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1 December 2016 Influence of Various Farmland Habitats on Abundance of Taeniaptera (Diptera: Micropezidae)
Érica Sevilha Harterreiten-Souza, José Roberto Pujol-Luz, Edison Ryoiti Sujii
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Stilt-legged flies play an important ecological role in the process of decomposition of organic matter and, on occasion, in the biological control of insects. Currently, there are 46 known species of Taeniaptera Macquart (Diptera: Micropezidae), and their occurrence is reported in various environments throughout the tropics. In contrast, population information on their temporal and spatial distribution is scarce in areas of the Cerrado biome in Brazil, where habitats are highly disturbed and fragmented by agricultural practices and, therefore, the abundance of the group may change. This study assessed abundance of Taeniaptera species in habitats associated with farmland, and determined the change in abundance throughout the year. The stiltlegged flies were sampled in various habitats, namely, organically produced vegetable crops, fallow areas, agroforestry, and native vegetation associated with 4 farms located in the Federal District. In each habitat, one Malaise trap was installed, which remained in place for 72 h, at 14 d intervals, from Mar 2012 to Feb 2013. In total, 486 individuals were collected and identified as members of the species T. lasciva (F.), T. annulata (F.), and Taeniaptera sp. The mean abundance of flies was highest in vegetable crops when compared with other habitats, and the abundance was relatively steady throughout the year. Among the habitats sampled, vegetable crop systems were the most suitable habitats for conserving Taeniaptera species.

Érica Sevilha Harterreiten-Souza, José Roberto Pujol-Luz, and Edison Ryoiti Sujii "Influence of Various Farmland Habitats on Abundance of Taeniaptera (Diptera: Micropezidae)," Florida Entomologist 99(4), 740-743, (1 December 2016).
Published: 1 December 2016
cerrado vegetation
cultivos de hortalizas orgánicas
organic vegetable crop
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