Dietrich, M. & Bürgi-Meyer, K. 2010. Interesting saxicolous lichens at Tossen near Schimbrigbad in the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch (Canton of Lucerne, Central Switzerland). — Herzogia 23: 75–84.
The description of the interesting lichen flora of the rock habitat at Tossen complements the knowledge of saxicolous species in the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch. At an altitude of 1480 m 61 lichen species were observed inhabiting the rock. Caloplaca dichroa, C. pusilla and Fulgensia klementii are mentioned for the first time from Switzerland. Acrocordia conoidea, Diplotomma alboatrum, Fulgensia bracteata subsp. deformis, Lecanora agardhiana, Porina byssophila, Synalissa symphorea and Thelidium minimum are new to the canton of Lucerne. Further species, until now only rarely registered in Switzerland, are mentioned specially, among them Lecanora reuteri, Naetrocymbe saxicola and Squamarina lamarckii. The documented lichen flora is very similar to comparable places at Mount Pilatus, from where the occurrence of Dacampia hookeri, Lecanora admontensis and Leucocarpia biatorella is mentioned for the first time from the canton of Lucerne.