Gerald T. Baker, Jennifer Davis, William Monroe, Angsumarn Chandrapatya
Invertebrate Biology 119 (3), 342-348, (31 December 2024)
KEYWORDS: sensilla, dendrites
The apex of the larval antenna of the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis has 6 cuticular sensilla that stained intensely black with silver nitrate, which indicates their porosity. The large sensory cone is innervated by 14 neurons and the 3 small, smooth surfaced, conical pegs have 4 neurons each. The small and large cylindrical sensilla with their smooth walls and pleated apices are innervated by 4 and 6 nerve cells, respectively. The 15 sensilla on the apex of the maxillary palp are all stained by silver nitrate. These sensilla are of five types: 7 type A sensilla with a smooth surface, a distinct apical pore, and 3 or 4 neurons; 2 type B sensilla with a smooth surface, many pores, and 5 neurons; 1 type C sensillum with a grooved surface, a large apical pore, smaller pores in the grooves, and 6 neurons; 3 type D sensilla with a smooth surface, a grooved apex that is elongated into a projection, and 4 neurons; 2 type E sensilla with many pores covering the surface, leaf-like appearance, and 4 neurons. The number and types of sensilla are similar to those in other nematocerous larvae, but in the many different forms of sensilla and the structure of the sensory cone, these tipulid larvae differ greatly from other larvae of lower Diptera.