VOL. 32 · NO. 3 | September 2013
Freshwater Science
Cathy Brown
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 675-691, (21 May 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-168.1
KEYWORDS: monitoring, amphibian, bioregional, probability survey design, probability of detection, Rana muscosa, Rana sierrae, Anaxyrus canorus, GRTS
Andrea M. Caires, Sudeep Chandra
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 692-705, (21 May 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-064.1
KEYWORDS: Lake Tahoe, benthic invertebrates, macrophytes, density decline, endemic species, introduced species
Sohei Kobayashi, Kunihiko Amano, Satoru Nakanishi
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 706-718, (4 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-080.1
KEYWORDS: gravel-bed rivers, riffles, bed topography, invertebrate biomass, bed stability, hydraulic simulations
John R. Olson, Charles P. Hawkins
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 719-740, (4 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-113.1
KEYWORDS: models, nitrogen, nutrient concentrations, nutrient criteria, phosphorus, Random Forests, reference condition, streams, United States, water quality
Ian M. McCullough
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 741-752, (4 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-070.1
KEYWORDS: Secchi disk, transparency, change detection, New England, remote sensing, Satellite imagery, Landsat
Erin E. Scott, Clay Prater, Eric Norman, Bryant C. Baker, Michelle Evans-White, J. Thad Scott
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 753-761, (11 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-215.1
KEYWORDS: nutrients, phosphorus, stoichiometry, leaf litter, detritus, streams, Aquatic fungi, Decomposition
Melanie Mueller, Joachim Pander, Juergen Geist
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 762-778, (11 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-212.1
KEYWORDS: freshwater biodiversity, taxonomic surrogates, community pattern, functional diversity, ecological traits, fishes, macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, algae
Danelle M. Larson, Bartosz P. Grudzinski, Walter K. Dodds, Melinda D. Daniels, Adam Skibbe, Anthony Joern
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 779-791, (18 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-118.1
KEYWORDS: tallgrass prairie, grasslands, streams, burning, Bison bison, Bos bison, prescribed fire, grazers, Total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total suspended solids
Caren S. Goldberg, Adam Sepulveda, Andrew Ray, Jeremy Baumgardt, Lisette P. Waits
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 792-800, (18 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/13-046.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: environmental DNA, eDNA, Early detection, New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, qPCR
Jacob J. Vander Laan, Charles P. Hawkins, John R. Olson, Ryan A. Hill
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 801-820, (18 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-186.1
KEYWORDS: causal analysis, Electrical conductivity, Ecological assessment, flow modification, metals, models, nutrients, pollutants, Random Forests, stream ecosystems, stressors, temperature
Ryan M. Burrows, Jason B. Fellman, Regina H. Magierowski, Leon A. Barmuta
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 821-836, (18 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-163.1
KEYWORDS: Dissolved organic matter, bacterial carbon production, headwater streams, fluorescence, biogeochemistry, PARAFAC, clearfell forestry
Jeffrey A. Back, Ryan S. King
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 837-848, (25 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-181.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: ecological stoichiometry, elemental composition, ontogeny, homeostasis, phosphorus, nutrient patterns, aquatic insects
J. Thad Scott, Erin M. Grantz
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 849-861, (25 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-190.1
KEYWORDS: nitrogen fixation, P limitation paradigm, phytoplankton nutrient limitation, eutrophication management
David M. Malakauskas, Sarah J. Willson, Margaret A. Wilzbach, Nicholas A. Som
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 862-873, (25 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-140.1
KEYWORDS: Ceratomyxa, Parvicapsula, shear, invertebrate drift, flow, Klamath River
George T. Merovich, J. Todd Petty
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 874-891, (2 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-082.1
KEYWORDS: freshwater restoration and protection, watershed classification, landscape models, boosted regression trees, predictive models, stream ecosystem integrity, water quality, watershed management, Coal mining, Acid mine drainage, acid rain, benthic macroinvertebrates
Alyssa M. Anderson, Elisabeth Stur, Torbjørn Ekrem
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 892-921, (16 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-026.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Tanytarsini, subletteorum, penicillata, neoappendica, xantha, descriptions, key, phylogeny, cryptic species, Integrative taxonomy, DNA taxonomy, mitochondrial COI, CAD, Nearctic
Joshua P. Martin, Carla M. Wytrykush, Jan J. H. Ciborowski
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 922-932, (16 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-168.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: nucleolar organizer region, Chironomidae, growth, polytene, Chromosome, puff, biomarker
José Maurício B. Quintão
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 933-950, (16 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-112.1
KEYWORDS: Eutrophication, pollution, oligotrophic, microbial community, chemical composition, Aquatic invertebrates
Tomi P. Luoto, Veli-Pekka Salonen, Isabelle Larocque-Tobler, Reinhard Pienitz, Sonja Hausmann, Hervé Guyard, Guillaume St-Onge
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 951-963, (16 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-178.1
KEYWORDS: Chironomidae, Cladocera, Holocene, Lake sediments, paleoclimate, paleolimnology, Pingualuit Crater Lake
Tiffany A. Schriever
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 964-975, (23 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/13-008.1
KEYWORDS: disturbance, stable isotopes, Food web, wetland, amphibians, invertebrates
Allison E. Bullard, Anne E. Hershey
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 976-990, (23 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-071.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Corbicula fluminea, anthropogenic nitrogen, seston quality, urban stream, wastewater treatment plant effluent
Lisa A. Kunza, Robert O. Hall
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 991-1004, (23 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-102.1
KEYWORDS: N2-fixation, nutrient releasing substrate, Nutrient limitation, algal assemblage dynamics, oligotrophic stream, nitrogenase activity
R. Jan Stevenson, Jason T. Zalack
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 1005-1025, (30 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-183.1
KEYWORDS: biological condition, Ecological assessment, diversity, nutrients, National Lakes Assessment, USA
Christopher J. Patrick
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 1026-1035, (30 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-090.1
KEYWORDS: leaf decomposition, particle production, FPOM, shredder, processing chain ecology, biodiversity
Richard A. MacKenzie, Tracy N. Wiegner, Frances Kinslow, Nicole Cormier, Ayron M. Strauch
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 1036-1052, (30 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-152.1
KEYWORDS: nitrogen fixing, invasive species, Falcataria moluccana, leaf litter decomposition, tropical stream
Book Reviews
Arthur E. Bogan, Susan Lawler
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 1053-1055, (30 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1899/32.3.BR.1054.1
No abstract available
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