Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Wolfgang von Brackel
Herzogia 26 (2), 323-359, (1 December 2013) https://doi.org/10.13158/heia.26.2.2013.323
KEYWORDS: biodiversity, Ascomycota, parasites, taxonomy, new species, biogeography, Spitsbergen
Zhurbenko, M. P. & Brackel, W. v. 2013. Checklist of lichenicolous fungi and lichenicolous lichens of Svalbard, including new species, new records and revisions. – Herzogia 26: 323–359.
Hainesia bryonorae Zhurb. (on Bryonora castanea), Lichenochora caloplacae Zhurb. (on Caloplaca species), Sphaerellothecium epilecanora Zhurb. (on Lecanora epibryon), and Trimmatostroma cetrariae Brackel (on Cetraria islandica) are described as new to science. Forty four species of lichenicolous fungi (Arthonia apotheciorum, A. aspiciliae, A. epiphyscia, A. molendoi, A. pannariae, A. peltigerina, Cercidospora ochrolechiae, C. trypetheliza, C. verrucosaria, Dacampia engeliana, Dactylospora aeruginosa, D. frigida, Endococcus fusiger, E. sendtneri, Epibryon conductrix, Epilichen glauconigellus, Lichenochora coppinsii, L. weillii, Lichenopeltella peltigericola, L. santessonii, Lichenostigma chlaroterae, L. maureri, Llimoniella vinosa, Merismatium decolorans, M. heterophractum, Muellerella atricola, M. erratica, Pronectria erythrinella, Protothelenella croceae, Skyttella mulleri, Sphaerellothecium parmeliae, Sphaeropezia santessonii, S. thamnoliae, Stigmidium cladoniicola, S. collematis, S. frigidum, S. leucophlebiae, S. mycobilimbiae, S. pseudopeltideae, Taeniolella pertusariicola, Tremella cetrariicola, Xenonectriella lutescens, X. ornamentata, and Zwackhiomyces berengerianus) and six species of lichens (Agonimia globulifera, Carbonea assimilis, Lecidella anomaloides, Steinia geophana, Tetramelas phaeophysciae, and Thelocarpon impressellum) are newly reported from Svalbard. Endococcus sendtneri is also new to the Arctic. Thus, 136 species of lichenicolous fungi and 42 species of lichens occurring on other lichens are known from the archipelago, which makes it one of the best studied areas in the Arctic regarding lichenicolous mycobiota. Eight species of lichenicolous fungi or lichens are reported on new host genera, and seven species on new host species.