Bellin
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A 10-port manifold was developed for the injection of insecticides into a drip irrigation system for small plot bell pepper research trials. A 179.1 metric ft lb/s positive displacement Aquaflow® electric chemical metering pump was used to transfer liquid chemical treatments from an 18.9 liter polyethylene bottle through a 10-valve manifold that allowed both water and up to 10 separate chemical treatments to mix and flow into the drip irrigation line of each treatment plot. Because very small amounts of insecticides are injected for small-plot trials, a valve and discharge pipe were built into the manifold to allow for the complete rinse of the system between treatments. This system would be suitable for chemigation research trials in most row crop trials using drip irrigation with or without plastic mulch.

Gerald M. Ghidiu, Paula G. Marçon, Rachel A. Cameron, Edward B. Lang, Greg Hannig, and Cheryl A. Bellin "A Manifold for Injecting Insecticides into a Drip Irrigation System for Small Plot Research Trials with Row Crops," Florida Entomologist 95(1), 21-24, (1 March 2012).
Published: 1 March 2012
Capsicum annuum L.
drip irrigation
European corn borer
Ostrinia nubilalis
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