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VOL. 33 · NO. 2 | June 2014

Articles (28)
Andrew S. Mehring, Kevin A. Kuehn, Cynthia J. Tant, Catherine M. Pringle, R. Richard Lowrance, George Vellidis
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 377-389, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: hypoxia, SOD, swamp, litterfall, intermittent, Fungi, Taxodium, Nyssa, Acer, Quercus, Suwannee
Richard M. Zamor, Nathan R. Franssen, Clayton Porter, Tim M. Patton, K. David Hambright
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 390-401, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: ecosystem disruptive algal bloom, EDAB, harmful algae, Fish kill, Prymnesium parvum, Lake Texoma
Marius Bottin, Janne Soininen, Martial Ferrol, Juliette Tison-Rosebery
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 402-416, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: diatoms, rivers, spatial, barrier, dispersal, temporal
Jeremy S. Bril, Jonathan J. Durst, Brion M. Hurley, Craig L. Just, Teresa J. Newton
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 417-424, (13 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: native freshwater mussels, electronic sensor data, water chemistry, nitrate, inferred digestion time
Antonia Liess
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 425-434, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: ecological stoichiometry, benthos, grazer, excretion, fecal pellets, periphyton, compensatory feeding
Frank O. Masese, Nzula Kitaka, Julius Kipkemboi, Gretchen M. Gettel, Kenneth Irvine, Michael E. McClain
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 435-450, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: detritivore shredders, stream invertebrates, ecosystem function, gut content analysis, omnivory, trophic relationships, Potamonautes spp., organic matter, riparian disturbance, Afrotropical streams
María E. Ocasio-Torres, Todd A. Crowl, Alberto M. Sabat
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 451-458, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: inducible defenses, phenotypic plasticity, predator—prey interactions, freshwater shrimp, Caribbean Streams
Raphael D. Mazor, Eric D. Stein, Peter R. Ode, Ken Schiff
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 459-474, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: biomonitoring, watershed assessment, temporary streams, stress—response
Marco Cantonati, Rex L. Lowe
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 475-486, (27 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: lakes, littoral zone, benthic algae, periphyton, ecology, benthic primary production, depth gradient, water-level fluctuations (WLF), light, invasive species, nutrients
Bryan Althouse, Scott Higgins, M. Jake Vander Zanden
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 487-498, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: benthic primary production, planktonic primary production, autotrophic structure, dreissenids, Cladophora, Eutrophication, nutrients, Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Laurentian Great Lakes
Marco Cantonati, Graziano Guella, Daniel Spitale, Nicola Angeli, Andrea Borsato, Valeria Lencioni, Maria L. Filippi
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 499-512, (31 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: water-level fluctuations (WLFs), proxy, scytonemin, benthic algae, mountain carbonate lake, paleolimnology, algal pigments, diatoms, chironomids
Aloisie Poulíčková, Petr Dvořák, Petra Mazalová, Petr Hašler
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 513-523, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: epipelon, diatoms, cyanobacteria, cryptic diversity, bioindication, metagenomics, sequencing, lake
Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Shawn P. Devlin, Peter B. McIntyre, M. Jake Vander Zanden
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 524-536, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: periphyton, light, microphytobenthos, phytoplankton, epipelon, disturbance, phosphorus, C:N, north temperate lakes, Wisconsin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Tahoe
Marco Cantonati, Graziano Guella, Jiří Komárek, Daniel Spitale
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 537-547, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: epilithon, cyanobacteria, depth distribution, carbonate mountain lakes, scytonemin, light, PAR, UV, periphyton, pigments, water-level fluctuations
Marco Cantonati, Jiří Komárek, Mariona Hernández-Mariné, Nicola Angeli
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 548-556, (18 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: Geitleribactron, Chlorogloea purpurea, cyanoprokaryotes, cyanobacteria, epilithon, depth distribution, carbonate mountain lakes, periphyton, PAR
Kevin H. Wyatt, Elise Tellez, Rebeccah L. Woodke, Robert J. Bidner, Ian R. Davison
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 557-567, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: algal exudates, Cladophora, Laurentian Great Lakes, nutrients, primary production
Caren E. Scott, Donald A. Jackson, Ann P. Zimmerman
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 568-576, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: extracellular material, benthic algae, lake, environment, algal community, path analysis, Lake Opeongo
Cayelan C. Carey, Kathleen C. Weathers, Holly A. Ewing, Meredith L. Greer, Kathryn L. Cottingham
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 577-592, (25 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: benthic—pelagic coupling, akinetes, phytoplankton, lake stratification, climate change, dormancy
Jan Mareš, Marco Cantonati, Graziano Guella, Daniel Spitale
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 593-605, (18 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: lake benthic algae, lake eulittoral, Jaoa bullata, molecular phylogeny, membrane lipids profile, betaine lipids, allochthonous freshwater algae, siphonaxanthin
Christiane Hudon, Michèle De Sève, Antonella Cattaneo
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 606-618, (18 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: Lyngbya wollei, cyanobacteria, metaphyton, benthic filamentous mats, toxins, metabolism, geographical distribution, proliferation, nuisance species
Dean M. DeNicola, Martyn Kelly
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 619-638, (27 March 2014)
KEYWORDS: lake assessment, Eutrophication, biological condition, lake management, diatoms, ecological integrity, bioassessment, water quality, biomonitoring, benthic algae, trophic status
Helen Bennion, Martyn G. Kelly, Steve Juggins, Marian L. Yallop, Amy Burgess, Jane Jamieson, Jan Krokowski
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 639-654, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: diatoms, phytobenthos, lakes, Water Framework Directive, ecological status, nutrients, metrics, reference conditions
Maria Kahlert, Steffi Gottschalk
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 655-669, (1 June 2014)
KEYWORDS: littoral, freshwater, ecology, diversity, bioindices
Robert S. Stelzer, Donna R. Kashian
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 670-673, (20 February 2014) Open Access
No abstract available
Donna R. Kashian, Ann E. Krause, Larissa Sano, Branda Nowell, Ken G. Drouillard
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 674-678, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: capacity, fish consumption advisory, stakeholders, PCBs, management, contaminants
Elaine Sterrett Isely, Alan D. Steinman, Paul N. Isely, Michael A. Parsell
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 679-685, (1 June 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: collaboration, ecosystem services, education, engagement, green infrastructure, local decision makers, stakeholder participation, stormwater, watershed management
Jo A. Latimore, Paul J. Steen
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 686-692, (28 March 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: volunteer monitoring, Michigan, partnership, collaboration, management, research, lakes, rivers, streams
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 693, (1 June 2014)
No abstract available
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